PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

This is weird. Apparently Bel’ameth is not the new seat of night elf government, as could be expected, but just Tyrande and Malfurion’s retirement home? And Shandris is the new leader?

But then why did the latest PTR build add Tyrande (with the title “Leader of the Kaldorei”, no less) and Malfurion to the Terrace of the Moon in Bel’ameth? Is it a “right hand, left hand” thing?

After ten thousand years maybe it is time for some fresh blood at the top.


Wrathion’s VA crushed it so hard during the epilogue convo with Sabellian.

My goodness that was good voicework.

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For all intends and purposes, Tyrande is still the religious leader of her people, so you could say Bel’ameth is the religious capital, just like how Moonglade is the druidic capital (supposedly). I like that night elven government is more decentralised than most other nations’. I think Tyrande and Shandriss’ conversation at the beginning of their cinematic is very telling as to that.

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That’s really logical, to form a government that actually does its work all around its territory. Tyrande’s a spiritual leader in Bel’ameth, Malfurion roams between Moonglade and Val’sharah, Shandris finally works as a full-time Sentinel commander without Tyrande to outshine her in the field and Maiev’s back to killing things. I wonder why we don’t see her in the Dream along with other nelves, though…

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Off the top of my head, i don’t think Blizzard have explicitly stated that Bel’ameth was going to be the new capital have they?

I dont think they did. And now, that they’ve teased that the kaldorei will reclaim Teldrassil when its time, it might just as well be that Darnassus will be restored at some point in the future.

I would not put much stock on those words, I don’t think we’ll ever have Teldrassil again so to speak.

If at all, the ashen remains might be used to grow on and build upon later. After all, it’s pretty much an island of ash right now.


Really don’t see the point in restoring Teldrassil/Darnassus in any meaningful way.

Rather than spending effort rebuilding that something is very much gone, a pile of ash out in the ocean as Nerathion said, solidify what you’ve got already. Either focus on Nordrassil or establish a new “capital” in Ashenvale.

To go back to Teldrassil would be akin to starting from scratch, unless Blizzard decide to pull some kind of Bronze Dragon shenanigans and turn back time so we get the zone exactly as it was before which is incredibly low effort and undermines it’s destruction.


I will be honest, I didn’t take that away from the cinematic personally. It seemed more like they wanted to eventually rebuild the villages of Darkshore, once life returns to the place proper.

Auberdine being rebuilt would be very good. I support this.

I think we’re very slowly going to see everyone get the new style cities. Some more dense than others. Whether they’re going to be updated capitals or not… it honestly wont hurt to break the “yes this nation is a city, a village, a tent camp and a pier.”

Though, going on a somewhat related tangent. It’s a shame they didn’t carry on taking the human architecture down the path they were in Wrath. That tavern design is so comfy.


I really hope Gilneas isn’t “enhanced” in the style of their heritage/reclamation transmog sets…

With that being said, I’d love to see racial zones and cities get a facelift. With Bel’ameth being connected to the old world rather well, one might even dare hope that convenience NPCs are returned outside of Stormwind and Orgrimmar as well.

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I mean…

it already is? All they need to do is stop the weekly cycle. Night Elves have a fully rebuilt Auberdine there with a dock similar to the one in Amirdrassil! Wasn’t the dock in Amirdrassil going to have ship connections to places anyway?

(I assume you’re talking about some new architecture?)

Ideally, they would have multiple models for same-purpose buildings and they could and should reuse them together to have more variety when making a new city. One downside to Boralus is that a lot of the buildings are very strongly boat-themed, making reusage a little difficult outside of Kul Tiras.

But with Night Elven architecture, it’s one of the main reasons I was super excited for Val’sharah back in Legion announcement, because I saw a ton of new HD Night Elf assets. Blizzard at that point had already started their design of slowly introducing HD assets to the game to replace older ones with, and I fully thought down the line they’d use the new assets in Darnassus to update it.

Alas, I was wrong and right at the same time. I haven’t fully seen Bel’ameth yet (didn’t really go to PTR or watch flythrough videos, haven’t played yet), but I don’t expect it to be a full city, at least yet. But I would not be surprised if Blizzard steadily added new buildings here and there to make it more city-like.

I don’t expect Hyjal, Val’sharah, or Ashenvale to get any changes even though Tyrande namedropped them, however. It’s probably just long-term goals to not make Night Elves completely static either, so things can be changed whenever they need to later. Or with more recent Blizzard specialty, completely forgotten about in a month only to make a blunder later.


While the new stuff is warcraft through and through, i feel the style of Valiance Keep is better. It would have been a good direction to disti guish Stormwind from Lordaeron aesthetically.

It’s not about restoring it, it’s about making something out of its ruins still existing. With the Eredar arriving en masse-ish not that long ago and both kinds of satyr still existing I’m genuinely surprised no one tried to drain whatever’s left out there or even make another Shaladrassil on an isolated isle where it can be hidden until there are tentacles in the Dream… again. And the same goes to the druids of the flame, too. If they wanted a place with lots of fire and Dream involved, it would’ve been a perfect staging ground for the whole invasion.

They did? When?

When the customizations were added. There were supposed to be Eredar NPCs to be added to the Exodar as well, not sure if it already happened.

Strangely they’ve all been removed, including the krokuul. Maybe a heritage thing later?

The one that was indeed added to the Exodar is slumming it with the Broken. I don’t disagree some were brought to Azeroth with Velen’s (and I have to assume other Draenei’s) knowledge and aid, but they’re not an army in and of themselves.

Oh that’s interesting.