PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

What Shadowlands?


The Jailer one!

The hand of fate must be forced, or something.

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This trope is so annoying as well honestly. The whole “Fools, you don’t understand! I’m actually doing something important!”

“Okay, tell us so we can help?”

“No, you wouldn’t understand!”


This is the real multiverse we needed.

Very cool of Illidan to give his lost people a purpose again when they had no orientation.

The lives that could have been saved had he succeeded. How would we have fared in further conflicts if we hadn’t spent so many in the Northrend campaign.

Outland was a dying world, he had to step in to save them from ruin, even if it meant breaking a few eggs to get there; drying up the marshes etc which lets be honest nobody needed, they’re just wet and soggy and gross. Can he also be blamed for having 5 expansions worth of foresight where no one else did, and knowing that no one else would possibly be able to comprehend his daring vision?

He’s a good man, can’t you see?!


Illidan saving Outland by following Nestle’s practices & business model.

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it just works

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FFXIV 2.4:

Lady Iceheart: “You won’t understand!”
Me: “Hey, wait! Game, let me ask for her side of the story instead of attacking her outright!”
Game: “No”

FFXIV 3.0:

Alphinaud: “I have an idea. Let’s find Lady Iceheart and ask for her side of the story!”
Everyone: “Alphinaud, you’re a genius!”
Me: (screams)


Kind of unfair to blame Illidan for that. Zovaal would’ve found some other poor Night Elf (or maybe even a Murloc) to do it instead for his grand scheme.


His grand machinations across the cosmos are unfathomable.


the only crime you can accuse illidan of is being a cool dude

If he was cool he would have gotten to kiss the girl he liked.

Evidence proves, therefore, that he is objectively Not Cool.

Half the plot of Heavensward could have been resolved much earlier if the WoL had even the most basic of thinking. But instead both them and everyone else just shrugs and goes along with everything at the start with zero second guessing.

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The Warrior of Light did not get where they are by thinking, Vixi. They listen to the voice in their head and the voices of two bratty elf children to dictate what they should and shouldn’t do at any given moment.

Objection. I’ll come back to you with the why when I’ve thought of it.


Illidan also had a solution to the blood elven magic dependancy bit he kept it to himself because.


They needed to find their inner strength through adversity. He was helping them to help themselves.

I still hate every part of it and all the fallout from those choices… -sigh-

Edit: Ok, no, I’m gonna rant about this a bit;

Not including properly Neutral as a third/balancing Faction was, while mildly understandable, also really a missed opportunity. I know people here love to meme on Neutrals, but up until the utter farce that was BFA we had a lot more reason to have them than not.
How the Pandaren have dealt with the Horde side of things, especially Garrosh, doesn’t do them any justice in writing, imo anyway.
It also led us to other issues down the line, like you could have easily had Nightborne on both sides for Legion, Dracthyr that can traverse the line easier, etc etc.

Hitting Kael with the villain-bat back in TBC sucked but, ok, back then the Pragmatic Belves were kinda cool and kinda worked. Now, with the Sunwell restored and a whole heap of stuff? Hrmn.
Void Elves were stupid. Utterly stupid. Doubly so for, as you said, making them Thallasian and not, I dunno, the remnants of Helves that went with Alleria? Or just do the sensible thing and give us Krokul/Broken Draenei instead. Y’know, if the whole ‘not replicating things across factions’ was such a big frickin’ deal (It was stupid, but heyo)

Just… ugh. Ugh.

Edit edit: Also Dark Irons shoulda been Dorf customisation, High Mountain for Tuaren, Lightforged etc etc. There’s so many ways they could have done races/allies better, and the fact they were either corner-cut or oblivious to them both annoy the heck outta me.


A lot of the lore developments seem pretty bad. It strays too far into cosmic nonsense for my liking and the void elves getting paladins and Light-wielding priests at the end strikes me as daft. Though I can understand why they would be capable of it, previous lore with Alleria and Turalyon makes it clear that their very existence should be one of crippling suffering and constant agony. I get that the Discipline spec exists, but this is a step beyond that.

There’s also the case of some of the characters being a bit stupid and easily manipulated, but Blizzard has never been good at subtle schemes and whenever characters have played the long game (see Sylvanas and the Jailer), that has led to massive confusion and complaints about their bewildering five-dimensional chess nonsense. Blizzard is awful at finding a middle ground.

But some people seem to expect the characters to be much more cautious, genre-savvy, stoic and intelligent, to the point of absurdity. While Dalaran’s security has been hilariously lax throughout Warcraft’s history, the alternative of Dalaran being hyper-vigilant and putting all-seeing wards everywhere and effortlessly seeing through every attempt at infiltration and manipulation (even by Xal’atath, who was established during Legion as one of the greatest manipulators to ever exist in the setting) seems like the opposite extreme.

Similarly, expecting objectively correct wisdom and logic from Alleria, who is constantly battling the Void in her brain, seems a little odd. As for her particular feelings towards the Light and the reason for why she fell to the Void in the first place, I’m quite sure there’s a free two-hour audio drama called A Thousand Years of War that’s all about that.

But it’s Blizzard’s fault for introducing the entire concept of void elves in the first place. They just can’t win with them.
If Alleria and the void elves are able to control the Void with little consequence and it doesn’t influence them, then it diminishes the threat of the Void and makes it seem like just another alternate power source.
If Alleria and the void elves suffer consequences for their connection to the Void and are negatively influenced by it, then they’re complete morons who should have known better and they’re unbelievably stupid for ever daring to touch the Void.
It doesn’t seem like there’s a way of writing the concept that would satisfy Argent Dawn.

At least the troll story seems okay and the draenei get a lot of wins in their story too. It’s a shame that the primary story of this patch seems to let it down by getting a little too cosmic a little too quickly for my liking. 5/10.


Imagine the Alliance being more open and welcoming to the likes of Eredar and Void Elves with their ‘evil’ magic in the eyes of common men over the Nightborne who’re just Night Elves who don’t live in trees.


That’s a quote right then and there :crazy_face: