Punishment system for mythic+ leavers

you said what i said: when a new highest score is there it updates.
so after every dungeon

Do actually people use this score for anything? I am more looking at the real numbers of the keylevels of what i have done or what other people have done.

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What ratio would it have to be? 3/5? 4/5? How do you account for premades?

total score means the average done. if the guy has only 2 20s it could mean a lot of thingsā€¦

tbh i dunno

Personally on my main I donā€™t look at score as such, I look at the highest key theyā€™ve done for the key Iā€™m advertising, the score is some what pointless except for the mount at 2000 and the toy I think at 2500?

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Thatā€™s the problem, any system you come up with is unlikely to actually be viable in practice. 99% of ideas only result in replacing one problem with another, just like in the 36513651 discussions on this exact topic on this forum for the last 7-8 years.

People come in here suggesting ā€œjust do this and itā€™s fixedā€ but itā€™s not that simple. People donā€™t realize how complicated this is until others start pointing out the obvious flaws in their ideas.

If anything would work it would have to be incredibly well thought out, and to be honest I donā€™t even know how complicated it would have to be in order for it to actually be a preferable alternative to a simple score system. Leavers suck, we can all agree on that, but Iā€™d rather have the odd leaver here and there than an easily abusable system in place that isnā€™t actually superior to what we already have.

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I have a difficulty to parse the M+ score into actually keylevels of the dungeons done.

Exactly my point.

As a rough guide, yes. Someone can have a high key timed on one particular dungeon because they got lucky with the group on one run. An overall high score thatā€™s based on high timed keys across all dungeons is much less likely down to luck.

If Iā€™m listing a +27 Waycrest (for example), Iā€™m not going to take someone who has +26 Waycrest and everything else at +22/23. You can use score to see that at a glance.

But surely the fact that all the other keys are almost in the same region and the fact they timed the key on the one lower level shows they can do it?.

If you imagine +22/23 is ā€œalmost the same regionā€ as +26, you need to run some higher keys :slight_smile:

It can be 1 lucky run, or it can be someone being really good in a couple of dungeons, or bad in some others. Every season i would be fine to be able to just ignore certain dungeons since i am not enjoying those. I would have been fine with +20 rise and +27 BRH, Atal.

And Iā€™m not going to invite someone to my key unless they can demonstrate all round competence.

That is all fine and your descision of course :slight_smile: But donā€™t expect someone to be good in everbloom because they are good in darkheart. I expect someone to be good in everbloom since they are good in everbloom.

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You expect someone to be a good player if they can show all round competence as well as being good in the specific dungeon that matters right now. There are plenty of good players to choose from, so thereā€™s no need to take risks on people with a random high score in one dungeon.

Though I may be under thinking it I donā€™t know, Aspergers is a hell of a thing, I either overthink constantly or underthink, it varies day to day haha

I think it has nothing to do with being a good player or not when someone is missing a score on certain dungeons. To me it isnā€™t a risk when someone shows 100 atal +25ā€™s in time and 0 Rise +20ā€™s when i am using my own +25 atal key.

But even with an overall total score, i have no idea what score belongs to what keylevel of dungeons.

Youā€™re thinking linearly. The difficulty increase between key levels is exponential.

Thatā€™s entirely your choice because itā€™s your key youā€™re risking.

I tried a 27 BRH after we failed my 26 rise, one guy wanted to go his BRH. Everyone in the key had done it on 25 at the very least.

We didnā€™t even make it to second boss, lol. Almost perma floor POV.