PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I am not a funny man :frowning:

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Maybe Centaur evolved from seahorses who came to land?

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I have that about the fact that for a ok amount of time orc males had the most customisation combinations.

I think they actually still do but I am not certain.

Dwarves are apparently such a popular race that we now got 3 variants playable over both factions :roll_eyes:

We should have gotten Harronir for Horde and Krokuls for Alliance. Why they insist on making neutral races, especially when in competitive content faction doesn’t matter even.

Because it’s cheaper and takes less effort. Making an Earthen faction the equivalent of Not-Brokers in Shadowlands and Dragonkin in Dragonflight (in this case essentially a reskin of existing Dwarf races), slapping together a bunch of gem and stone beard customizations for both genders and then declaring them an Allied Race unlock for both factions are all exclusively money-driven decisions.

It doesn’t matter how stupid it is to slap Earthen onto the Horde (and explain it with the fact they are the faction-agnostic version of their race that we all work with) as long as you don’t need to spend money and time on two allied races and the baggage that comes with them.


But the Harronir have customisations like a proper player race and it’s based on Nelf model so animations shouldn’t be hard either. Just slap some heritage armor on them and some already designed beast mob as a mount to them and release the for Horde and Earthen for Alliance, don’t tell me this would cost far more, since the race is pretty much done.

I’ve written that an allied race is more than just their customization. You need to write stories, design unlock quests, record lines and shape the expansion narrative to facilitate not one but two races picking a faction as their besties and then write around that fact.

Instead we have one allied race, from the omnipresent neutral faction of the expansion, and whose history, culture and ideals get a major focus through the zone storylines anyway.

You say adding another allied race takes no effort, I say it does. Particularly when Earthen get so much (localized) lore, comparable at best with the Nerubians, while the bat trolls being a Horde AA would feel like a Temu discount deal in comparison.

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This is going in the book!


Just slap some heritage armor on them and some already designed beast mob as a mount to them and release the for Horde and Earthen for Alliance, don’t tell me this would cost far more, since the race is pretty much done.

Thats how Blizz did the majority of allied races anyway.
But you can feel how cheap they are compared to allied races (or the neutral pandaren one) in comparison.

Velves are just “Belves but void tentacle”, LF Draenei are just “What if we turn the space goats into holy space marine goats”. Mag’har are literally just “Orc but no demon”.
Some got cool and fitting lore, like Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren or Kul Tiran. But there is still a huge difference in some aspects such as customizations.

And as Hatescale mentioned: Allied races would need much more work put into them just some customizations, armor and mount. Thats why some allied races may feel shallow and kinda disconnected or weird in comparison to others. Mechagnomes being a good example for “we just slap customizations into pre-existing stuff, add little work elsewhere and call it a day”.

… And I dont want to mention the horrible thing they have done to make Man’ari and Darkfallen playable…


It really does feel like a lack of reverence doesn’t it? You’d think the inclusion of a playable race would come with vast swathe of lore, a continent of their own and a real paradigm shift or influence on how the way they do things works or doesn’t in the Alliance or Horde. Only KT Humans and Zandalari fulfill all these conditions.


I’mma be honest here but I don’t mind the way they made the Repentant playable for the draenei, it’s clear that some were forced to join to survive and others clearly believed in what they were promised only to be made demons so them trying to repent now that they have the chance is solid, also its outright confirmed it’s only a rare few, and even fewer that are allowed to visit/stand among the draenei.

Darkfallen have always been a part of the Forsaken/Scourge so its fine that they are playable.

Uuh? I don’t get it…

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Warhammer dwarfs put offences into their own or clan’s book of grudges. It’s a reference to that.
And dwarves are awesome.


This, and while we’re at it: I still would love to play as Nightfallen!


Another example of why you’re the one person exempt from being in the book.

I found out you can spoil the entire twist of the harbinger quest way ahead of time, by talking to locus walker whenever you get the first chance to do so, he will straight up say who the harbinger is, if you ask him about them.

And on one hand I know its probably an oversight, but I like the implications that he knows this entire time and just doesn’t tell anyone because we didn’t ask him.

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I like that he’s pretty dodgy as a character. He’s just the the right amount of helpful for the ren’dorei to want him around, while there’s also little doubt that his endgame is likely self-serving.

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Mhm, it seems as though he is playing his own game, but what that game might be is anyone’s guess for now. Outside of the Ren’dorei , some of the ethereals that were on Argus, and maybe Turalyon and a few Army of the Light officers, I doubt many even know he exists.

Oh, come on!

You can make an exception for a gnome cousin, right??? RIGHT???

Shows how much I know abour dwarves!

That they are!

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Guess that’s one roundabout way of having different visages if you’re a Dracthyr I guess.

Apparently has a 2Hr cooldown, though.
Cos, y’know, heaven forbid :roll_eyes: