The Silver Hand: a order that contains Paladins, Sunwalkers, Blood Knights, Vindicators and others that draw from all races and are based under Light’s Hope Chapel.
The Knights of the Silver Hand: the original order of Paladins founded in the Second War, only recruits from humans, dwarves and high elves and based in the Cathedral of Light in Stormind City.
Turalyon is a original founder and member of the second one and fought in that capacity against Liadrin of the Blood Knights in the Arathi Highlands.
The funniest part is that by now, I couldn’t even be shocked if the writers actually did this. I used to joke about them letting Forsaken hang out in the new tree.
I’m kinda glad that they went with that design for Hallowfall. The three zones would otherwise feel very similar and something along Hallow’s vibe is a nice break up of things before we descend further into the Nerubian territory.
As others said, it reflects the theme of hollow Earth, which is one of staples of stories about exploring underground civilizations. To many, seeing artificial sun and only small hints of the ceiling is 100% in line with the underground setting.
Also it’s a good way to mix things. Having 3 claustrophobic underground zones wouldn’t be that fun.
Considering the state of many of the other roads in Belgium, that is them making an effort, I’m quite confident
fun fact: a reason a lot of people from the Netherlands trying to rob banks by blowing up ATMs do so in Germany, because the Belgian roads are so poor that it’s too difficult to get away quickly and cleanly
Possible hot take;
I don’t like Alleria’s change in outfit. It looks worse/less striking than her old gear.
I also don’t see why characters with modern models are getting yet-another-update, when our poor mon Rokhan is sat around looking like that… Among others, too.