My reaction seeing the leaks from 10.1, especially the raid
Feeling very sorry for you Aerilen but I’m here in therapy with you for this patch.
My reaction seeing the leaks from 10.1, especially the raid
Feeling very sorry for you Aerilen but I’m here in therapy with you for this patch.
Is there anything we should know specifically?
Its an Old God expansion in disguise.
Neltharion Echo in the raid is secretly a big faceless and he also calls other Faceless to help. As well as this the Raid contains a circle of stars you can drown in with a unique debuff about feeling increasingly uneasy the longer you remain in it.
Incredibly gross news.
We can’t even go one patch, nevermind one expansion. Ra-Den was right Elenthas, there is no hope.
Also conveniently
The new night elf tree growing in Ohn’aran is growing right on top of this circle of stars containing Old God Laboratory, what a funny coincidence.
I’m so tired…
Thats a fair point, aswell!
I swear, Night Elves cannot catch a break… Corrupted World tree incoming in 11.0???
Datamines imply we’ll probably see the tree and dream in 10.2!
Broke: World Tree in Ohna’ara
Woke: World tree in Hyjal/Gilneas/Valsharah
Bespoke: World tree on the moon.
Draenei have a space ship. Where’s our moon expansion? If FF14 can do it, so can we.
Hear me out: we send Algalon an email and evacuate Azeroth, then we tell Algalon to light it up. This reoriginates the planet and begins the seeds of new life in the years to come whilst also freeing us of the Old Gods and Void lore forever afterwards.
Only if it’s the same buttery smooth voice actor.
Can’t wait to see the “somehow the Nightmare returned again” spiel!
Hope we get Malfurion back, though…
Just upgrade the world tree in Hyjal with this New tear-seed of Elune… Please Blizzard, I beg of you!
So if Chromie has an infinite version, that means it’s her future self and she’s condemned to be our enemy.
Or have they just completely given up on explaining the Infinite Flight? I know Danuser said in an interview he found them difficult to understand (they’re not) so are the writers just doing a dark universe from Star Trek thing with them? Have they been changed from threat to quirky adversery, or to quote that horribly cursed wowhead article “Will we see some truly unique time hijinks between Chromie and Morchie?”
There’s some dialogue from Dragonflight that implies it might an alternate timeline’s Murozond, so I imagine the same goes for Chromie.
guess his mortal mind really couldn’t fathom (the infinite dragonflight)
“We regret our past writing, what’s the most lore incorrect and laziest way to fix it”
If he pays for my flight out I can sit down with him and explain it.
Hit me up Steve, I know you’re reading this.
What is there not to understand?
its a flight whose sole mission is turning their past leader into their current one by messing with time.
Its pretty much the exact opposite of the bronze flight goals.
these mole people suck so much why did a writer decide it was time to let the world know about his massive smell fetish oh my godddd
I was so close to alt F4ing out of this patch but then I discovered that at least the innkeeper sells a toy that silences all the snort and sniffing sounds
Still would prefer if they weren’t so bizarrely one-note but it’s a start to at least make being forced to be around them marginally less unsettling
If you think that would save nelves from getting dunked on again, I can guarantee you that if nelves were to grow a tree on the moon, some schmuck would majora’s mask the moon onto azeroth.