PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

BM hunters are pretty bad but I haven’t had any real issues with Demonology when it comes to clutter and busyness. Wild imps don’t pose much of a problem to me.

I’m more concerned with these riders because of how huge they are. They seem like they’ll be far more obfuscating than most hunter pets are.

I think it was at its worst in the BFA pre-patch, when almost every tick of every dot seemed to generate a purple ghost that slowly wafted towards its target over the course of what felt like thirty, forty seconds.

Season 2 had something similar.

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I liked that when you got 2500 rating you unlocked the glowing variants. So you at least had options if you wanted full glow or just rimlight.

Gods, stop alluding to it. Have them kiss and make up and open the Broken customisation already.


I assume that when Broken are finally added as an allied race the Body 2 option will look fairly close to the way female Broken have been portrayed in Hearthstone.

Aesthetically unappealing subrace with very niche lore and appeal that would require a lot of work (relative to other customisation options) in order to create customisation options for.

From a lore and RP perspective, Broken customisation makes perfect sense. From a business point of view, Broken customisation would be an absolutely gigantic waste of resources.

Dracthyr in shambles.

I mean, didn’t they throw Broken heads on Draenei models for the Argus Broken?

I don’t see how they could just add a face and lock it to certain customisation options (akin to how red eyes are locked to darkfallen skin option!)

Add diaper gnomes to that list.

You mean like the Void Elves? The ones that they had to give in and give High Elf customisation, because it was such a demanded thing? Because, of all the things they could have done for an Allied Race at that stage, they chose… more elves? That were even more of a Rear End pull than any other option?


Not without reason.

The Void’s agents are very unsubtle infiltrators.

And they instantly fell for it, too. Such weird out of character moments, especially for freakin’ Wrathion who spent the rump end of BfA explicitly digging elbow deep in how the Old Gods operate.

Would’ve been tolerable if the image of dear old dad was treated as oddly and particularly compelling but they treat it as if it’s him in the flesh.

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Considering that they were the most popular allied race by miles even before high elf customisation options were given to them, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Without unique racial abilities or a fancy new class to go with them, I just can’t imagine many people bothering with Broken customisation options, outside of maybe a few hundred roleplayers and lore nerds.


I am fine with that. It is also the reason I am hoping for Druid of the Flame customisation for the Night Elves. Its just a single Skintone and fiery eyes.

And I doubt many people would play it. But I sure as hell would! I wouldn’t play Broken, I will be honest, but seeing as they have been in the Alliance longer then Dark Irons, Man’ari and well actually longer, aside from Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and Night Elves, any other Alliance race now in the Alliance. They deserve to be at the very least a customisation option, and at best an Allied Race, unlike so many other "Allied Races":weary:


I think if Blizzard now had to pick between giving us either Broken or some new, random, before unknown race of elves, they would make more money with the new elven race despite there already being 2.

They could literally copy paste blood elf customizations, call them high elves and they would still get insane amount of race changes from void elves that already have the ability to look 95% like a high elf anyway.


You can make a mechagnome look good with mogs. I unironically love the mechagnome heritage armor.

You can’t even mog a dracthyr, they are the Comic Sans of character design where they somehow do not fit in anywhere visually. Even the devs are finally taking steps to make them more popular by allowing players to stay in visage form permanently come the next expansion.


I like the bat-elves.

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Can you recall where I might find an article about this?

There’s no accounting for taste/people being weak, I guess…

Now do this for Worgen and add more Visageforms and Kaldorei Worgen.

Then we good to go😏

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I am still seething that we got Dracthyr and not drakonids. And also that the visages look the way they do, instead of being just a thing you can choose.