PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

And that is FINE.

Illidan was always a bit of an incel. He was always morally grey. He was always the guy who thought “The end justifies the means”, but also used that excuse to his own benefit.

That’s ok. Makes him a great character. He is flawed and consistent.

Up until Blizzard does a 180 and says “actually everything he did was based and he was the good guy all along and we were idiots to ever doubt or oppose him”.

As people said Legion is the expansion when Blizzard became saturated with arrogant devs that liked smelling eachothers farts.


name one thing illidan did wrong

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He lost. <0>

Did he not pretty much finally accept she chose Malfurion over him though? I got the text in front of me atm.

Ahwell, its in the past now anyhow and he’s staying up there forever probably.


I was just about to write this before you did. He works or worked well because he is flawed. His characteristics as an egoistical d-bag who claims everything was for the greater good(when in actuality it was often for extremely petty personal reasons) was interesting as a sort of villain but not really.

I really disliked the approach of “Oh we should have listened, we’re so sorry Illidan, you were right all along!” Legion took.


He’s coming back in The Last Titan for sure, since the whole plot is that they (the Titans) come down to Northrend.


Yeah the titans come to bust down the unions the earthens and the rest of their creations make.

Why is this familiar…?

He does, but it also reads very much as there is still alot of grumbling and begrudgingly so. It felt to me less like it was a goodbye of sincerity and more as a way to guilt-trip her not choosing him.


finally, a fellow Legion truther

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Didn’t die at the end of WC3, thereby instigating the second worst WoW expac (TBC).


titans about to drop into northrend like they’re helldivers and we’re terminid

it’s so over for us

That is true!

And yeah, I do agree, Legion did try to whitewash his deeds a little too much, if not outright sweep them under the rug ( his Outland shenanigans).

I can see how it looks like that yeah, the part about “though at times I wished your heart made a different choice” .

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A giant titan-construct immediately steps out of their pod and shouts “For the Panthe-!” before getting obliterated in five seconds by the loot goblins.


Agreed. The inclusion of Blood Elves to the narrative really ruined the game long term.


Did my words earlier hurt? I was just joshing about buddy, having a laugh. Yanking your chain so to speak.


Hello, officer?

This man right here.

No it’s okay I consent.

Just think, if it had never happened Elenthas could have been Elen’jin instead.

He created the second Well of Eternity out of pure selfishness, forcing the night elves to reorient their entire culture towards guarding it (and Nordrassil) from the inevitable return of the Burning Legion.

He tried to destroy the Lich King by shattering Northrend, which might have ended or at least diminished the Scourge threat, but would have done terrible damage to the world in process.

Pre-retcons, he subjugated Outland with an iron fist. Post-retcons, he subjugated Outland with an iron fist as a secret plan to tear Argus apart, which he didn’t share with any of the people who could have helped him instead of besieging his citadel and interrupting the plan at a critical juncture.


I now want to see some cursed timeline where he succeeded in doing so, and thus opening the tear between Azeroth and Shadowlands decades in advance.

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