PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Let’s hope it’s an experiment for future shiz.

As for LF Warlocks.
They’re just destruction guys, burning things that oppose the Light’s will.

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Burning themselves while they’re at it aswell… As the Light wills it!

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Having a quest for a new imp and pet customisation for locks in the Barber Shop is a good move.


There doesn’t need to be a specific justification for LF Warlocks, or any other warlocks. When classes open up for every single race, it suggests that this is now something that exists and is available for every regardless of where they come from.

It has always been a core aspect of the warlock fantasy that they are clandestine in nature, and keep their dark magic somewhat away from polite society, whether that means they’re illegal entirely, or simply frowned upon. Even in Legion, the warlock class hall was accessed through the sewers. The possibility of a Draenei/LF Draenei warlock doesn’t mean that anything has changed in draenei society, simply that even a draenei, or one of the Lightforged, is now capable of going out on their own and seeking out dark magic that their society shuns.

So the question is no longer whether can be warlocks IC or in the lore, but how your character came upon this art, whatever race they are.

Light Forged Draenei Warlocks.

Until you see the Warlock trainer in the Draenei wreckage at the starting zone.

But I’m gonna leave it here. I simply don’t like it as I’m firmly in the camp of having more restrictions on classe/race combos or greater identity not just in lore but also in-game visuals if expanding them is inevitable. I’m not served with either and no, it’s not my job as a player (Not RPer) to fill holes in Blizzard’s patchwork implementations.

For Draenei, that’s completely acceptable. For Lightforged Draenei? They literally go through a ritual where if they have the slightest, and I mean, the slightest doubt in their faith in the Light they genuinely just die.

I am not sure how they would be able to pull off the warlock class on Lightforged unless they fully rebrand Warlocks to “they do shady magic in general”, and even then, what shady magic would they be able to do that doesn’t collide with the very core concept of what they are, beyond the obvious clash of aesthetics?


When they opened up Priests to every race, there was only one race that couldn’t be Priests. When they did it for Rogues, there were two. When they did it for Mages, there was one. When they did it for Monks, there was two. There’s only four races that can’t be Warlocks, so I’m guessing the strategy is to bite the bullet and just make it so everyone can be those classes instead of almost everyone.

before someone brings up allied races i don’t care about those shut up

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They do, and that makes it far more unlikely that they would seek out warlock magic. But is it impossible? The Lightforged were dedicated to fighting the Legion. They lived in constant exposure to fel magic, and its destructive powers. It isn’t impossible that an exceedingly tiny minority sought out to understand and wield this power for the greater good, without abandoning their faith in the Light.

Not to mention that the ritual they go through doesn’t ensure that their faith in the Light remains unwavering indefinitely, unless I’m mistaken. While it was solid at the time, a lot can happen that shakes someone’s faith, even if it was perceived as unshakable.

EDIT: None of these examples are particularly likely scenarios. My whole point is, they don’t have to be. But they’re not impossible either.

Pandaren warlocks can be a thing if you give Affliction more deep thinking. Imagine someone taking an example from Zian of Endless Shadow and relying on shadow magic and curses to make things work slowly and deadly…

Sounds like a particularly wicked, but not abnormal Shado-Pan practice.

On another note.

We’re removing Rune of Power from the class tree and shifting some of its loss power directly into all Mage abilities that deal damage. While the decision to remove Rune of Power wasn’t easy, we feel it is best for the long-term health of the class. Fighting within a Rune of Power is almost mandatory to maximize your damage as a Mage and any sort of mechanic that forces you out of it for a prolonged period of time ends up feeling incredibly punishing to your overall throughput.

In Raid, Mythic+, and PvP, having a player commit to a small space for 12 seconds is a large ask and one that just doesn’t feel fun to play around, as frequent as Rune of Power is. By removing Rune of Power we’re able to shift more of the Mage’s damage into their abilities baseline while also leaving us room to further amplify their big cooldowns (Arcane Surge, Combustion, and Icy Veins) if necessary. While we expect it to be a large adjustment at first, we’re confident that this will be an overall boon for Mages in the future.

Oh, and, allied races will no longer have restrictions with the exception of a level requirement, by the way.

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Wish people thought the same about (Darkfallen NE/VE)customisations…

I think people’s problem with this is the fact that Light and Fel are on opposite spectrums of the new spectrum of magic they dislike and ignore when it suits them? :man_shrugging:


There aren’t enough words that can demonstrate just how much i hate this thing.


I thought it’s Arcane that’s on the opposite of Fel while Shadow opposes Light?

Not that it matters since all the cosmic forces ordeal was retconned into a dogwater state where anyone can use any school of magic


Not as much as the people writing it do after a few months, considering that everytime they have written one they have had to go “hey, actually, these observations were made by an in-universe character with a flawed vision of the setting”, and then they do some Schrodinger’s Flawed Observer where it is an objectively correct or not observation on how the magic of Warcraft’s universe works when it suits them.

Yo know the concept of one step to far?

I rather have them add Warlock to all classes then have them proclaim this bull :poop:

Now we’ll have Mage being a less then average class for 2+ more expansion due to this dumb decision! D:<

I mean, I cannot disagree with you… But the fact that one of the Elder World bosses sees a Shadowlands Arena before him and proclaims such; says enough that Blizzard is 100% focussed on losing as much subscriptions as possible in a short amount of time…

lol, literally what the writers think. It matters when they feel it does. Otherwise all magic is the same and only counter-acts each other when they want to.

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You could wield fel and still have a completely doubtless faith in the Light.

Doesn’t mean it should be a thing, though.

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A Mag’har that starts huffing fel isn’t a Mag’har anymore, they’re just a regular kermit green orc.
A Draenei that drinks the green kool-aid isn’t a draenei anymore, they’re a Man’ari.
A Lightforged is infused with Light in a way that makes regular paladins and priests look like part timers. They shouldn’t even be tempted to snort feldust in the first place and if they did they would probably explode or die because Light and Fel do not mix.


We’re removing Rune of Power from the class tree

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