PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Alleria is a windrunner so she’s horde. Anduin is Baine’s best friend, making him honourably horde.

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“Them healing the wounds of the past”

Alleria was confined to a war in another realm seperated from her only child for thousands of years, much of which she was constantly tempted by whispers of the void to succumb to darkness and then came back to her homeland destroyed and divided and she can physically not touch the man she loves.

Anduin experienced about two months of what most forsaken characters spent years like, minus his flesh rotting off.

Anduin’s insane spiral into turbo grief always came off as super artificial and will probably be the most lingering stink of Shadowlands’ writing that the narrative team for some reason do not want to give up on.


Dw guys the goblin raid will absolutely be horde oriented and not at all steamwheedle or venture skewed!!

Damn Horde cannot keep getting away with this!

Even Anduin is Horde? You can keep him. Please keep him!!

Woo is him, who literally did not kill a single soul or did anything usefull for the bad guy, under the bad guy’s control, lmao.

King Mekkatorque and Prince Erazmin will deffo show up, to compensate for that one Alliance Goblin showing up. And we’ll kill of Gallywix :frowning:

this makes me happy :slight_smile:


The levelling weapons are pretty fantastic. Looks like someone smashed together the orcish and dwarven aesthetics to produce a bunch of stuff that looks genuinely unique.


Remember that time some musician vulgarly trashtalked Alliance players at Blizzcon and everyone shouted For the Horde in the crowd?

Maybe Blizzard is still trying to heal from that moment and by focusing on Alliance storyline and heroes only they think such a Horde mentality will not come back and happen again.

Literal years prior.

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literally years ago, we still talking about that?

I mean, yea, the Horde and its fans got alot time in the light, and I also remeber the rabid Horde fans trashtalking Alliance players during both wars started by the Horde(until the lost lmao, then the crying started) which does not mean they deserve to be sidelined completely, because I also remeber how I felt when the Horde got a whole patch and we got robo-cat. And I felt horrible and as if the Night Elves(Alliance) didn’t matter to the story, and thats something I do not want any fan of Warcraft to feel like, as if their preffered race/faction doesn’t matter to the story because that feeling sucks :frowning:


Uh, yeah? IDK - I understand feeling like Horde’s been slighted since Dragonflight, but also… we’re not judging purely on a two-year timeframe here. The entire faction war has had devastating consequences to the playerbase and how tribalistic people have gotten. That particular incident was one of the more egregious examples of it.

There are times where one faction gets more spotlight and another less and that’s OK - sometimes it makes sense. If we had the Emerald Dream patch and a majority of it was focused on some Orcs doing random stuff, it’d be obviously giga weird. If Zandalar had a bigger focus on Humans than Zandalari, then that’d also be really weird – well, about that… miss Jaina should’ve really died there huh.

Anyway, seeing how questing sets in TWW have a big human focus, I’m sure the anti-nelfposters surely will criticize how humans are yet again overrepresented in the story and mog department, right?

Right? :slight_smile:


Impressed that you managed to tie it back to a Nelfposters issue in the end.


As a nelfposter I must do my part!

(That small paragraph was a separate point.)


What I liked about the last patch, with Amirdrassil: it was about the night elves, not Tyrande of Malfurion.

I want to see this kind of approach: a return to the races, to their culture and their faction.
Anduin’s journey is okay, but the main protagonist should be the world of Warcraft. The races I love and play as.

And yeah… I think the Horde has been in the dog house since SL. Even there you had plenty of Alliance character moments, with Jaina saving the day, Tyrande having to be saved, and the Horde… Well. There was Lame - err, sorry, Baine sitting in an angle. That’s about it?


Like Jaina telling the history of Zin-Azshari while Shandris is standing right next to her…

And I am fine with one faction or race getting more spotlight then another, but I still feel that that doesn’t mean we can laugh at the factions/races who do not get any spotlight, because we all know how it feels to have your favorite race or faction be ignored/forgotten by Blizzard while others take stage at many, many, moments.

Literally as bad as Nelfposters :weary:


I will retain my position that The War Within should’ve had a bigger focus on Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, and probably Tauren. I don’t want to see any Arathi there, or elves. The half-elves thing feels a little bizarre, and the dark troll/elf hybrid likewise. It’s funny how I also think ‘it should have a bigger focus on Dwarves’ and we already get Earthen. To me, they’re so forgettable.

I feel like this expansion could’ve been a big opportunity to make new lasting characters for Dwarves, Gnomes, Tauren, and Goblins. Instead, we get Anduin and Thrall… (and whoever else, Jaina + Khadgar was it?)

I mean, I guess Brann exists as the Delves companion, but I’d really have expected some other races to be at the keynote art. I really don’t think humans or orcs need to take the spotlight there.

And balance is maintained.


Anduin and Alleria.

Thrall is continuously sidelined in both art and interviews.

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Big agree. Its a problem Blizzard keeps digging themselves into, though.

Like Zaralek Caverns, where we could’ve had Dark Trolls, Troggs, Kobolds, Gnomes, Earthen, Dwarves, Goblins and many more already involved subterreanian races we instead got… the anoyying smellfetish race.


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I think I mandala effected Thrall into replacing Alleria’s position in current TWW landing page, but he’s there too.

(And Thrall + Anduin were part of the actual cinematic.)

Yeah, there have been some complaints in this thread already about how the Arathor gear looks fantastic but is far too human/Alliance-focused, and how it would be nice if Blizzard put that much effort into gear that’s focused on races that have seen far less representation in recent years.

Thankfully, the levelling gear is a step in the right direction. The armour has a rather faction-neutral industrial aesthetic, while the weapons look great and ideal for all sorts of races - humans, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, goblins and maybe more.

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Thrall met his warrior-rogue not-mom!

Feels good tbqh… atleast they can’t mess up our lore much!

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You seem way too cheery for such a sentence.

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