It’d be funny if it wasn’t just watching him getting morphed into an anduin stand-in. Crazy how the moment Andy is gone he turns into a soft insecure yet hyper competent boy who just wants to have a loving family and talks to his dead parents
There is a big difference between running out of trained, professional soldiers and running out of men period. The former seems to be what Genn is referring to when he says "that is the last of the soldiers", in which case resorting to conscription is the norm.
If not a clown whenever I see him, it’s as nothing more than a mana simp in the shape of a blonde female human. Guess even Blizzard couldn’t recycle this pattern of his for a third time alongside Azuregos as his wingman.
I remember when something made the miners in the WoD garrison swim in the air and I’m convinced a minor update failing to consider the yarn of code will one day undo the game.
Bobby has to give up his bi-yearly Yacht and still we’re gonna have to pay for it my friends.
Putting content aside, the management of Blizzard Entertainement is laughably bad, like this is beyond just shooting yourself in the foot, cutting your nose to spite your face, etc… And you’d think management is the one thing they’d be decent at but then I remembered the suicide, nudes and cubicle crawling scandals. This whole thing doesn’t bode well indeed for content in DF.
I can at least understand that, as blue dragonflight was collapsing by the point he made that decision. It wasn’t really him saying “Screw you, guys, get out of my home!”, but more an acknowledgment of what was already becoming a reality.
Blue dragons were quitting their jobs at faster rates than Blizzard employees, simple as.
“Here at the Azure Span we’re more than a dragonflight. We’re a family.”
Kalec offers a stiff insincere smile, shoulder to shoulder with a lesser dragon who’d rather be out of his work-mandated Visage off in the Borean Tundra, eating a sheep. And it shows.
So not all old mounts will make a return and if they do add mounts like the Spectral Tiger… They will go about it in way that will not diminsh the fact that people spend money on it and that it has been an extremely rare mounts for ages now.
Personally I would love to get the Corrupted Hippogryph or the Spectral Tiger. But Blizzard has shown before that they are willing to throw in updated, HD versions of mounts as completely new mounts.
So perhaps that could be a solution?
"On Class/Race Combinations, the Magic-8-Ball says Outlook good. This is likely. They are chipping away and moving in the general direction of allowing more combinations. "
I had a hearty kek at that communication section but that last line had me wheezing. If they’re listening they’ll fix it. When the last time blizzard actually listened to feedback. Blizzard has over the years been infamous for saying “we’re listening” and then not listening.