PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Still, even without Eredar around Teldrassil should be either a revered place for nelves or a source of constant trouble. Likely both, but apparently Blizz want us to forget its burning ever happened.

Bel’ameth seems to have new music with soft flutes that wasn’t there on the PTR. It’s soothing and peaceful and fitting, I approve!

Edit: unfortunately, two problems I reported on the PTR are still not fixed. One is that Amirdrassil hippogryphs are tagged as exotic beasts, so only beast mastery hunters can tame them — unlike all other feathermanes in the game. And the other is that while the Emerald Dreamway now has a portal to Amirdrassil, it’s not labeled like the other portals.


Uh… Shandris’s about as old as her adoptive parents I think? Hardly would call that new blood. Furthermore a blood that seems far too milk toast imo.

New blood as in new leadership. Not age related.

Trying to tie age into elven leadership is never going to be easy.


So Vyranoth considers herself the Aspect of both the Thorignir and Netherwing dragonflights? Or am I misreading?

I should have been more specific. Shandris’s rule won’t be that deviating from Tyrande’s minus the extreme reactions and bizarre adventures. Moreover apart from her (excess) empathy and cooperative mindset, she doesn’t strike as a new blood that’s going to do great or interesting things. Best I can see is her ability to include the pariahs of the Kaldorei in some cases here and there but yeah so far, Shandris’s hasn’t been a shining beacon of sort.

Now one might argue due to outside factors that a quiet leader who just is enacting stability without rocking the boat at all is better and I’d be enclined to agree. Would have been cooler if my boy Jarod was around.


yeah but she is in love with a human which is a net positive because humans are the main characters

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Since when?

my knowledge might be outdated because i’m basically useless as a person but wasn’t she flirting with keeshan during bfa

which in my day was tantamount to being in love with them

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Pretty sure that was Kelsie. Weren’t they bonding over dagger collections and explosives?

Lord Godfrey’s Glasses (specifically Lord Godfrey’s Old Spectacles), an item that has been in the game files for 14 years, can finally be obtained by fishing in the waters around Gilneas.


Finally, the old carcass was finally useful for something…

they talked to each other

they are basically married


Shandris was hyping up the great Human potential because of Keeshan or something, before the backlash made Blizzard remove that piece of text…

I think it was something akin to that :sweat_smile:

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cowards. i will never forgive them


Guys, ngl…

I want in on this hug :frowning:


the only person missing from this picture is sylvanas, who is the one being invited into the embrace

finally forgiven and accepted.

Where is the dislike button when you need it? :weary:


gone. as it should be

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Reclamation of Gilneas wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it could have been.
It feels like there was a bit of disconnect between the quest writers and the people placing the assets, since there’s absolutely no reference to undead reinforcements or blight/plague being used in the quest text, yet suddenly a heap of undead catapults turn up and start launching barrels of green goo at the Scarlet Crusade as something that takes place in the background.
It’s never mentioned or commented on by anyone, so it seems to me like it was just a thoughtless inclusion by whoever handled asset placement for that quest chain.

Though I expect that the quest chain might cause a bit of stir among the “Light is objectively good” crowd, because it features Inquisitor Fairbell of the Scarlet Crusade transforming into a gigantic lightspawn labelled as a “Hallowed Monstrosity.”

Overall though, it was a mediocre and mostly forgettable quest chain, nothing offensively bad about it, aside from the weird plague catapults which are never brought up by anyone. It’s yet another story about dealing with grief and trauma to add to the pile, something which I’ve gotten a little tired of at this point, but there’s nothing terrible about the narrative. I’d rate it as a 6 out of 10.

Amirdrassil looks like it might be a little difficult to roleplay in for the first week, with loads of people pouring into the zone to complete quest chains and gather collectibles, but it should hopefully calm down after that.
Though people shouldn’t forget the various other areas of the island. There’s a druid barrow in the Fields of Reverie, there’s a significant gathering of druids at the Root-Bound Sanctuary and the Whorlwing Basin might be one of the most beautiful parts of the island.
I’d just advise against low levels going too far north-east to the Meandering Rootlands, since there’s a whole bunch of hostile slyverns nesting there, just waiting to gank any low level roleplaying characters.