Punishment system for mythic+ leavers

I mean, probably 99% of the playerbase of players doing +20> keys will be a leaver in you suggestions. I wouldn’t be impressed by this knowledge. I just want to know key-experience per dungeon.

You gave me an idea for a solution, which I pointed out is very flawed, and explained in what way. Your reaction to that was to say “tbh i dunno”, and continued on with the same idea, which is honestly laughable.

You’re essentially saying that you don’t care about the flaws and side effects of your idea.

I really don’t care all that much if someone leaves my keys. If they leave, just go again on -1. It’s not the end of the world that someone leaves.

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But nothing is stopping you from doing this?

I get the incentive here, but if you gather 100 people that all go “Leavers should be banned!!!” and in your case Blizzard has to take that up to consideration, we will then see people not daring to do LFGs because they are afraid they will be stuck in a “Who will leave first”…

And what happens in the small cases, where people just can’t kill a boss… Maybe it was too high of a key for the group… How do you solve that? Do you do /roll on who takes the debuff / marking of “leaver” for something the group collectively failed to do?

Yes, it sucks that some people leave the keys and you are very free to organize a Discord looking for 99 others to come up with a detailed forum post :slight_smile:

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That’s unfortunately the vibe of pretty much every discussion of this kind. What I found interesting earlier was how Queltharias’ original suggestion got 5 likes in less than a minute, and two replies cheering about it, despite it having at least one major flaw on first thought. It shows how shallow these discussions are and how little attention people are willing to pay to the negative side effects of the proposed solutions.

I am 100% confident that you couldn’t find anywhere near 100 people in this forum who are smart and intellectually honest enough to collectively work towards a good, well thought out system that doesn’t create more problems than it solves, and perhaps more importantly, one that is realistically implementable.

What also needs to be considered is that there’s no way Blizzard themselves haven’t discussed this internally over the years without coming up with anything, and that’s people who’s job it is to design and solve these things.

People have already explained why your fantasy notion of “score downgrade” won’t work. I mean, they could remove score from the first person who leaves an unfinished key, but the first cron job (or equivalent) to run after the downgrade would restore the original score.

As for “vote to kick”, I don’t see what would be the point of this when the group leader can just kick anyone they want without a vote, which generally means the key is dead.

I believe they want it to work as it does in RDF where you can’t just remove someone. It has to be a kick vote.

That’s actually kind of hilarious. Imagine not being able to remove people from a group you made yourself.

Not justifying it, I also think it’s dumb. For a kick vote option, M+ would need to have an automated “matchmaking” system, which is a whole different beast of an issue.


Yeah, I figured you were just summarising some of the thread for me.

And I’m getting more in favour of an alternative queue system for M+ all the time. As long as it runs alongside the current system and doesn’t replace it (like solo shuffle does with arena). Give people what they want so they have something else to complain about.

I personally don’t see much good coming from an automated M+ system, but I’d love to see it for no reason other than laughing at the forums complaints from the very people who were advocating for it. It would be one of my favourite “I told you so” moments, even beating the disaster that was locked covenants.

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I’m not getting any younger. This thing needed to be sorted out 4 years ago.
How long should it take to come out with a solution and apply it? 8 years?

you asked about ratio which is pointless at this stage of things we are just gathering suggestions not writing the code for next patch…

I don’t care as well but I’ll send him to some better place for wasting my time :slight_smile:

The ratio required for a vote to pass is a very important part of a vote. I’m sorry you don’t understand that. The point with premades is still valid. Do you expect to just throw out suggestions and not get their major issues pointed out?

ye go and laugh at ppl, that’s mature as well as complaining…

What are you on about? Who laughing at anyone? All I’m saying is that a kick vote needs to consider how it would be abused/misused, and you seem to have a huge issue with that.

I don’t but ratio is not important at all here in this discussion, unless you are saying is a suggestion eligible for more deep development

this m8, clearly…

That’s a completely unrelated conversation with someone else and about a different topic, not sure why you’re trying to use that against me. Wasn’t it you who complained about me “changing the topic”?

You just keep running away from needing to justify the validity of a kick vote in M+.