PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

This is not necessarily true, they gained a significant spike after the High Elf customisation, statistically speaking :nerd:

Overall they went from about 1.73% and are now settling around 4.3%

Always funny whenever I remember that 60-75% of the entire playerbase are either: Human, Blood Elf, Night Elf, Void Elf or Orc

We can, but it’s a brutal struggle.

I hope we get the same customization as Earthen do with being able to independently change limbs. Oh and more than 6 types of facial hair.


I would be too, it’s just a case of “what can we realistically expect from Blizzard?”

There are times when Blizzard makes really bizarre choices, such as making an earthen allied race. The dracthyr are different, since they have their fans as well as their haters and the decision to tie them with evokers made sure that people would actually play them.

But I firmly believe that broken are in the same camp as ogres, as something that Blizzard likely sees zero profit in, despite it making perfect sense from a lore perspective.

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We should have gotten Broken as an allied race instead of Lightforged.


Allied raced have been largely, low effort, it was a cheap and efficient way to build up good will admittedly. But for the most part they’ve all been lacklustre in customisation or not looked like their npc counterparts.

Broken and Nightborne should have been the Legion “allied races”.

With BFA going ham on customisation and sub-races, drawing in most we’ve seen as extra customisation; taunka, highmountain, mag’har, dark iron, wildhammer and so on.


And Taunka instead of Highmountain Tauren. Taunka fit the description of an Allied Race more then Highmountain Taurens do. Cultural the Taunka and Tauren are way more diverse, with Taunka nearing Dark Shamanism in their handling of the Elements.

Visually they are also more distinct to both the Tauren and the Highmountain Tauren, who look alike except for their horns/antlers.

But then again, Dark Irons becoming an Allied Race, while Wildhammers ended up being customisation options for Bronzebeard Dwarves is ??? aswell, so what do I know.


It’s a shame they decided it was better to invent new races rather than bring established and requested races to the playable pool.


Its a problem I have with alot of zones in newer WoW, aswell… Especially more recently with, for example, the Zaralek Caverns with the Sniffen. They could’ve gone with both Drogbar and Dark Trolls, or Earthen and Dark Trolls. Instead we got what we got :frowning:

Instead of making use of the establised races, they invent new ones for 1 zone, to forget them afterwards

And do not get me started on the damn Centaur!


Having Allied Races must have increased playtime or at the very least gotten a fair number of people just boosting to max level, which ultimately was the point of ARs alongside the marketing of them.

A smarter soul will simply think that rather than create a whole new slate of playable races, you could just as easily keep the base race for example Dwarves, have all the skin tones across all the three clans, have a base set of racials across all Dwarven clans but a few will indeed could be endemic to each clan but you could indeed swap them for something else that is universal to Dwarvenkind.

I know “races” has a different take in the WoW universe but it rubs me the wrong way somehow.

In a group Interview with Ion Hazzikostas, he confirmed there are plans to expand the Classes a Dracthyr can be in the War Within.

No timeframe was given but it’s likely near the start of the Expansion. He also said that you’ll be able to stay in Visage form in combat while playing the new classes

Also reported on wowhead

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Details are slim, I’ll admit, like if some spells shifts you temporarily or not.

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Yeah, I am not liking the DF centaur either. For starter their models look like they came from Cataclysm and look so janky.

They also all feel way too tame and friendly. Except the Nokhud clan but they feel so out of place compared to the personalities of the other 2 clans. Such a big contrast from the centaur we meet in the Barrens and Desolace (classic). It’s just a really weird combination to mix progressive and (savage)tribal aesthetics.

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Reading this…

How long ago did the Darkspear leave Stranglethorn?
Must’ve not been that long ago, since there are Shadow Hunters and Witch Docters who remeber the 2 Loa from Stranglethorn? Also shouldn’t the Gurubashi be worshipping them aswell then, since the Darkspear Tribe is an offshoot from the Gurubashi Tribe?

I don’t like them because from all the angles they could’ve gone with them, they went with the “They were always here, deal with it” angle.

Instead of a offshoot tribe who fled the warmongering centaur of mainland Kalimdor and settled in the dormant Dragon Island to overcome the curse of their other kin and honour their parents.



Sometime between the First War and Third War. One was familiar with an ogre mage (who could have only come through the Dark Portal) before they left, which puts its timescale at around 20-35 years before current point in time.

The exact year isn’t specified in any materials so far as I know.

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Yea, I read that aswell, but I assumed the Darkspear left Stranglethorn like… Hundred years ago, lmao. Way before the First War, anyways!

Guess I was wrong, kinda strange to randomly forget the Loa that helped you escape, tho :frowning:

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Seems I totally missed that. I thought they were just isolated from ‘mainland’ clans without them being always there but rather that’s just where the ended up.

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Centaur Clans from the Ohn’ahra Plains are a few thousand years older then the ones from Kalimdor. Also how they came to be is up in the air. ._.

As the player and Orweyna emerge from the Breathing Pit, they are confronted by the other harronir in Orweyna’s pod.
An argument ensues, the other harronir questioning why Orweyna would break one of the sacred rules to enlist the help of this mortal. Orweyna says that it had to be done for the sake of the roots. The harronir begrudgingly accept the new direction and depart for now, but not before warning Orweyna that there will be consequences for all of them for what she has done.

Damn Harronir are sounding more and more like the inbetween of Elves and Trolls… And either long lived or immortal?

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I can’t forget misreading the timeline and picturing the ohn’aran centaur all paddling to dragonland in awkward horsecanoes.


Would probably be quicker if they used sails and Ohn’ahran’s blessings(wind) to sail, ngl…

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That’s not even half as funny.