If they did the monks in Vanilla would have already been Kung Fu Pandaren’d, but that wasn’t the case.
The vanilla monks were just their own thing until Blizzard made the Monk class and Brother Korloff was the connection between the old Scarlet monks and the new iteration of the class.
Brother Korloff first learned of the monk’s deadly arts from pandaren ambassadors as they journeyed through Azeroth. When the crusader demonstrated this martial style to his superiors, they unanimously ordered Korloff to train an entire generation of initiates in the ways of the monk.
But I would say it’s a bad way to approach the game’s lore at this point. Blizz just wanted a human monk in the scarlet crusade and went “uhh, yeah, he learned it from the other monks”. Let’s not pretend it deserves any discussion
No way man how did you figure this out was it the way they’ve been callously throwing established lore and characters into blenders since the early days of wow and the constant catering to rule of cool and vocal fan appeal above all else? Ur an enlightened messiah u should share this wisdom unique to you alone with all the masses
I have just gone through a lengthy argument about this.
On one hand Brother Korloff is said to be the one who brought monks into the crusade.
on the other hand we have evidence of monks way before he was even a character spread out over different groups who all originated in or near Lordaeron.
There are plenty, as is classic blizzard, of holes in this lore.
It suggest that if pandaren is the source of all “monkness” then they taught their art to humans in Lordaeron sometime before the 3rd war really kicked off and the plague was spread.
That would mean Brother Korloff was taught to be a monk at this point, since he is called brother I can assume he was a priest or monk in the church of holy light at some point.
the problem is then, if he demonstrated the monks prowess, that means he was either the only monk (something the condemned monks and argent monks sort of disproves) to know pandaren monk, and he waited until the crusades formation to show it off.
or the scarlet crusade somehow forgot there were other monks in lordaeron who could do things similar to Korloff.
because Korloff exist as an excuse to have a monk boss in the game, and because his lore is weird and full of undetermined time frames we can’t once again say for certain if Lordaeron and by extension humans could have had their own monks way before the pandaren showed up.
So which one is it.
was Korloff the first and only monk who now retroacticly taught all the monk enemies that pre-date mist and he waited until the crusade was formed to show off his mad skills?
or did the crusade already have monks with combat skills but Korloff somehow convinced them the black and white furbolg had some cool tricks they should use?
The latter? What I also wrote is that there were monks in the Crusade prior to MoP and then, after that Korloff-Pandaren cultural exchange Brother Korloff returned to the Monastery and taught the newly reorganized Scarlet Crusade his new tricks.
I’m pretty sure I don’t have to go into IRL examples about the different types of monks that exist. The idea here is the same, one iteration overwrote the other as Korloff managed to convince his superiors to let him train the other Crusade members in the Way of the Fire.
But the only holes here are the ones you find by only considering MoP the expansion and not the setting as a whole, where any human could have encountered pandaren from the Wandering Isle for 800 years.
All of the human monks we see in Vanilla (scarlet and ghosts) and WotLK (Argent) are virtually identical to the monks we would see in MoP, with one distinct difference - they do not wield Chi. Chi wasn’t something that had been created yet.
After if we go by Crusade’s leadership, who had theirs when they were still part of the Silver Hand.
It’s one of the things that doesn’t make sense, as the Crusade would have never really accepted it because of their xenophobia. But it also suggests their meeting with the pandaren took place early on in the Crusade’s existence, explaining why those pandaren presumably left alive and why they were willing to tolerate their teachings.
It wasn’t strictly targeting what you said
I was just through an argument about how the scarlet crusade had monks before pandaria, another user said otherwise, and well here we are.
So we can agree that at most a pandaren taught the humans at some point before the 3rd war and the plague?
I hope we can agree on that.
because then we have a timeframe for when Korloff could have learned how to do monk stuff and later show it off to the crusade which he joined.
however then we have to accept one of two things.
one he is the only human who was taught and he spread it to the crusade after it was formed
the pandaren taught more than one human
and based on how many of them we find in holy buildings, the use of the word monk and the factions ties to the silver hand and by extension the church, one can assume if Korloff wasn’t alone they would have a larger sample size and many of the founding members would already know how awesome monks are making his need to introduce them void on some level.
Because they don’t and Korloff does could also mean they are two different kinds of monks.
Because it honestly doesn’t have to. They’re a sect of insane fanatics. Such minds can justify going against their own beliefs if it means making them more powerful in the long run.
I didn’t say otherwise. I said the Scarlet monks before MoP’s release might very well have been retconned into pandaren style monks.
Chi didn’t exist when they were added, yet they are otherwise pretty much identical as martial artists wearing little clothing.
These monks have in the case of the Argent Crusade been seen only once, and twice in the case of the Scarlet Crusade. They aren’t as numerous as you would make them out to be. There is little to suggest there are some ties to the Church.
If Korloff was taught by pandaren monks early on in the Crusade’s existence, his teachings could have then spread to those who would eventually become the monks we see once in the Argent Crusade.