PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Character growth. Dragonflight has been thematically almost entirely about growing and healing from trauma, and Ysera/Merithra/Alexstrasza had unresolved matters caused by her sudden death in Legion that needed closure. Just like the red dragon dwarf quest that people praise almost universally for its character writing, not all things inherently need to drive the plot forward to be honest. Sometimes letting characters catch a breath, grow, and deal with their personal problems is important enough on its own right.

Humanising their struggles like Merithra’s insecurity about filling the shoes Ysera left behind, and growing into the leader the Green Dragons need is pivotal growth for her character, and it required Ysera “passing the torch” on to make her see that she always had the leader the Greens/the Dream needed in her. Also dealing with her grief and healing from it by being permitted to say goodbye and finally let go.

As a case in point, the Ysera/Merithra interactions during Emerald Dream really resonated with a friend of mine who had lost their mother semi-recently, and there were so many things they wanted to say that they never had the chance for. Seeing a character dealing with that hurt and getting a second chance at closure with their mother was a story beat my friend appreciated a great deal more than any other plot-driving element in the patch, let alone expansion.


I mean, its partly Blizzard’s own fault aswell, they have a habit of making Malfurion extremely powerfull in their portrayels of him in the books, comics, short stories and basicly everything outside of the game and then we have the ingame Malfurion… Who’s just… There, I suppose?

They might aswell be two total different characters

Same goes for most other characters, mind…(Except Jaina, apparently she is always awesome ingame and in other portrayels).


Could’ve had Fyrakk simply incapacitate him during a fight. Malf is powerful but as far as I am aware, the Incarnates were on the same level as the Aspects were before being powered down after Cataclysm. And Malf was not on Aspect/Incarnate-level of strenght. Ultimate troll would be if he got axed in the back again :stuck_out_tongue:

( Does this also mean Vyranoth is double-empowered now? Welp, it’s true, powerlevels are :cow: :poop: ).

I suppose… but I wonder why it was not possible for Ysera to commune with Merithra from the afterlife then, we’ve seen plenty of characters do that. She could still give Merithra the mental boost of confidence that way, right?

On this part I definetly agree with you. I’ve sadly been in the shoes of your friend aswell, and I’d give -alot- for just one more chance to talk to her if it was possible. So I definetly appreciated that part aswell.


I could see a Dream simulacrum or something similar to Sindragosa being by her side in the Emerald Dream, an echo of Ysera manifested by the Dream to fulfill that purpose. But ultimately that wasn’t the choice they wanted to make – possibly because we already had two former Big Name Main Dragons pull that same trick this expansion and a third time might have felt cheap.

I’m sorry for your loss. For me, the different arcs of characters dealing with these matters has been the highlight of the expansion for me. The red dragon dwarf, Sindragosa and Malygos, Ysera and Merithra, the Dragonmaw Veteran – and plenty more. It’s been a character-focused expansion where they’ve worked on their personal issues, and I kind of liked that?

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Not really, as this is how they wrote him all the way back since Warcraft 3, where he was very much written to be one of the main protagonists. It comes down to the problem that Warcraft has had since its inception; story vs gameplay.

For example, in Warcraft 3’s gameplay, the Culling of Stratholme is somewhat straight-forward, with Arthas having little to be blamed for his actions at the beginning of the mission; and WoW’s Caverns of Time’s depiction of it practically absolving him of it by turning the entire dungeon into an undead stronghold from minute 1.

Then, we have the actual lore of it, that describes how the soldiers killed most of the city while they were still very much human, going from door to door to murder innocent citizens whom, for the most part, probably weren’t even infected.

“Well, at his strongest could [y]!” is the death of fantasy storytelling, and with Malfurion, they can barely do anything about it.

People expect him to be exactly as he was at the end of Warcraft 3 all the time, and Blizzard can’t just retcon the finale of Warcraft 3; but neither can they retcon his power, or people will complain, nor can they write him out of the story in any way, as people will either clamor for him to come back as they were during Vanilla - Wrath of the Lich King, or they’ll especially complain if they kill him off in any other way besides Sargeras coming back down for a second stab at the world, this time, directed at Malfurion and Orgrimmar.

