PVP and Premades in this Pandemic

The quote i replied on, was you saying that you would see 10 premades in a row in vanilla, and i said no you wouldnt.

Yes there was premades, never said there wasnt.

Blizzard already altered a few things, so yes blizzard can infact alter it, if they want to, and imo they should do something about premade in bg’s.

No, thats not the point.

You could play AV premades back in the day with the premade AV enabler Add-On. Players perverted AV premades to ridiculous amounts in Classic and Blizzard stepped in to preserve the vanilla experience.

You could MC people out of WSG in Vanilla. Players perverted it to ridiculous amounts in Classic and Blizzard stepped in to preserve the Vanilla experience.

You could farm pugs with premades in Vanilla. Players perverted it to ridiculous amounts in Classic and Blizzard will step in to preserve the Vanilla experience.

With premade vs premade queues any decent premade will still to a lot more honor than any pug players and pug players will be able to play the game at all. Its the logical consequence.

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Yes, Blizzard did alter a few things; which is exactly why we have such a mess as it is. If your steak is slightly overcooked, you don’t just burn it more hoping that it helps.

Blizzard intervened because of one faction being able to premade and the other not. That isn’t something I agree with, Blizzard should have left it as it is.

Had they not intervened, you’d still have 7 minute Drek rushes, but you’d have way less premades in WSG/AB.

No, they wont.

Private servers already tried a “premade only” queue and it simply didn’t work, just as it wouldn’t work here.

If Blizzard alter the ways that people earn honor, they alter the HPH meta. If the meta changes, the way players play will change. No matter what happens, you’re not going to get your precious “Vanilla-experience BGs where people join and dont care about honor”.

It’s just not going to happen.

Further more, you’re asking for a completely new system. A system that Blizzard haven’t even experimented with in retail. By the time Blizzard were able to implement such a system, the honor grind would be over.

Alot less people are going to hardcore premade honor grind when the honor gear is worse than AQ and Naxx gear.

Premades is not a result of things blizzard altered, so i dont know why you say that ?, the mess premades vs pugs is in BG’s, should be fixed.

Fully agree with the op. Premades currently are a real problem no doubt due to the time people have on their hands. With the whole world on lockdown and every other aspect of life changing because of covid, its time this game also changed to reflect that reality.
Those that defend premades Vs pugs and say it was like this in vanilla are plainly happy to take advantage of the situation as honor = shinies and easy honor = easy shinies.
All people are asking is that premades face premades in a seperate queue. I also played vanilla and premades where never the issue they are in 2020.
Solo play is also a big part of this game and we ALL pay our subs.
Like it or not premades need sorting and those that gloat over “ganking noobs” or tell you to “go to retail” are not after any sort of challenge. On the contrary they are after maintaining a system that gets them easy honor and a missplaced sense of superiority. It needs fixing but I doubt it will be.

Premade vs Premade needs to happen i wouldn’t care if it meant they get more honor for the win or in general but i can’t waste my days playing premades and being graveyard camped… I enjoy solo play in BG in vanilla/classic it actually meant something when you progress through the ranks then spamming premades for easy honor .

Raiding is the same due to the information out there now raiding has become so much easier did MC with pug and cleared it in an hour GOOD luck being able to do that even in a raid back in the day … BWL cleared on the day it was out same as MC its all changed so now this needs changing people are getting geared up easily without making it easy for PREMADES .


End of the day why are people against not having premade vs premade because you want the easy life? or know your not very good so know you can’t beat other premades? your still be in a group with your friends and still able to talk against another premade so whats the big deal?

Premades facing eachother quickly see which one will probably win, by seeing who gets the first cap etc.
Usually the losing team just plays for kills at that point; premades only care about maximizing honor per hour.

I don’t see a single argument as to why it would be a bad idea to force premade vs premade.
Queue times will be about the same, premades almost always face other premades.

Just give premades 50-200% more honor gain or something like that.
The meta will still stay the same, the only difference is that premades will meet 100% premades, instead of 80-90% premades.

