PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

There’s a big implication from all this as well that night elves are also now the most widespread people with the most land; val’sharah isn’t a cenarion circle enclave. The Broken Isles isn’t exclusively Horde.

From the Broken to the Dragon Isles to a fair wedge of Northern Kalimdor and roots into the central area… yeah.

That’s a fair comment, though I don’t think that player-character populations should strive to be representative of the actual setting populations. That just leads to weird comments like “there’s an unrealistic amount of elf players on this server.”

I just find it funny that so many people seem to be drawn to the fantasy of playing an unafflicted Gilnean, rather than the actual worgen race that serves as the focus of the Gilnean story.

I think I’m gonna ruin the illusion for myself even more and see what old Teldrassil looks like these days.

EDIT: The answer is that it holds up surprisingly well. Blizzard is extremely strict with the flight ceiling there, so you’re not allowed to go so high that everything looks comically small, like you can with Stormwind City. Presumably because the top of the tree is so high up already. Teldrassil itself looks pretty awful, but what do you expect when it was designed twenty years ago? In the end, the point is that Teldrassil still feels absolutely massive.

Conspiracy moment: the quest was rushed out and/or hastily rewritten in parts, which is why it feels disjointed and has odd moments. Apparently the Scarlets using light magics on graves also don’t get touched on at all?

Between that, the fact that Horde characters can talk to NPCs but get gibberish*, the weird pseudo-retcon that the Alliance helped cleanse Lordaeron of plague (no they didn’t?), “Queen Calia”, Gilneas having banks/vendors but no flighpath/portal…it all feels very rushed.


It’s a bit of a state, really.

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Delas Moonfang is in Bel’ameth…

NElf Paladins official confirmed to be coming now? :smirk:

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I am not so much huffing on but Actually Fully Breathing the weapons grade Hopium™ in regards to this ._.

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Small underwater mishaps are very charming though. Who knows, maybe after the fractals we suddenly get triangles for TWW? :face_with_monocle:


I am holding out hope they’ll update Azeroth in parts; like parts of Northrend and Northern EK first, then maybe a Dwarf/Tauren update for central Kalimdor and central EK, etc!


They’d have to do Kalimdor and EK (qt aside because its a huge peninsular really) in one if they’re gunna upscale things.

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Upscaling one zone at a time each patch, making them ridiculously uneven in size and scale. The way the Old Gods intended.


I also forgot QT is in the TBC worldspace, instead of the Cataclysm one!

Whelp, atleast we’ll get flying in QT finally!


I think that the biggest issue is that they just don’t have a reason to do it, when the vast majority of the people playing this game never touch the old continents aside from when they’re in their faction capitals.

Besides, it’s not the biggest problem. Most people don’t fly this high and intentionally try to make the world look as bad and tiny as possible.

I’ll stop there with the pictures, since the point has been made: Azeroth is tiny.


I can’t find where you mentioned the skybox anymore, but it’s more atmospheric with a darker one… I chose Icecrown when I decided to take a screen.

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Much of 10.2.5 feels rushed and inconsistent.

Retaken Gilneas is still called “Ruins of Gilneas”. We’ve had two transfers of power in the same patch, but Tyrande in Bel’ameth is titled “Leader of the Kaldorei”, and Genn and Tess are still called King and Princess respectively. They’re getting wishy-washy about whether or not Bel’ameth is the seat of government or just “a settlement”. The Emerald Dreamway got a portal to Amirdrassil, but it’s not labeled, unlike the portals that were there since Legion. The Azerothian Archives are a bugfest. Malfurion isn’t voice acted in the cutscene.

It feels like they made the zones and then wrote the questlines in a rush.


I remeber when people were in awe when they, I think, they updated the DOF for WoW, and they were able to see Nordrassil from Orgrimmar on high-end rigs, lol…

Look at us now, years later…

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If an explosion from there could reach Stormwind, you best kiss half of Khaz Modan and Ironforge goodby aswell.

Or be me, and rp both :sunglasses:

That said I did the gilneas questline now and I just feel… meh. And that’s not a feeling you want to have about something you awaited for almost 11 years ( the time I started rp’ing).

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I did not think we would be seeing the Scarlet crusade again. Seriously how many people do they have and why do they always seem to pop out of the ground like moles?

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Am I the only one who doesn’t really know how to take all these random “reclamation of Gilneas”, “a group of eredar suddenly have a change of heart” deals?

It does not look like they belong in this expansion, which was about the Dragon Isles. In retrospect, they should have made a reclamation of Gilneas during Battle for Azeroth.

My main problem is that I feel like character writing and world building are being butchered to fit into whatever vision the writers are enforcing. This was a major problem of mine with BFA, especially because without all these characters acting in a consistent way, what truly makes the Warcraft universe feel coherent? From WC3 until Legion and to a lesser extent BFA, I felt like Warcraft had a decent internal coherence, but since then it has been lost.

In general, Dragonflight feels okay but overall unremarkable as an expansion, a “filler” expansion, so-to-speak. All in all, I appreciate the themes of renewal and healing, even if I’d rather them to be handled better, because on occasion the game comes across as a bit preachy and cheesy.


Woobification. Woobification is a good word for it.

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I could see the whole of the Broken Isle from the top of Highmountain on my last day of sub and I wasn’t even using Ultra or High setting for the game.

It takes too much effort to actually display how this group, which supposedly has faced continuous defeats, demonic corruption and undead infestation, can still be kicking and supposedly still got people being recruited in. I’m fully aware that there isn’t a canon international journal to pass over all the news across all the people of Azeroth but you have the Mailemental services capable of doing just that all over across space and time and this is canon lore, I’m not making this up. You’d think the bad rep of the Scarlet would stink by now.