Punishment system for mythic+ leavers

Can you even read?

I am not going to repeat myself.

And I’ll repeat: It’s never “5 minutes”. You’ll always wipe several times because people don’t magically get better at playing the fight when they screwed up the first time and wiped you. You might as well just leave instantly instead of wasting time.

You forget fast what you type and do not want to read what others say.

You’re going in with the presumption you’ll just finish it if you give it 5 more minutes.

In my experience that never happens when you miss the timer on the last boss, because missing the timer on the last boss in pretty much all cases means you have wiped on the boss previously.

When you are not killing it first try you can always leave.

I might have repeated myself now…

So why should I spend 5 more minutes when we wipe? Just to wipe again to satisfy your “hurr, you should stay until another wipe”?

We were talking about a first try, not about already wiping.
How important are 5 minutes in a videogame to you? It is at least clear you do not give a duck about the other people in the game.

There’s pretty much never been any keys where we are at the last boss with not enough time to kill it, unless we wipe on the boss.

So you now change your scenario?
Sure when you are wiping on the boss you can leave. I think i have said that now 4 times?

You’re just not understanding what you’re reading.

This is just you two arguing different scenarios. Elahra is talking about already having wiped on the boss and timers run out and mistjo about timer running out just as u’re getting to last boss. In elahras case (like mistjo also said) its fine to leave, in mistjos case why not just finish the boss to at least get loot/valt count. And if it turns into wipe then leave.

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I can’t get any useful loot from dungeons on my priest, last time I could use loot I got from a dungeon was maaaaany resets ago. I’m almost 489, to get anything useful I’d need to get really lucky with vault or go into the mythic raid. Mostly it’s just sockets from the vault and I can get those from not even playing m+.

No i am not. He is literally saying there is no guarentee to kill it first try. That means you haven’t been wiping on the boss yet.

He is literally making a scenario where is at the last boss. not having it pulled and he leaves because it is out of time. And he can’t spend 5 minutes or less for 1 try.

The guy I responded to literally said there was a last boss wipe.

First try

I’m just gonna put you on ignore again, you’re just not able to comprehend what you’re reading.

Maybe dont use words like first try when you mean 2nd or 3rd or 4th try.

I have said this now also 25 times.

But i am the one not comprehending. Fine.

You sure seem to have a lot to say here and I’m not running anyway. Unless that’s some thinly veiled threat.

I’m still only asking you to justify the kick vote instead of squirming around, because you cannot just slap a kick vote into M+ and call it a day. You need to think it through at least bit :slight_smile:

And thats where you and i differ, i personally would stay for the last 3-4 mins to finish it and you wouldnt.

I was just taking the vote to kick from lfr as it is, it was a suggestion not life or death matter, nothing more nothing less