Premades is hurting PuG’s why do you think there is so many posts about it if it do not hurt anyone ?
likewise with your opinion, why bring it up ? people have the right to voice their opinions, even you, so dont tell me what i should complain about or not.
I dont see it made the game worse, like what ?
It is your conclusion not blizzards as you already said in this very reply blizzard already changed core mechanics, so in blizzards eyes it is not a fact.
My fix is better.
Its in everyones best interest people dont quit, even the players here.
There is a problem to fix, premades stomping PuG’s is a problem in my opinion.
No, they was fixing an exploit unique for Classic where only one faction could circumvent the solo queue limit and join a raid premade.
They didn’t try to make it “better”. They hotfixed a NEW game breaking exploit 3 times. It was hurting alliance puggers the most may I add before the first hotfixed.
But it’s just a straw man argument. This has nothing to do with premades in AB/WSG that is working as intended, no one is exploiting anything and the queue system is working exactly as in Vanilla retail. The only thing that have changed is how people play the game.
If you want to argue that Blizzrad should revert the -hotfix- for the AV queue you can make a thread about that. It has nothing to do with premades in WSG/AB.
Im not saying premades is exploiting the game, and the ‘premades’ in AV was not an exploit either, but maybe someone did use some kind of eploit in combination with it, but many could simply just click join in a raid at the same time and voila premade AV for alliance.
Dude you are a clown lmao. Wtf are you even defending ? We’re talking about good gaming quality for everyone and you want it just for who can group up ?
What is wow classic afterall ? A place for adults to act like babies ?
If you want a “good gaming” quality then I would not recommend Classic. You see, Classic is a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. Not a “good guality” game. But, a recreation of a game.
Yes, back in 2006 they made “bad matchmaker” and Classic is a recreation of that.
It’s a recreation of 2006 World of warcraft based on patch 1.12.1 with progressive content and a modern client fitted on top of the old database.
I agree, people play the game in a different way in 2020.
This is the whole point.
Classic is not a recreation of abritaty feelings. It’s a recreation of a game, the actual gameplay, not how people play the game.
The only feeling that matters is how the actual gameplay feels not how you feel.
NO, you don’t have to make adjustments. People need to adapt. Blizzard was very clear about this when they presented Classic at Blizzcon and in various interviews.
You are mixing up intended designed for behavior and side effects. I know you’re doing this on purpose, so I’m just pointing it out to others who might read your post.
are you high? complaining about something you claim to have no problem with means you DO have a problem with it, by definition!!! did you skip logic school or something?
I refer to you as an ape because of your aggressive attitude and over useage of capital letters. I also remember you saying you were quitting and telling others to do the same, fore in your mind: “that’s the only way Blizzard will listen”.
You’re mistaking original intention for recreational intention.
Nobody knows what Blizzard originally intended with the creation of WoW: Blizzard themselves didn’t even know. But the systems we got with Classic? Intended. Working exactly as intended.
What are you on about, i dont have a problem with stuff that dont affect me in a bad way, what i complain about probably affect me in a bad way, did you skip school and have bad reading comprehension ?
so what you are saying is you did skip out on logic school. good to know you’re a walking contradiction and doesn’t even realize it! or worse! are in denial about it.
No, but you obviously do not grasp what im saying, i can say i dont have anything against that person walking next to me, then he hits me, and then i have something against what he did, not because he is a person.
same goes with premades, i dont have anything against premades, they should just meet premades, simple.
If you think there is any contradictions in what i have said about premades, you definitely need you get your tuition money back.
before you insult someone about what they said, maybe be 100% sure what they actually said before you do that, because it only makes you look foolish, but even then its still bad behavior from your side.
I’m not even going to reply to every person that isnt thinking premade is UNFAIR because your obviously the one spamming premades and enjoying having easy honor i’d say get some skill to be honest because what your doing would literally be no different vs a premade vs premade BECAUSE your still be grouping… Your defending a crap system that just doesn’t work in this generation for SOLO players …
Can people actually post about PREMADE AND PVP instead of being trolls and pointing out spelling mistakes or mis use of words like to see most of these people even dare do this to someone in real life so please sit in your seat and post about what this post is actually about not trying to be an INTERNET THUG.
I’ve never called anyone who has disagreed with me trolls at all i’ve not once used the word TROLLS. But when people are laughing at something someone has said or taken the piss then its different story so get your facts right kid.