PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

It all reminds me of that Hunger Games girl

Catnip Everdeen or something like that

How dare we have feelings in writing.

Let’s have the 5th war, war is good writing.


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Priest Ennas: A great blight lies across our land! It grows every day. Our need for magic weakens us, and will bring us to destruction, just as it has before!

So big brain Ennas converted to Alliance (blue garbs) and then went on to chill in Void Space to…? Get more magic?

Beating a dead horse here, but again:

Are they stupid?

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i want more cinematics of characters talking about their feelings, sorry

but specifically i want it to be illidan talking about his feelings to tyrande for the umpteenth time and getting painfully rejected yet again

i just need more of that and i need it in cinematic form, whether that be in game or cgi.


Illidan is the Shadow the Hedgehog of WoW.

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the only emotions Illidan fanboys can relate to


He also likes latinas?

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Do Portugese count?

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Ok i would be fine with this.

But only if it is followed up with Tyrande calling him out afterwards.


Sort of? Depends on what counts.

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can you imagine the outrage that would follow, I vividly remember people were seething (and still are sometimes!) about her “uhh ok i guess” response to his thing in Legion


I don’t even need to imagine it, I recall it.

I think it’d be the last straw for some people to have Tyrande turn down Illidan åublicallybin his face and also verifying that Malfurion is the best boy for her.

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Tbh I wasn’t entirely fond of that either, not cause I’m an Illidan fanboy, I’m far from one, but … for all intents and purposes, man was still someone from her youth that she considered a friend. I dunno, a bit more than indifference would’ve been nice, but, that’s personal opinion.

Also where’s the lore that Drenden is Xal’atath?

Perfectly reasonable to response to his weird semi-stalker behavior.


illibros when the girl likes the nice gardener guy that helps animals better than the incel stalker that rambles about his suffering all the time:


everything illidan did, he did for her :pensive: if only she could understand

but girls like her only go for bad boys like checks notes malfurion stormrage…?


Alleria is a shockingly heartless person in these quests.

This is also the second time, including the short story, we’ve had reference to the Light helping Alleria to have some moments with Arator even when they were planets apart. But she still opted for the Void for some Zovaal-esque reason that we’ll never know.

She also says the Light didn’t help as if like, thousands of her Draenei friends from the Army of the Light didn’t die in droves @ Antorus to help us prevail against the Legion. Incredibly callous way of speaking from her given these would have been her thousands-of-years friends and allies.


It’s a rather weird name to me, since “ennas” means “there” in Sindarin.


Even if it’s a close friend, it’s still weird to receive what is essentially a video-recording from your Brother-in-Law saying “I’m going away forever. I’m still mad you picked my brother over me when we were young. I always love you. Btw if there’s any trouble at any point, i’m totally single still. We should see then haha(unless?). But yeah, going away 4ever. I gotta save the universe. Unlike my bro.”