PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

They were on Vol’jin’s speed dial during Shadows of the Horde, and Hir’eek had his own island dedicated to him on the Echo Isles as recently as exploring Kalimdor.

They weren’t abandoned in BFA, but slain – yet inferring that as the reason for the Darkspear’s downward turn is headcanoning/doing Blizzard’s job for them.

Agreed. If they gave the NPC a dark mirror-image version of a paladin’s usual spells, that’d be cool. Actual Light just undermines what little justification the Void Elves have for existing tbh.


I will forever disagree with this take. - To slot Dark Irons under as simple customisation to an already existing clan cheapens their story as a whole, the only crime in my eyes is that they didn’t give us proper Wildhammer representation on equal footing.


It’s a bit weird how they don’t have an official entry of Drenden, like they had before. I think it’d be nice if the other members gave a reason for why they did not choose Aethas.

Aethas read the press release and datamines for the War Within and turned down the role.

Rommath bullied him into keeping his mouth shut from the rest of Dalaran. Too bad, so sad.


To be fair, they don’t look like Void elves and have green and blue eyes. They might simply be hanging out with them.

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Valid. Counter-offer; we should have got/get Racial and then Sub-Racial options like in BG3.


  • Bronzebeard
  • Dark Iron
  • Wildhammer

etc. The racial ‘perk’ system WoW has is so incredibly stagnant, and has been for year.


There’s a ton of potential there in terms of character customization, and it would require minimal effort from Blizzard. The models and skeletons are already there in addition to the ability to wear different armor and clothing pieces.

I don’t know why we won’t have more than this…it’s not like Blizz actually cares about the lore. In fact, I’d find playable skins for leper gnomes and fel orcs more plausible than a lot of story arcs in-game.

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As soon as the player base comes up with a suggestion that surely improves the game Blizzard will go hell naw and puts all their energy in coming up with their own way waaaay better idea.

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My headcanon answer:

While Sunreavers have been restored to Dalaran and the Council seems to have positive relationship with Aethas again, the fact that his reaction to finding out about some Sunreavers betraying Kirin Tor in favor of the Horde was silence, is a stain on his past. When push comes to shove, Aethas may not be as loyal to Kirin Tor as others might want.

Secondly, while the other members are humans, they’re neutral. Aethas as member of the Horde being put on the council could create tensions because of disparity between the factions when it comes to the representation among leadership of Dalaran (which, of the three big magical cities, is the only one that isn’t Horde and as such is much more crucial to the Alliance than to the Horde). While he was on the Council in the past, it was at the time when leader of Alliance faction within the city was married to the main guy in the Council, providing some balance. There could be a fear that, if they were to put a Sunreaver representative on the Council, Alliance might start asking for Silver Covenant representative to be appointed to it as well.

Thirdly, Drenden was never removed from his position as far as we know, he went missing. As such, his street cred might be bigger than that of someone who was removed from that position.


Isn’t Dragonflight and TWW giving us a lot of what the players asked for in the past, though?

Cheap jab honestly.

Then why do they often feel like a monkeypaw wish? There’s always a catch when Blizzard finally does implement an idea, which often take an entire expansion before they actually do it or after heavy backlash from the players.

In a perfect world Blizzard reads and understands its audience and knows what they want. Not force the opposite of what players want and then change it afterwards so it’s what the players actually want.

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Just did the Harbringer questline.

I can’t stress enough how much I hate having to play henchman for Umbric and Alleria. I have 0 connection to them and it feels like sawdust having to work alongside them.

Much in the same way people likely felt with thrall back in Cata or Baine during Shadowlands.


I don’t remember there being much backlash in terms of things such as the Retribution rework, the Monk class tree changes for TWW, the crest changes, making BfA raids easier to tackle now, faster balancing changes to M+ dungeons among others.

People’s expectations being way too high is not Blizzard’s fault. The running trend I am seeing personally is Blizzard doing something, and then people basically going “This is not enough, gib more.” Because some are just never satisfied unless they get their own personal RP phases or other ridiculous ideas.

But hey, that’s just me.


I for one was quite glad with the ret rework for pallies. As I’m equally glad that thankfully people chose the same tier bonus as from Amirdrassil for Season 4’s tier set ( as that was the set that was made with the rework in mind).

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Ret does feel very good right now, even from a Filthy Casual point of view (it me, am the Filthy Casual :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Don’t jinx it.

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Ok, ok.
-Whispers- Tauren content…

I agree, as a fellow Filthy Casual, I leveled a ret paladin to 70 this expansion and it was an absolute breeze.

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We had a dash in the Plains.
Goblins and gnomes need a kiss on the forehead.