Malfurion as a character isn’t just a can of worms, he’s a minefield. He either makes a storyline completely trivial or harder than it should be with 0 in-between, and no matter which way Blizzard leans, the playerbase will complain. People still mention ‘Malfurion’ begging for his life in Legion eight years later, and that wasn’t even Malfurion, it was an illusion of him made by Xavius.


Thank you. It’s been 15 years now though and although I miss her still, I’ve learned to live with it. It’s mostly my dad that struggles with it more.

But yes, I did like the expansion taking the time to have characters heal from trauma and treating death with the reverence it deserves, especially in a setting where ordinary people often died by the thousands. Even if I do understand those who say that the action as we’re used to from most wow-stories took a backseat because of it.



I mean, an Ancient and powerfull proto-drake who outsmarts Malfurion akin to how Xavius did wouldn’t be to farfetched.

I think their whole Xavius vs Malfurion portrayel in Val’sharah was a pretty good way to show how powerfull both are, with Xavius overpowering Malfurion by using more cunning and vile tricks, instead of them fighting all out against each other.

Its akin to how Fandral outsmarted Malfurion to keep him stuck in the Dream from Vanilla to Cataclysm.

Blizzard introducing a character who was a protogé of powerfull badguy X, or just an extremely capable and powerfull individual, who managed to take Malfurion out for a while by way of using Shadowflame would not be out there, and would show that even if Malfurion is a extremely powerfull and capable character, there are those with powers who stand as an anti-thesis to his and are, when also intelligent enough to know when and how to use their powers, also more then capable of taking a semi-Wild God level mortal out, if only for a little while.

I don’t think this would mean Malfurion is now suddenly weaker then he was in War3, but as the World changed, the threats and the powers they command changed with them.

I would still hate to see Malfurion loose, though and I am glad he is back to lead the Cenarion Circle and Kaldorei again!

Those people can shove it, lol

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Agree, if people don’t pay attention and fail to see that that was an illusion of Malfurion conjured by Xavius, rather than the real Malf, that’s their problem. Then again, one could write entire articles on the problems of people not being able to read comprehensively aswell as having the attentionspan of a flea.

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Yeah, one of the undead elves there was a Highborne killed in Elegy, apparently. At least, that was the case last I checked.

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It be tomorrow.

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She overcame that in BfA though.

With the way concept art and models worked out, I don’t believe for one second that Merithra was ever intended to stick around as green aspect. They intended to stick with Ysera and only backtracked after they saw fan responses.


I really enjoy the music in this, did they make a new track just for the trailer?

Backtracking, but I’m also going to chalk some of it up to writer ego where one or more of them could not agree which darling to kill. So instead of going with one focused story (closure and acceptance, arguably the core theme of Dragonflight as Telaryn stated above vs sacrifice for the greater good, boilerplate fantasy moment) we got an amalgamation that is a narrative disaster. Killing Putting Malfurion in the death realm timeout room just for Ysera to give a pep talk feels like one final vestigial twitch of horrendously bad Blizzard writing that permeated BfA and Shadowlands.

I also think a lot of debate that sprung up around Malfurion at the time and now in that he is simply “too powerful for the plot” is complete nonsense because if they want to write Malfurion as a weaker entity they can just write Malfurion as a weaker entity (see Malfurion effortlessly almost reducing Saurfang to mulch in a short story vs getting almost krumped by Saurfang chucking an axe at him in-game).

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So, the trailer is out, do discuss!

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I’m not sure who I like more tbf. I think both those characters are rather cool.

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Our boi returns.


Why did she not just use her instant-finger-snap-automatic-victory ability like she did to the Prime Designate Titan Keeper blessed by Aman’Thul? Why bother letting him even speak, she’s now empowered by Azeroth herself and probably vastly capable of overpowering Iridikron who’s still just an Earth Protodrake. There’s plotholes in the plotholes.


AND THIS is too cute.


This cinematic is actually cool, won’t lie.

Also, not only are the night elves not abandoning Kalimdor, but they’re planning to one day restore Teldrassil!



I am at a loss for words.
Literally the cutest, best, cinematic in the game. Period.

Look at the chad pose, the way their little family reunites. There are way to little moments like these for them ingame, or in any other media concerning the three of them.
