PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

It’s like stepping into the story forums.


It’s Richard Thunderbolt.

Friends call him Dick Thunder.


It makes sense once you remember the Alliance are the villains and the Horde are the good guys :+1:

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Everyone is a jerk and they should all collectively take their factions into the nearest skip.


Distantpeak being Based and Correct, oh damn

What did we gnomes ever do? We don’t even get lore :frowning:


Remember when the gnome heritage armor questline was some wild goose chase in Northrend that left the reclamation of Gnomeregan unaddressed?


I genuinely think the orcish and draenei heritage quests are the better of the lot, they’re a strong look at current, past and future. While others… eh.


Some absolutely deserve a do-over…

I still don’t get whats this supposed to explain?

Why on Earth is it only Alliance cities that turn neutral: Bel’ameth, Gilneas and now Telogrus Rift? Why not Echo Isle’s? Or the this patch updated Nighthold?

I mean, probably Quel’thalas?

The two blood elves are protesting about Silvermoon aligning with the Horde over the Alliance, as well as warning how the magical addiction and excess is a weakness. It doesn’t really have anything to do with dark magic.

None of the high elven “splits” with the blood elves were to do with dark magic really, you have a set who were exiled because they didn’t want to feed from living things i.e mana wyrms. And the rest were either simply not in or near Silvermoon (i.e Alleria Hold on Outland) or were with Dalaran and formed the Silver Covenant.

In hindsight, the Kor’kron roleplayers who stomped around shouting chauvenistic insults to remind the blood elf roleplayers they were in the Horde wasn’t so bad in comparison to the incoming wave of human roleplayers.


I’d say “Oi!” and look aggreived but-

-Looks at Stormwind and surrounding RP-
… Yeah. Fair.

(It’s not snobby when I can’t even RP this character ever going home to Elwynn Forest, don’t even try it… -grumbles-)

I mean, high/void elf Alleria Windrunner was allowed to enter Silvermoon City, half-elf paladin of Silver Hand Arator Windrunner now lives in Silvermoon City, and Regent of Stormwind Turalyon was allowed to visit Silvermoon City for undetermined amount of time.

Meanwhile, Telogrus seems to just be left frozen at the end point of the questline, allowing CHAMPYUN!!! to still use the Rift left in basement of Dalaran (a famously anti-dark magic place). The blood elf NPCs were there before already, so it´s not like anything has changed in lore in terms of who the inhabitants are.

When it comes to 10.2.7 and associated media, Horde feels like the faction that´s getting hit by the “we´re all friends now” bat, not Alliance.

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I’ve discussed with other old-head troll RP’ers and reflected a bit more on the Darkspear Heritage quest; there seems to be a weird gulf in understanding the appeal of the Darkspear tribe in the current worldbuilding & as well as the affair feeling redundant.

Whereas the Draenei Heritage is brimming with obsessive detail and coverage – pure labour of love for a race, the troll heritage feels… competent enough? Let me elaborate.

The setup for the heritage quest shows a weird disconnect between past portrayals of the Darkspear. As of BFA, they’ve had a Shadow Hunter on the seat of Warchief, revived and protected the old ways of Bwonsamdi as well as adapted to new paths like Gonk’s druids – the Zandalari are much more established as a civilization but prone to stagnancy and corruption whereas the Darkspear are the trailblazer tribe that produces the greatest champions of trollkind.

The heritage questline starts as if this wasn’t the case – old Loa are abandoned and the Darkspear feel “alone” (even though Gonk, Shirvallah, Hir’eek and probably Shadra are all Loa the tribe venerates since Cataclysm/MoP?) The questline touches on ostensibly the heritage of the tribe, even though all of it is new lore, new Loa while long-established points of the culture like the exodus from Stranglethorn, signifcance of Shadow Hunters, the First Home, Vol’jin’s legacy and the tribes present relationships to the Horde and Zandalar are skimmed or barely brushed. This stings greatly after watching the Draenei side of things.

The end of the quest emphasises that, yes, the Darkspear are indeed the most devoted and honorable of the tribes – they know the path to the future! … which knew already. That was the status of the tribe before this questline, which was retconned out so we could go through this loop to arrive exactly where we started at – left without a glimpse of the direction and aspirations of the tribe, Rokhan or anything else.

It’s a lot of flavour, aesthetic and action but the characterization, worldbuilding, and narrative feel so slim it’s just a little phoned in. Where’s the love, mon?

7/10, feels like a 6/10 after seeing the Draenei questline. Everyone go read Shadows of the Horde. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


real + true


-side eyes BFA content-

I’m going to assume Voidlight is a class title for a velf paladin, just like Ghostblade and Riftwarden.


That… actually makes a lot more sense, yeah.

I just don’t get how is that supposed to work. Opposite powers. I cringe at the idea as I did at LFD lock if not more.