PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

NE new tree: Exists.

Fyrak: I’m gonna do what’s called “a pro gamer move”.

Ysera giving a speech about how growing a world tree on the Dragon Isles at that particular location, at that particular time in the story is a great idea, and then this starts playing mid-speech.

I put Elenthas in a mental ward where he can receive the treatment he needs.

Also yeah WoD was badass compared to the 4 expansions of nelves.

G’nars last stand was an epic gamer moment.
Siege of Shattrath was an epic gamer moment.
Cardboard Horde was an epic gamer moment.
Arakkoa story was amazing.


10k year old snoozer + his trophy wife deus ex moon goddess adventures for 4 continuous expansions in a row

I’ll take the cardinal sins of WoD anytime (including draenor is free) any day over this nonsense.

How do you know if someone is a nelf stan? Oh don’t worry they will tell you.

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Kinda like those who are the opposite.


And they are restoring more and more of it with each passing day.

Until BfA the Forsaken grew in strength with each fallen human; come BfA they could raise elves as well. They did not dwindle and their future was secured with the val’kyr, all remaining of which were lost in BfA.

They never held Southshore, it was a blighted ruin, the Horde’s presence in Arathi were mostly orcs, and they haven’t given Gilneas away yet. They also gained Alterac.

This is fair.

The Forsaken got their capital back, this new tree is a regression for the night elven story considering the old one was the vanity project of an eventual Old God cultist.

Mostly fair. It’s just the one we got the most details about.

Well, already before the Horde’s invasion we were told the full might of the Horde gathering for the War of the Thorns would not be able to defeat the Sentinel Army. But much their land is a blighted, plagued ruin devoid of life now. And still filled with Horde garrisons.

He has been sleeping enough.

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least parasocial horde players


They hated me because I told the truth.

We don’t know what the new tree is yet.

I mean, don’t get me wrong: like I said their new tree being in the dragon isles is silly and it would ideally be elsewhere (I rank north kalimdor>gilneas>val’sharah above it in that order, personally). But we don’t know what the new tree will be or how it will work storywise.

actually he needs to sleep more to make room for the Tyrande-Jaina ship.



And maybe the tree will be an anchor point for kaldorei spirits, nature and so on to bond, rather than a new home…
Or a new Primal life dragon.

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This really is nature’s sacrifice.

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Ideal scenario is that the new tree ends up being used for night elf heritage and has Alliance NPCs (so entering it would be like entering Loch Modan, you can do it as Horde, but if you get close to town you get attacked).

Because on top of tree grown with night elf souls killed by the Horde serving as neutral territory being narratively dumb, new night elf world tree feels like really boring patch zone/raid setting.


I can see night elves getting a new but somewhat smaller world tree while the Forsaken get a completely refurbished Lordaeron City being a fair trade.


I will say for all the complaints about a NElf capital being supposedly in “neutral” territory being bad: Many Alliance players complained in the opposite way about Suramar/Highmountain going Horde, ostensibly establishing capitals in ‘neutral territory’.

Is it bad when the Horde gets them because it’s “their land”, and then bad for the Alliance because it’s “still neutral”? It’s not like Alliance players can’t go to Thunder Totem or anything.


I love the sound of that. A new world tree grown from the souls of Night Elves, Worgen and whoever else caught in the crossfire of the Horde war machine (and abandoned by Elune) and where Tauren and Centaur can go and graze and feed their families. All this so Tyrande can stand on her podium and declare that balance has been restored and signs the peace treaty while the wisps entrapped in the tree wail in traumatized agony.

It’s exactly the kind of tone deaf conclusion I expect from current gen Blizzard writers


I thought she had already.

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No mention of it anywhere as far as I know. One of the demands given was that Sylvanas and her Loyalists are handed to her, and apparently the only surviving one, Sira, does (in a book).
However, we just get no lore since that point, except for Exploring Kalimdor, which just says there’s still fighting.

Granted, the book was terrible, but it’s a good sign of how much Blizzard cares about worldbuilding or developing the lore that isn’t tied to their current expansion.

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I’ve seen a number of twitter takes that the new tree means the Horde now owns all of Kalimdor, and in my quest to not reply to dumb twitter takes I have not replied there.

…I’ll reply here instead, much safer.

For anyone who holds that opinion here: you’re wrong. The Night Elves establishing a new tree (for whatever purpose/result - as yet unspecified) in the Dragon Isles doesn’t mean they’re abandoning Ashenvale, Darkshore, Hyjal, Felwood, Feralas, Desolace, Stonetalon, or anywhere else in any way whatsoever.

It’s not like they abandoned all of those when they established Teldrassil, after all.


I think that is bad too. Make Highmountain and Suramar hostile to Alliance after finishing the quests.

(Also never oppposed Highmountain and Suramar going to Horde, but the way it was shown ingame for Suramar was dumb as rocks imho).

True, but moving the bulk of your population (and industry?) to another continent can’t be good for your war effort and maintaining a military/garrison large enough to defend your (former) core territories.

I think, not tactician tho.

You mean they won’t all abandon the lands they’ve lived in for thousands of years and still have homes in? Pfft.


Mildly hot take is that NElves shouldn’t have (had) a centralised capital at all and actually spreading across the land’s forests with lots of small towns/hamlets dotted around is way cooler to me.

I said this in discord but in a number of stories/settings the elves basically abandon the material plane and bugger off to a magic realm to live happily unbothered by the mortal races.

It wouldn’t be the worst thing if the NElf majority populace decided to simply go to the Dream and live there instead. Take a hint from Malfurion’s book!

Of course at that point I guess the Horde would own Kalimdor so maybe not. I can only imagine the screeching. It might work better if NElves weren’t playable.