PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Goblins and Gnomes deserve renumeration, councilling, a legal charter going forward and a Plaque of Apology…

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And dynamiting Mt. Gallywix.


Gazlowe’s first action, upon receiving his long overdue backpack model, is to launch the mini-missile that detonates all the TNT.

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Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but the story revolving around the new battle ground says to me that it’s not even Horde vs Alliance, but rather us playing mercenaries/faceless soldiers.

Deephaul Ravine is themed in The Ringing Deeps where the Foreman Uzjax and Architect Ruffious are tasked with collecting as much valuable ore, gems, and crystals for their respective priorities. Ruffious the Unbound Earthen has big plans for the ore and gems found in the Deephaul Ravine, but the Machine Speakers of the Earthenworks are quite possessive of such precious materials. Uzjax and his team plan to secure these materials before Ruffious and his band of misfits get their hands on it.

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Meh, at least we are getting a new bg. It’s about time.

I swear, Uzjax sounds and looks more like the name of a Faceless One then a Earthen…


Same with the Titan named Khaz Goroth. Evil sounding name yo !

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Well, in Hearthstone the Faceless Manipulator card can transform into a copy of another card. So, y’know…

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Not to mention, in Aberrus a Faceless One used the form of Neltharion to manipulate both Sabellian and Wrathion (or attempt to at least.)

Very very interesting…

All three look good, but the warlock set looks like it got most of the budget.

Also, my condolences to mages who thought they could escape the Dalaran aesthetic after Dalaran’s destruction.


Hot take;

I am tired of EVERY damn set having Neon/Glowy bits on it.
At least I can rip the shoulders off most sets, and I rarely have helmets on my characters anyway, but still.
At least let us turn them OFF if we want more grounded designs, the actual armour stuff looks fine…

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I just can’t get over it how the Warlock hand animations coming from the shoulders just look like an Italian guy using sign language :dizzy_face:

Not sure I agree with that. I fully expect the tier sets, the rewards for participating in endgame content, to be glowing, cool-looking spectacles. They’re supposed to look spectacular and shiny by design.

I agree that it would be nice to get sets which are more grounded and we are getting that… as a reward for less prestigious content. See the levelling gear, for example.
But this wish for more grounded, less magical looking gear is probably limited to a few thousand players on Argent Dawn, so I understand if Blizzard doesn’t feel compelled to pander to us.


Okay, I’m curious, is there any lore reason behind this Lord Shiva/Lady Durga-esque multi armed design…? :eyes:

It’s not ‘spectacular’, though. Is my gripe.
They are literally just slapping bright, colour coded glows on 2-3 areas, and then calling it a day.

You know what’d be shiny and spectacular? Asymetrical sets with heavier focus on class or Raid fantasy elements, whether that’s say, a Warrior set for Amirdrassil with trophy Djaradin elements worked into their shoulder or gauntlets, or, I dunno, something that’s NOT overused neon glows.

You’re probably right in that it’s a niche/me thing, but still…

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Some tailor had a lot of jobs to do around the house and he had a stroke of genius so he contacted his enchanter friend.

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A stroke, maybe, but genius…?
I guess tastes do differ

Seems to be inspired by the shivarra, which are in turn inspired by Shiva.

I’d argue that the ones with a raid-focused aesthetic often end up being unappealing. Take the Sepulcher sets, for example. Almost none of them are inspired by class fantasy, almost all of them borrow the raid’s aesthetic and the result is unappealing.

As for class fantasy, I’d argue that we see plenty of that on display here.
The warlock set is clearly inspired by a certain demon in the setting, which fits their demonic magic. As they’re a magical class, I’d also argue that the glowing fits.
The mage set is clearly inspired by the aesthetics of Dalaran, the mage city that was just destroyed, with plenty of runic text and magic circles because it’s for mages. Again, magical class, glowing isn’t out of place.
The hunter set is a bunch of grim and grisly trophies mounted on a practical and rugged outdoorsman’s outfit, complete with a bear trap on the hip. The glows are somewhat out of place on a martial class, but that’s where my comment about endgame sets looking shiny, glowy and spectacular comes in.

I’d say there’s a lot more to these designs than them just being a bunch of bright colour-coded glow effects. I agree, no-glow versions would be great for those of us who roleplay more grounded, down-to-earth characters, but we’re 0.01% of the WoW population.

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In Dragonflight, the neon-glowy bits with effects come only with reaching high enough rating in content. At least, for S3 it was like that. IDK if the datamined tier sets already have the ‘full effect’ or not, but if you reach the rating you essentially get two versions of the gear to mog - one without or muted effects, and one with the effects.

Naturally, the tier sets are meant to be the ones that look ‘cool’ and unfortunately, not every class has equally as cool sets even with the effects (Druid S3 in Dragonflight was so ugly and the effects were negligible) where indeed, it feels like they just slapped a stronger smoky effect on shoulders and called it a day…

…but hey, the warlock tier set at least looks more impressive! Guess we’ll see if this design carries over and the version without effects would have no hand effect.

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Every time I see “delves” in a patch changelog, I keep interpreting it as “dark elves”.

As in… nelves, belves, velves, delves.