PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

WoD had the seed of many great things, but they were never able to truly bear fruit due to content being slashed to make room for Legion.

If Last of Us 1 can get a remaster, we should get a Warlords of Draenor remaster with all the intended content it was meant to have.

No, I am not joking >:(


Using the Timeways from DF, fill in some of the content we were cheaped out on.


Why did an admiral build a garrison deep inland, anyway? Shouldn’t he have been commanding the fleet or something?


We don’t know. For the glory of the Alliance something something…

Considering Blizz’s last attempt at a remaster I’d say you’re tempting fate. Well actually given how Reforged turned out it’s more seducing fate and waking up the morning after to find you have gonorrhea.


One thing I really hope they do not do with the new tree is give the NElves their immortality back. Keeping their mortality is important for a bunch of reasons. I won’t elaborate though.

Reforged was really bad but - and I did not play it - I understand the D2 remaster was generally well received?


Diablo II Resurrected was actually good, yes!

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I complain about lore that I dislike an awful lot, but I try to avoid engaging in over-reactive and hyperbolic nitpicking whenever things don’t go exactly the way that I want them to. If that makes me especially meek then sure, I guess I am.


I don’t think it’s ‘nitpicking’ to say that Nelves have taken a disproportionate amount of Ls (for Alliance side), had their Main Characters be repeatedly OOC/useless/badly written for no good reason multiple times over, had their capital wiped out and most of their race genocided for Super Special Dead expac oopsie… and so on, and so forth.

That’s also not even that hyperbolic. And, yes, other races have had issues too; whoever wrote Baine for SL needs a talking to, and the whole handling of Sylvanas getting smacked multiple times with the Villain and Stupid bat is writing sins 101. But not all of the above, repeatedly, at the same time.


Agree, mostly because it’s just a dead plotpoint. Oh no we’re only going to live for several thousand years woe is us our lives are so short and fleeting now!

Get their capital back. (Mostly).
Most of their race survived, get peace.
Keeps their homeland.
Gets a desolate council to replace Sylvanas

Night elves:
Get a hedge-sized tree (so far), in neutral territory.
Genocided, Horde still kill their people.
Homeland has multiple Horde forts and towns.
Loses one of two leaders to a neutral dragon.

“Why can’t the night elves accept their win?”



Fixed that for u free of charge.

Victimizing yourself over fantasy pixel race is terminally online.

I’m sorry Greebo but you got pwned :pensive:


Sorry, I forgot the Horde are the real victims of the story.

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I suppose it’s easier to larp that you have underwent horrible suffering by just lying about others lol

But if you insist dw I can fix more

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Your headcanon is :sleeping:

I don’t think the Night Elves have suffered enough. They’re big, smelly and purple. All the worst things to be. They used to hang out underground, sleeping all day, but now they’re running around pretending like the world owes them something.

They blew up the world, don’t you forget.

Into several pieces.

It was their fault.

Very true. We should give them those metal skooters that kids used to race around on so they hit themselves in the shin with them.

Yes, it was the kaldorei, absolutely.
sweats in Highborne