Punishment system for mythic+ leavers

can’t abuse it more than how it is now: ppl leave wasting others time and ruining their playing experience with no real risk. I gave you some points and answers to your concerns and you went away from the point…
if ppl care for the score they behave if they don’t who cares then

That’s an incredibly naive thing to say. To think that it took you just a few second to come up with a system that’s objectively better and has less downsides than the current one.

And no, I did not stray away from the point, I only pointed out the flaws of your idea and the fact that people have been talking about this for years and nothing came out of it, because all of the ideas had very clear flaws that made them easily exploitable and abusable. All of them fix one issue and create two new ones.

If you can’t handle having your ideas challenged then don’t present them publicly.


The system should be something like : if within a week u did quit more then 3 times it descale your reward by like -20ilvls, or give you the worst possible item, or next week you can do only limited number of mythics and you have no way to leave before its finish, and if you do alt +f4 or reset pc or something still log in to that dungeon if u do or temporal ban like for few hours xD


funny to say i thought the same thing haha

When there would be score taken away someone else would just make raiderio-version2 which calculates again highest scores. Like we had wowprogress before and a different calculation on raiderio. Blizz just decided to work together with raiderio and they both implemented the same scoring system.

lets get that …lol i wonder how would people moan about it cuz it punishes them xD but there should be also mechanic to punish u if u dont interrupt lol

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and that please !

So people just AFK. Or if that gets detected, they run round pressing random abilities, but specifically NOT their interrupt or CC until the group gets tired of wiping and disbands. If a player wants to ‘sabotage’ a key in a way that can’t be detected by an automated system, it’s pretty easy to do.


thats why blizzard need to gather them self up and come with good solution

If people really were to leave, they would as some have pointed out, just not participate… And what would that cause? Well that would cause someone who is “innocent” to leave first because they might want to enjoy a few hours of gaming before having to do something else idk, giving them a strike…
So at the end, its going to be a big game of chicken to see who wants to sit in the dungeon the longest wasting time.

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They’ve already come up with one. It’s called players being responsible for the people they choose to invite to their own keys.


Solution: go AFK

Ignoring that, this still needlessly punishes people who push keys. A large portion of push keys in a pug get depleted, and there’s no reason to stick around in a push key that won’t be timed. Maybe if you enabled some kind of a “give up” vote, but then again you have the issue of what ratio the vote needs in order to pass, and then also have to account for premades.

Again, AFK, or log out. The punishment is already in place at that point anyway how would preventing the player from leaving motivate them to keep playing?

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thats sound like a solution that of only person who came into the game thought " im bored, lets make someones day bad … "

there is nothing posivitve in your comments my friend that would motivate the blizz to change it in any way if you focus on negativity

You have to understand that suggestions in a vacuum can look like a step forward, but it will actually be 3 steps backwards.

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No, it’s a solution for the would be leaver to avoid being punished in hopes that someone else will leave first.

That’s quite the word salad you just put out there. I genuinely cannot figure out what you’re trying to say.

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But there could be better solution, if players come together make a plan few sketches of what type of thing would help if someone quit gather 100 people over some discord dicuss it in groups of 10 first, then out of this 10 groups choose team representatives to introduce their plan to each other and work to combine those plans in solution (as example) that way we could present it on forum or make a vote ( prezent two of those ideas )

Or you could just go again instead of wanting to punish people.

I had the tank leave my +22 WM on my druid earlier, at the 4th boss. Know what I did? I reformed the group and we went +21. Now I have a +25.

i get it you can do it again but problem is if this person do this all the time why would they be allowed to ruins everyones keys ?

“do this all the time”?

Nah, that tank left because he got flamed by a DPS in the group, the DPS called him some less nice words. We excluded that DPS when reforming.

i get that , cuz it happen with healers too people expect them heal through them standing in dmg area and then flame them, but how do we know this person didnt key 5 keys in row in middle ? or 10 ? - i have idea get a badge after leaving 3 keys in row - it dissapear after 48 hours but in meantime everyone can see - especially when you apply to groups