PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Asking the important questions here.


I wonder how much was this decision shaped by blue dragons being a thing in Warcraft 3 and WoW. Knaak established Malygos to be the last one, and then in TFT Arthas gets to fight Sapphiron. And there are blue dragons in WoW too, despite the game being released before the final book of WotA trilogy (and most of it being developed before even the first book got released too).

Could it be a case of failed assumption?
that Malygos thought he was the last?

Far as I have been made aware, its not like the dragons automatically know where each other are at all times.

I think after 10k years it would be highly unlikely. Especially when nobody else seems to challenge that notion despite blue dragonflight taking part in War of the Shifting Sands.

And, given how Blizzard in general had the tendency to pretty much ignore most of Knaak´s books, I don´t think it´s some example of deep storytelling and subverted expectations. Sometimes what seems to be a huge inconsistency is simply just huge inconsistency.

Also, Knaak still goes with his “all blue dragons died” story point in War of the Ancients. What changes is that in this new timeline, Krasus found cache of blue eggs that ended up dying in the original timeline (as there were no blue dragons left to save them from freezing) and handed them to Nozdormu. So the books are consistent with each other, they´re just not consistent with the game.

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Monkey’s paw moment. She’s a hot topic goth and not an 80s goth.

It’s possible, but unlikely.

I think it’s what they were going for Senegos, with Azsuna. He was supposedly a hidden one, undiscovered before, due to Azsuna being sealed off or something by Azshara. This was left in the PTR however, so I’m not sure if it’s part of the canon lore that got cut from the gameplay or if it was removed altogether.

However it would be extremely rare, as they would have to be dragons that:

I) Weren’t remembered by Malygos and actively evaded the blue dragons’ knowledge - hard, but not impossible considering at the time he was not right in his mind.

II) Weren’t acknowledged by other dragons - extremely difficult, seeing how you have dragons who can literally see the future, like Nozdormu, claim that blues were extinct.

III) It should be hard, if not extremely so, for a big creature made of magic to hide for all these years from other creatures.

Seeing how unlikely it is, I think Doragosa deserves a special WTF moment because aside from Senegos, other blue dragons shouldn’t have been in the islands.

All of this, again, brings me to grimace every time we have mention of the “few” blue dragon numbers out there. Because Blizz forgets that all the time!

Indeed. Golden also acknowledges this when, somewhere in Twilight of the Aspects, it is stated that Arygos was one of the eggs saved by Krasus.


Ohh! I did not know that! Thats pretty awesome! I thought he was just another 10k+ year old blue dragon!

Eitherway; not only the Blue Dragons suffer from this; Black Dragons are suprisingly populous(sp?) aswell, as are Green Dragons. While all three of those Dragon Flights where close to being wiped out, with the Greens being nearly extinctioned from Legion onwards!

Well… I suppose this is some sort of throwback to the turtle submarines used by the Goblins during War2? Perhaps they weaponized their youngs, like proper Horde members do?:smirk:

(Jokes aside, it looks pretty epic!)

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Datamining suggesting that the Medivh and Scarlet stuff is not trading post, but rather real money shop gear.

Could still be changed.

I wanted to voice my peeving about the guardian set being a cash shop thing but that’s really just pissing in the wind now.

Turns out, it was just misinformation, lmao.

It was a Chinese dude who tried to get about 300$ refunded from Blizzard and NetEase 3 different times, which was refused and dismissed by the court every single time. He also tried to do this to a bunch of other companies.

Yum, misinformation!

Nice, only the crisis maps to worry about then. :grimacing:

Excuse me, wat?

You know if WoW was F2P I strongly believe that it wouldn’t be a question of whether their cashshop was predatory or not but whether it would take the prize for most predatory.


Looking at Diablo Immoral.
I can confidently say.
When Blizzard wants to put a spin one something, they do a very good job.
imagine Diablo Immoral had been on the market earlier, imagine how much worse EA and other companies would be if they had copied that mess.

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AAA companies don’t want just some of the money, they want all of it. Mammon himself given form.

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Are they making the Titanic artifact Deathwing used to control the Dracthyr in a legendary weapon?

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Image of a Primalist (NElf model, but could be a generic line) in the new patch saying that they trained “in the Firelands”.

Staghelm’s legacy lives on :fist:


Do my eyes deceive me or does it look like they use the Druid of the Flame skin?

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If it is a Night Elf-only line, that would be a pretty awesome throwback!

I saw that aswell, but… Isn’t the Firelands skin old model, even now? :thinking:

Nevermind that - I think what makes it interesting is that it kinda supports the theory that Twilight’s Hammer remnants joined up with the Primalists.