PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

It has been a thing since S1. The Effect unlock just became more significant from season to season.

True + real.

The warlock set went from looking amazing to looking like a dollar store toy sorcerer

If only we could choose to not have certain armour pieces appear.

Goodness me.

EDIT: this was the wrong thread

go about your business


Apocalyptic scenes.


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Hunter set, you’re losing Head, Shoulders, Gloves if you don’t want the “Hey, we made this bit GLOWY” parts.

Which… kinda sucks, cos the individual parts look really nice, actually? Just… screw everyone who hates pointless glowy bits, basically. No clue if there’s parts that could stand in, especially for gloves.

The Hunter set feels like it’s been done before… Or it’s been done as a set for Shamans.

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Likewise. Admittedly I’ve never liked any of the Windrunner sisters and I consider them to be amongst the worst characters in the game for various reasons. Not in the least because all three of them are still around despite far more interesting characters being killed off rather unceremoniously and for far lesser crimes than what stains the trio’s hands.

Even accounting for the time skip (which is barely anything of note for an elf) it wasn’t that long ago that Umbric and Alleria were very gleefully slaughtering Horde forces (including non-combatants) in very violent and gruesome ways.


The hunter set looks super good to me.

Subjective views, yo. I imagine the glowy bits will be less obnoxious if they end up doing the cosmetic gem unlock like they did in past seasons.

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Horde diplomats? Thrown into Void portals to the unknown?

You silly Billy… It never happened. There’s no corpse or proof to speak of. It’s lie, a deception, fake news.

The Dinosaur revival is true though and it was cool.

We all remember Voidosaurus Rex and his smaller cousins the Voidoraptors.

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I love the hunter set, glowing rave bones and all. It’s brilliant. I’d be upset if they toned it down.

While the Rider of the Apocalypse is pretty cool, I hope Blizzard takes into consideration how visually busy it might be.

I don’t know the details of how the spec functions, but a single death knight having all four horsemen up for any significant period of time might end up crowding the screen, especially in end-game environments. Imagine what it might be like if you have more than one Rider of the Apocalypse in a group.

I imagine they riders will be visible only to the DK, just like some Brewmaster kegs are only visible to the Brewmaster right now.

This sucks because the previous chargers they had were way better than anything that reminds me of Shadowlands.


BM hunters and Demo locks rn:

Tbqh I don’t disagree with your Shogganosh, the visual clutter from NPC’s is god damn insane in this game these days and it looks to be getting only worse in the next expansion.

Doesn’t work that way with summons or pets, since they are interactable in the world and are affected by things like positioning, range and LoS.

For example they reduced the frequency at which other people see SP shadowy apparitions because their range is unlimited and they are procced from abilities you use and random chance with some talents.

But you can’t do that with wild imps from demo, dire beasts from Hunter and/or these riders because they are NPC’s.

Also, what’s this? As I’ve not run into this as of yet? Genuinely curious.

Not sure this is true. I did a bloom the other day and this one Shadowpriest had my whole screen filling purple ghosts.


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