PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

They will just be Death Knights since WoTLK, so saw the creation of the Ebon Blade > served under the Deathlord/LK/4horsemen and now just chill it out with the rest of the Ebon Blade

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Whats the difference between necromancy done by the forsaken and that done by the ebon blade? Is necromancy only taboo if it’s under a flimsy pretence of neutrality? Why do the Ebon Blade get a free pass? :thinking:

And other question that Blizzard have given zero thought to.


Sometimes I lose a piece of my sanity just thinking about the fact that it’s been almost 20+ years and we still don’t really have any proper “culture” lore for almost the entire catalogue of playable races. We have the barest threads and nothing more.


Ebon Blade uses it for the greater Good, Forsaken for selfish and destructive reasons…

I assumed that was obvious? (recent example: Darkfallen Night Elves)

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So is necromancy an actual taboo? Is it actually frowned upon? Why did Dalaran squash any sign of it in research prior to the Scourge?

You can’t really have your cake and eat it. My dead nan being raised as a zombie (bad), my nan being raised as a superpowered undead zombie hulk (actually morally good because they fought the Legion that one time).

It’s mental gymnastics and its claiming gold.


Reminds me of the Legion Death Knight mount questline where you massacre the Ruby Sanctum and just get given a slap on the wrist. Though I did enjoy that there was a Red in BfA who threatened you/threw you off Drustvar.

Apparently genocide is okay for the Ebon Knights too?

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It is. Just not amongst the Ebon Blade, Forsaken and I’d guess the Darkfallen.

Its what you make from it. I never stated it was morally good, evil or gray. I just said that the Ebon Blade used necromancy -for- good. Unlike the Forsaken.

I never said that actually using Necromancy is a morally good thing to do.


Yeah, as I said, there were more that I was forgetting. There’s a ton of smaller tidbits sprinkled throughout too.

All in all DF feels like people on Azeroth getting a much needed break.

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Only if you showed no remorse did she throw you off though, if you mention you showed restraint she’ll notice that too.

But yeah, that was still a bad thing.

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I know, just ranting about Blizzard’s incredibly arbitrary morality in the setting.

The setting needed a breather after BFA and probably still does, renewal as a plot isn’t an issue. I’d just like to see a bit more of what the Horde and Alliance are doing. Could have done with a bigger time skip IMHO.

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Ehh, realistically a fair few factions we are currently allied with would be goners if Blizzard wasn’t as loose with morality as they are :frowning:

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Because if you try to fight them they’ll summon the Four Horseman which immediately ends the game like Exodia.

In lore I suppose the Ebon Blade is more akin to some horrific spec ops unit that the leaders of the Horde and Alliance tolerate because of their brutal efficiency and they would not be seen outside their necropolis or areas of conflict so they wouldn’t be a contentious subject matter to your average Joe. This is mostly my brain filling in the bottomless void of potential stories that Blizzard lacks the ability to tell.

As for the red dragonflight, turns out Alexstrasza ran a forced labor enterprise for a couple of millennia until said labor rebelled in Dragonflight and she still blamed them rather than herself so on average the Ebon Blade could probably kill a couple of hundred more and still be morally on top.

Prior to that they invaded Light’s Chapel to try and resurrect a fallen hero for their 4 horseman fanfiction, killing some paladins along the way.

All this thread is reminding me is that ‘Rule of Cool’ as your PRIMARY focus is a terrible bloody idea as a writer…

Not just any fallen hero, but the fallen hero, and former Highlord of the Argent Crusade, Tirion Fordring.

Luckily the Light kept him from such an ill fate…

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I didn’t want to add spoilers. I forgot his name.

:roll_eyes: so now it’s our fault that we self-defended ourselves when trying to resurrect a powerful warrior during the Legion’s greatest invasion, and also read a book.

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I always believed humans (and elves etc) associate necromancy with something that twists and corrupts one’s original mind.

Take Faranell:

After he died from the [plague] and rose as one of the [Forsaken], his limitless curiosity was twisted by depthless sadism.

It appears undeath changes you: it increases sadism, dampens emotions such as love and empathy, and so forth.

It makes sense that you’d frown upon something like that. Death knights likely got a free pass because the story didn’t want to deal with the consequences of them raiding a paladin hall, and because seeing a giant undead dragon at your side is a boost for people’s morale. You could say… it stirs the heart of your people.


Huh, pretty cool!