PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Having flewn across the Island… I have to say its gorgeous!

Luckily its also huge, which means alot of parts are not flooding with players either! :smiley:

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This basically sums up the whole expansion.


Oh, and one other thing.

With Shandris and Tess now in charge, it’s a step towards the Alliance having almost as many literally-who faction leaders who lack unique models as the Horde!


It also means that the worgen are now led by a non-worgen, like the Forsaken are led by a non-Forsaken.


Well, that doesn’t seem to matter on this server at least, as “Unafflicted Gilneans” seem to outnumber “Afflicted Gilneans” about 4 to 1.


it’s time for the worgen to end


My Gilnean is afflicted, but spends most of her time in human form. The race field just says “Gilnean”. People can learn about her affliction IC if they want.

As should you.


Honestly same for mine, he barely uses the form unless he has to.

vixi no

i don’t want to go


Then renounce Sylvanas or perish.

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help help i’m being oppressed!

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A couple of final comments:

The two primary continents are simply too small. Superior technology coupled with dragonriding wherever you want now makes the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor feel tiny. I can reach Blackrock Mountain from Stormwind City in less than thirty seconds now and even worse, it literally looks like it’s right next door too. It’s no longer an ominous shadow in the distance, it now feels like the city was built right next to a volcano.

I’m glad that Blizzard just came out as said loudly and clearly that night elves aren’t abandoning Kalimdor, as that’s one particular rumour and bit of doomerism with no basis in reality that I was getting sick of.


When it first came out, Azeroth was and felt huge. I feel like if they want to recapture or bring back that size, a new world update would be needed. Perhaps one that expands the zones now that the engine limitation for it is not as big of an issue.


It doesn’t help that the writers sometimes treat it this way. The plot for the “”“improved”“” UBRS in WoD involves Warlord Zaela trying to detonate a doomsday weapon in Blackrock Mountain to destroy Stormwind, which makes no sense unless the world is as tiny in lore as it is in-game.

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Hello? Is this the based department? Sure, I’ll hold.

At this point, I’m resigned to the reality that we’ll get an updated four-zone Quel’thalas that feels as big as the entirety of the Eastern Kingdoms, while the actual Eastern Kingdoms will be stuck looking and feeling so tiny that it’s comical.


That image makes it look so sad and small. Especially when its supposed to be like what, over a day’s direct flight to Karazhan and several days on foot from Stormwind.

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Very true! I’ve spent the last two hours simply flying around Amirdrassil and more or less looking through everything. There are plenty of small under-tree hovels where animals sleep in, animal burrows (and the far more complex barrow dens you mentioned), and just tons of very neat scenery to go around.

My only very small wish would be to have more treehouses around Amirdrassil. We do have a few, so it’s still great! But there were some areas where like, large vines coiled around a large tree as if quite literally making a nature staircase, only for it to be well… just that. It would’ve been really cool to have a small building at the end of it!

Oh well, I can just put down a camp or whatever if I want to pretend a house to be there.

I will say, with Amirdrassil being very large in the middle of the islets, I do wonder if the surrounding isles will also get something on them at some point. They have walkways and ‘paths’ even! I can already imagine marbled structures being built there, as if worked into the landscape. Right now they’re just empty - and that’s fine! - and I just wonder if they had more plans. But window dressing is still nice, and them being empty means you can use them for events as well.

I was expecting the Quel’Thalas area to go from a stubby :eggplant: to a more :eggplant: :eggplant: . I have no idea what they’re going to do with Midnight, but I can’t imagine the zones staying the same size with a rework.

Speaking of large zones, it’s actually pretty funny to RP on Amirdrassil. You think ‘oh, people are at the shores, I can just walk from here!’ and think it’ll be a short walk like it was in Darnassus or Feathermoon for example, but instead it takes you ages.

Especially with verticality mixed in. Honestly, Amirdrassil looks fun to even just RP walk around on, trying to get across the small chasms of water and whatnot for example!


Seems about right judging by the Worgen intro quests.