While there is some logic there, “we can’t criticise the new management for up to two years because the next expansion is similar to the current expansion” is a little too much for me to stomach. While I’m willing to believe that Danuser had some creative control over War Within, I’m unwilling to believe that Metzen has none.
Besides, it’s not like Metzen was never in charge of any story that involved previously unknown regions with previously unknown inhabitants.
In the end, I just advise against hero worship of Metzen and attributing all of the blame to someone who is now out of the picture, just so that the reputation of someone who represents the good old days can remain untarnished.
If only they would change the status quo in Kalimdor, reflecting it in the game showing us what were the canon wins and loss. A change in the frontier lines and so on. The relocating, the new trenches built to stave off Horde incursion as they too reinforce the ground they’ve claimed. Stop telling me, show me!
PS : I’m certain that train has been forever missed.
He managed to pull off MoP… A strange land that is very familiar nonetheless with Old Gods servants, Titan constructs, Wild Gods all while giving you exploration and war content here and there. MoP continues to win and I look forward to its classic release.
Kalimdor in Warcraft 3, more than half of every zone in Vanilla, every zone in Outland outside of Hellfire Peninsula, every zone in Northrend besides Icecrown and Dragonblight, Uldum, Deepholme, Pandaria, most of pre-Outland Draenor…
And that’s without counting the entirety of Azeroth as a whole, considering that he’s the one who conceptualized it to begin with, including its first ever world map in 1999. The man has definitely dealt with previously unknown regions and its inhabitants considering that he made said fictional setting.
Constant land concessions to a relentless belligerent and a slow creep of expansion until the current state of the Horde being the hegemonic superpower with a colonial empire and mastery of the sea.
Season of Discovery adds renegade NElves that are assassinating Alliance marshals because they don’t like the A’s any more than the H’s.
While I think the ship of “Alliance is no better than Horde from night elf point of view” has sailed, hit a rock, sunk, blew up and had damnatio memoriae declared on it at this point, I recall seeing someone from Blizzard saying that quests from SoD are very much canon, they just weren’t something our characters got to experience in Vanilla.
So, if people want to utilize this lore, they can.
“Tyrande Whisperwind : So, these orcs and humans presume to run rampant through our lands? They will regret ever stepping foot into Ashenvale. We will establish a base and deal with these outlanders as they deserve.”
Oh god no, don’t bring back the Nelf-supremacist rp’ers that were actively hostile to the rest of the Alliance just for existing. Some things should stay gone.