PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

If you play a shadow priest and suffer through 4 expansions of reworks, you will lose faith too.

Shadow was perfect from Wotlk till WoD. Not a single rework was needed and it changed almost not at all.

4 expansions later, I can vouch that for all the rose tinted goggle bastards who said “but voidform was unique tho” i would give anything for a solid spec design that is viable in all forms of content and isn’t so attrociously designed it needs a rework 8 years straight.


I have no optimism for blizz, only cynicism and the mockery of my inner Statler and Waldorf. Speaking of which, this adequately describes the journey from launch to now.


And we are all idividuals!


My favourite easter movie.

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This state of things would have more credibility if they didn’t keep introducing blue dragons in every quest, book or patch.

There are unironically more named blue than red and greens.

Tyri, Haley, Senegos, Azuregos, Lanigosa, Jaracgos, Narygos, Kirygosa, Banagos, Teralygos, Alagosa, Awbee, Bezarus, Dagrona, Stellagosa, Kharmeera, Cyrrigos, Telagos…

…and perhaps more: Nymn (?), Zakk Sinon (?), Daleohm (?), Maseel (?) all of them are presumably blue dragons tossed out of Mazthoril.

Meanwhile DF introduced new NPCs:

Libergo, Doragosa (!), Lithragosa, Zelahosa and Hildegosa, Lynngosa, Oxigos, Saphiredos, Setogosa, Soragosa, Zuligosa, Alregosa, Coldostos, Conflago, Deragosa, Erugosa, Intinosa, Lynngosa, Kavigos, Tharkago

And perhaps more. This without counting the nameless NPCs such as Champion of Magic in the Dragon Soul, Visiting Dragon, the Azurewing drakes, etc; and small whelplings like Emmigosa or Saldigosa. There has to be enough of them to actually keep a small organization going.


I need a kleptomaniac red dragon named Swiperstrasz.


Emmigosa who escaped from my pet journal and grew up.


They even escaped after I sold them into servitude to that one random blacksmith who fixed my gear in the town over.
I am not a cruel man, but 25 gold is 25 gold.

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I just find it annoying because Doragosa is yet another 10k+ years old blue dragon.

So much for Krasus saving them, huh.

I mean the books never stated they were all wiped out. Just the most of them. So having 3 10k+ year old dragons hardly changes that…

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Well… Well… Well…

Also Infinite Chromie is called Morchie!


Should’ve called her Murochron.

Originally, the books established exactly that: as per Day of the Dragon, Malygos was the only blue dragon left.

This is coherent with the idea that all the dragons participated in the battle when Deathwing betrayed them, as per WoA.

It was only thanks to Krasus taking the eggs that they would soar the skies again.

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Ohh, I thought in the WoTA-trilogy it stated most of the flight was destroyed! But I suppose it wouldn’t make sense for Krasus then to save some Eggs…

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Indeed. Krasus’ action was meant to save the blue dragonflight from extinction.

Nozdormu was like “hey, I’m the time border patrol here, you shouldn’t bring that to the present, but hey, I approve of that, at least the blue dragons will soar the skies again… so it’s fine this time.”

I’m fine with Senegos because he was meant to be a hidden brood. But eeh, when ancient blue dragons sprout like trees from left and right, why was Malygos even upset to begin with!

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will the infinite chromie look like a goth?

Considering the enchanting primal elements for this expansion have been fire, earth, frost, wind and decay, I’m willing to bet that Galakrond will become the Primal Incarnate of Decay.

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Galakrond can embody everything.
The ultimate dragon, slurping up every magic source and power, especially warrior’s RAGE powers.

/tinfoil hat time!!!
My headcannon is, Chromie IS Eternus from the Bronze-part compagain (just like Chronormu, Eternus has a male name, but his voice sounds like that of a woman… not to mention Chromie refers to Eternus as she in one of the quest dialogues. And Eternus being as devouted to Murozond as Chromie is to Nozdromu) and Nozdromu KNEW that, and thats why he let that dangerous Infinite Dragon just go away even after the chaos he/she/it caused at the oathstone… he simply not had the heart to kill the Future Chromie… or knows something

yes, but will her model have a goth look