PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Goes back to the Second War with mana bomb technology, uses it to annihilate the Horde utterly, encourages the Alliance to remain unified under one banner (because no one wants to make themselves a potential target of the superpower with the magical nukes) and proceeds to rewire the Dark Portal to lead to MU Azeroth instead of AU Draenor, which they then invade.

But to be honest, I don’t think I’d like a genuine villain Jaina like that. Blizzard handles the concept of “women going too far in the name of retribution” very, very poorly.


There’s an alternate timeline where Garrosh’s story was devised as a parallel to Anduin’s and wouldn’t end at the Broken Shore. Through his warmongering habits as Warchief he’d go from a hotheaded moron zug zug Warsong mudhut orc to a wizened war veteran, matured by his experiences, setbacks and trials as a warrior, soldier and a leader of the Horde.
He’d learn to respect his foes and the Alliance instead of despising them from the bottom of his heart and change his stance on warfare in general, seeing it as a necessity to ensure his people won’t starve or suffer. He would be the hardened realist who sees conflict as a means to keep the Horde’s grip firm on Azeroth lest they would be wiped out or subjugated, while Anduin would be the idealistic, slightly arrogant High King who pursues peace but strictly on his own terms and to ultimately benefit the Alliance.

But nope, we needed Garry to be a genocidal unrepentant Disney villain for reasons


Ok, that I do like. I’m all for parallels.

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I get the feeling that at some point, the developers ended up a bit dissatisfied with the Horde and ended up going “man, we made them way too soft, we should go back to the good old days when orcs felt like orcs and were brutal and savage and metal,” a sentiment that ramped up over the course of four expansions from the more militaristic Horde Expedition under the leadership of Garrosh Hellscream, to ridiculous and hilarious over-saturation of brutal and savage and metal orcs with Warlords of Draenor.

As for why she would go back to the Second War instead of the First War, I imagine that the human nations wouldn’t consider the Horde a worthy threat to unite against if one country was able to squash them on their own.
Not only that, but I imagine that this version of Jaina would probably feel quite spiteful towards the Wrynn dynasty that allowed Theramore to get nuked and that sought peace with the Horde, so she punishes them in a petty way by allowing the entire nation of Stormwind to be crushed by the Horde in her universe, never to rise again.
It also creates more a difference between the Iron Alliance and the MU Alliance, since the MU one is painfully Stormwind-centric while the Iron Alliance could allow each kingdom to possess a distinct culture without becoming neutral, being destroyed or transforming into monsters, with nothing that looks remotely like Stormwind.

Both, because that way we get the WC1/2 nostalgia and Time-Lost Arthas.

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Thank you! It was improvised from personal experience and there’s more where that came from.

Think it’s time to let the naked nelfposter be and not respond to him anymore. He’s clearly here to fight for the “cause” of night elf greatness, on a realm he does not play on, and he’s not going to stop. In fact, it’s starting to look a bit unhealthy, way past what I consider to be a healthy discussion.


Why wouldn’t legion make sense without WoD? It’s a demonic invasion (again), literally any warlock in service to the Burning Legion could be the one they send to steal Illidan from the Wardens and kick off the story. In fact it would make a ton more sense because it would immediately follow Wrathion’s questline through MoP where he is desperately trying to bulk up Azeroth’s defences in preparation for an impending Legion invasion.

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It would make sense without WoD quite easily, but there’s a difference between ‘a warlock’ and Gul’dan.

And that’s why Jaraxxus should have been the one to lead the invasion. We were, frankly, robbed.


200,000 gold for the updated Quel’serrar blades :weary:

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Gimme eleven!

Dang, I like those Troll shield/back recolours, but that’s pricey.

I really don’t understand the gold/gold sink economy enough. If you want to have sinks, why the hell do they make them temprorary? -_-

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FOMO, as it is. Unfortunately, now it takes being rich as much as being here in time.


We are so back


One does tire of it. Just when I start having hope that we’ll be leaving time-limited features and content in the past where it belongs, along comes a new branch on the tree of lackluster game design.


We’re so back bros…

200,000 is not difficult to acquire even for a complete auction house andy like myself.
I was expecting them to be 2 MILLION, considering Quel’Serrar being an iconic classic era weapon. Makes me wonder if we’ll get Corrupted Ashbringers for all too.

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They’ll be even bigger gold sinks later on when they go on BMAH.

I hate gold sinks!