PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Mhm, I too think she’s doubly-empowered now, but I reckon Iridikron at this point in time has some Void-tricks up his sleeve aswell.

Which I was pretty happy to see, that they’re not forgetting about Teldrassil!

Also I guess Starshade’s law finally came to an end. New lore was added which did not make night elves look retroactively stupid.

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Starshade’s Law applies specifically to retcons, and this wasn’t a retcon. So I won’t take a sigh of relief just yet.


I always keep forgetting it only applies to retcons…

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This one’s also very touching I find.


In that case, why didn’t she just tell the entire Aspects and Dragonflights that Iridikron wanted a meeting so they could devise a stealthy plan to wait him out until he appeared and ambush him with the full force of five (six?) Azeroth-Empowered Dragonflights and the Hero of Azeroth?

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A wail from beyond the veil is heard, the sound unintelligible at first… until one could make out the voice of a certain orc.


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There’s no honor in a lunatic blowing up the planet either because he hates some Gods who’ve never done anything to him but I guess she’s okay with that.

Remind me again why she’s considered an ally when she goes behind people’s backs to not plan-in-advance a way to deal with iridikron then-and-there and strike a decisive blow to his machinations?


I really hope they do not regrow Teldrassil because, as I’ve said before, I am thoroughly tired of the Night Elf plotline. I do not need another patch focusing on them, dragging nelfposters into another round of discourse about how it’s still not good enough!!! because it never will be.

Maybe give that time to another race, like idk, the Darkspears.

There’s always honour in killing gods.

Just play any JRPG, it’ll tell you.


Meanwhile gnomes still crying in the corner due to still not having fully reclaimed Gnomeregan.

This is pure speculation on my part but, I reckon it is because, when all’s said and done, it’s still her brother. Sure, it’s a bad brother, but he still is. And with Fyrakk dead, the only relative she got left. It’s not been long since she decided to switch sides to the Aspects.

And switching sides is one thing, but wanting to nuke your own brother is something else.


Are they going to address how utterly terribly they’ve handled goblins over the years, including in Dragonflight? Nah, of course not.

Better set up Teldrassil’s Regrowth in 11.1 instead.

Now with Shandris in the Temple of the Moon because Tyrande and Malfurion are going on a honeymoon (get it)


Mhm, I’d assume the goblins would want to go back to Kezan at some point aswell.

I get it that they want to portray gnomes and goblins in their own wacky ways but c’mon, even they deserve some seriousness and closure for a change.


Now that Sethraliss is back and G’huun is dead, do you think we’re going to get a patch or five over the next few expansions doing the restoration of Vol’dun and Nazmir? Rejuvenating them back into the glory of how the Zandalar empire should be?

I mean it’s gotta be coming, right?

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My issue with this is that they’re not actually related, and whilst Vyranoth acts all sad about Fyrakk in this cinematic she was. . .actively a part of his complete demise and didn’t really have any further thoughts on him from that point onward. They’re brothers and sisters in incarnatehood I guess but. . .I don’t feel like that should mean much if your “brother” texts you a message on Dragonsapp saying:
“Yo Sis, might blow the world up and corrupt it later today idk haha”

Edit: I am aware now that apparently the quest-text says she had to come alone to meet him but that’s still:

  1. Not an excuse for just ice-snapping him to death instantly when he revealed himself since she can apparently do that.
  2. Creating a plan with the Aspects, Kirin Tor, Blacktalon, Heroes of Azeroth and Dragonflights to initiate a stealthy operation to ensure that he could be ambushed, and even should he try to fly away, there would be an aspect or two (and two dragonflights) on every side of him so that he could be tracked and downed from the skies.
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Both those cinematics are really good. And, like, that’s just the technical side; I fell the expressions and poses/movement were even more dynamic than before? Impressive.

Feeling positive, NGL.

And of course, some oaf on YouTube is already complaining about “more girlboss wokery”, because Light forbid an elderly king pass his authority to the official heir to the throne who has held that status since the nation first appeared in-game thirteen years ago.


I saw that too. You’ll always have those Gamers with a capital G that complain whenever a woman gets something. I will admit, I’m not a fan of too much woke either, but this video was not the place for that argument.

But Genn’s actually abdicating here then? I admit, I wasn’t sure about it, but I suppose it’d be a good time for him. Man’s in his eighties now I think, and the Reclamation of Gilneas would be an amazing achievement to end his reign with. Brought his people back home, now leaves it to the younger generation to build the country back up.


Not to turn this into a faction thing but, well, watch me, I’m going to.

Alliance: Two cool cinematics, nicely tied bow on everything.
Queen Calia.


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Being true to her monarchical roots and immediately undermining a democracy after the eyes of the international world are off the Forsaken, conveniently none of the Council members are present in Gilneas either beside Calia Menethil’s personal assassin Lilian Voss, curious.

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Genn saying “I’m too tired for this” is fine but the dialogue is just kinda myeergh, that WoW-esque two characters talking past each other back and forth. Pretty killer facial animations on Genn though.

But let’s hear it for Queen Calia everybody.

People railed on Nathanos for being Danuser’s self-insert but god damn the way they’re pushing Queen Calia constantly is worse than anything ol’ Blightcaller ever did. At least he felt like a Forsaken character, even after his unfortunate makeover.

Forsaken players don’t want this. They’ve been bending over backwards to slobber up the NElfposter tears with every patch but then they still insist on pushing the Queen Calia Menethil [The Pallid Lady] and Derek Proudmoore [Champion of the Pallid Lady]

Yeah I’m salty. I’m real salty over elf game.