PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Thanks, I tried to adapt it but the OG one is more direct to the point!


My favourite has to be this one talent, for the Colossus spec for Arms/Protection Warriors:

Mountain of Muscle and Scars: You deal 5% more damage and take 2.5% less damage. Size increased by 5%.

Growth potters rejoice.


I hope to gods that is not the meta choice.


Interesting if gnome.


Isn’t growth pot like 20% and firewater 10%?

5% might not be that bad then. It’d be a neat lil visual of warriors being a little bigger than their mage counterparts etc…

Crossing fingers I remember correctly anyway…

30% and 15% respectively.

Giant Growth makes you go from 6ft to 8ft.
Mountain of Muscles and Scars makes you go from 6ft to 6ft 4 inches.


One day (ha ha HA ha…) we might get character sliders. Imagine, in the year 2024… -sigh-


One day you might get WoW on an engine that can enable all the amazing little things that are taken for granted in other MMOs and games.

I will praise the engineers handling this archaic source code and still suceeding in delivering improvements upon it. That kind of dedication and technical knowhow is truly miraculous for us.


Oh god no, I already had to see this in Stormwind not long ago:

I got another one where there’s -four- of them, but that one had the names of some players on them so won’t post that one.


I stand by my comment that we can never have height sliders.

RPers cannot be trusted with such. Because how bigger an RPer is, the more he thinks his size makes him impervious to any real kind of (magical) damage or how they even feel immune to bearing the consequences of their actions.

Size makes them immune to any sort of consequences whatsoever in social or combat settings beholden to mortal man unlike themselves who are godlike beings because of their sheer greatness(literally in those cases):weary:


/e Reaches for his buzzbox to call his ten magefriends and use the giant rp’er for targetpractice as they fling fireballs at him until he burns to death.

Also you now remind me of that one instance I had of the absolute bad stereotype of the growth rp’er. A human calling himself Maximus, constantly picking fights and being an :peach: because he believed his size would alow him to beat others up effortlessly.

Then he went into creep territory when he started hitting on a female guard-mage nearby and actually emoted sniffing her hair out of nowhere.


If we start judging every possibly feature by its potential use by the lowest common denominator, then we should just quit and abandon all hope right now. That’s a fools path, frankly.


What causes this? Is it a result of people unsatisfied with their height IRL?

Anyways, I find it funny. Reminds me of all the bodybuilders who came to train jiu-jitsu in my hometown and were aghast when people half their size were ragdolling them. Bring on the gnome fury warriors.


I would like Kaytlinne to look a bit taller/buffer as she’s been a frontline Paladin most of her life, now. While my Orc hunter, for instance, works so much better being the short one of her guild, and I’m very glad in the various height differences enabled by growth pots etc.

Everyone being the exact same height/build is stupid, and always has been -drops mic-


weirdflex but okay :weary:

Don’t worry, I am not really serious about it, frankly I would love a height slider to differiate some more between my NElves!

I do agree with this! But growth pot makes the size differences comically. So no, I am not a fan of people using Growth Pots in their RP to show themselves as a Human the size of a Night Elf or a Kul Tiran the size of a Vrykul. And I find that I cannot take most of those RPers seriously(or rather, they’ll have a harder time convincing me they’re a halfway decent RPer).

Ofcourse their are examples where people using the Growth Pot makes sense; I feel like Dracthyr or Druids in their bear/stag/treantform, for example, using them less hard to belief then the aforementioned ones! Darkmoon Fire Water is a much more believable size and it doesn’t make your character movements more sluggish, as is always an extreme case with Growth Pot users! (Tauren’s using Growth Pot to show their real lorewise size is pretty nifty aswell)


Oh yeah, for sure. I get wanting to have some variety, but especially some Human players take it to silly levels.
My main encounters have been with Orcs, and like I said the variety in the guild has been welcome/a lot more interesting, and it’s still a shame Tauren (especially Tauren women, RIP) got so nerfed in that regard.


It’s more likely the primal monke understanding that a big enemy is also probably strong, therefore with the shallow minded will incarnate the biggest, baddest, hulking strong giant they can pull off. It’s not any deeper than a Dragon Ball transformation.

Growth pot is stupid, as I previously said it’s a 30% mass gain, not a height slider for everything about the character model gains that 30% extra mass upon drinking it. Moreover it’s also firmly established that growth pot users are walking stereotypes. Immediately upon seeing a user you can most accurately guess everything about the character and sometimes even the RPer behind it.


Heh. One of the Quel’serrar HD recolors!

Also love the masks, ngl!

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Pandaren umbrellas that can be worn as umbrellas, at so damn last!


At last, we are free from the doldrums of the February trading post and the endless deluge of tacky Valentine’s Day merchandise.

Dueler’s Cloudy Shoulder Cape looks like it’ll be used a lot. This is the first variant of the shoulder cape that’s in an actually reasonable colour.
Regal Warcloak looks fantastic for Alliance roleplayers still decked out in their warfront gear from Battle for Azeroth.
The two Guises of the Masquerade will be great for nightborne roleplayers, or so I hope. Definitely fits their fantasy.
Sky-Captain’s Formal Attire looks great but doesn’t look like it fits any archetype that is commonly roleplayed on AD. Maybe people will make good use of the outfit sans the ostentatious hat-mask and metal ornamentation, as some sort of frilly nobleman getup.
Blackrock Executioner and Chipped Warblade are both good for orcs, not much more to say.
And I’m sure that some people will make good use of the Skyborn Blades as fancy magical elven swords.

Overall, seems like a pretty good month ahead.