And pugs will face 100% pugs, instead of 10% pugs.

its a win win, and they should implement it for a week or two and see how it goes, easy to just revert it if it’s a total disaster for some reason

currently a whole playerbase who were active in vanilla (casual pug bg pvpers), have stopped playing bgs

Yeah, it is.

If Blizzard hadn’t tackled your little AV problem, people would still be grinding that instead of premading WSG/AB.

No, it shouldn’t. If something isn’t broken, don’t fix it. The system is working exactly as intended.

No premades is not a result of what blizzard did, because you argument that premades would then have been in AV is same result, premades all over making bg’s crap for pug’s.

i very much doubt that, maybe the alliance would have, but not the horde, waiting 30 min in queue instead of doing ab/wsg is not a good idea for premades, but it still ends in the same result… premades, fix it.

Yes but i dont think it is used as intended with so many premades, if this was back in vanilla, i think blizzard would have changed it, like they did with AV, so hopefully they fix this too, by premade face premade’s.

Premades isn’t the problem. If you have a problem with group wise and organised PVP, you shouldn’t be playing Classic. Plain and simple.

The result is the same; people do whatever they can to earn the most efficient honor per hour. The more honor people earn per hour, the less amount of hours they have to grind.

Again; if you don’t like it, you’re playing the wrong game.

Not every game is made to suit every player.

And what exactly did Blizzard intend many years ago? You’ll find that they don’t actually know what they intended. WoW was their first attempt at an MMORPG.

No, if this was back in Vanilla, Blizzard would have encouraged it. Blizzard back then encouraged group wide play. Blizzard back then paid attention to what people were doing en masse and improved on it, they didn’t say “no that’s mean, we stop you now”/

It isn’t broken. I can’t stress this enough: if premades really are such a huge problem for you, you’re playing the wrong game.

And you dont know either, but i bet they wanted to make the bg experience fun for as many as possible, and premades back in vanilla was not as rampant as they are now.

Premades is a problem, maybe you shouldnt be playing classic if making BG’s better for everyone is a problem for you, because people that solo queue and meet premades 80-90% of the time is going to stop doing those bg’s

Yes they did, blizzard had all sorts of ‘if you are camping or generally harassing players its a bannable offense’ ofcourse they wont ban you for doing premades, but they certainly did have rules in place for you not being mean !.

Just because you think that, does not mean it is true, i however thinks premades needs to be fixed.

Raiding wasn’t as rampant was it is now either. Nor was consumable farming, herb farming or world buff gathering.

No, it isn’t. Premading is a CORE feature of Classic. If you don’t like it, leave.

You can’t make bgs better for everyone. You can’t cater to everyone. Accept that and move on.

If facing premades makes you want to quit instead of making you want to premade, play something else.

What are you going to do in a year’s time when you face people with Naxx gear? Demand that Blizzard implement templates in battlegrounds so new players don’t get stomped?

Camping, harrassing and generally stopping somebody from actually playing isn’t the same as co-ordinating a team for a battleground.

Don’t say “hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrr premade stop me from playing BG”. No, they dont.

Something that isn’t broken doesn’t need to be fixed.

That is correct, and as long as it is not hurting anyone more than it did in vanilla, it is perfectly fine.

You leave if you dont like my opinion, so what if it was a core mecahnic, i think blizzard would have fixed it, if it had been so bad in vanilla.

But blizzard can make it better, simple and easy solution.

It makes every random solo queuer want to quit queueing for these BG’s after a while, its just logical.

i replied to you saying blizzard didnt stop anyone from being mean, and they do infact stop that.

But Premades stomping PuG’s is broken.

Lol you can apply that “logic” on any change you want.

Absolutely, so what ? i said my reasons for why i think premades is bad vs pug’s.

So exactly like premades then. Not hurting anyone and is perfectly fine.

Your opinion isn’t a core feature of Classic. Your opinion is also completely worthless, just so you know.

Better for some is worse for others. Blizzard can just leave it as it is, which again, is better for some and worse for others.

The people who don’t like the current system though, can either wait for TBC or go to retail.

No, it doesn’t. It makes a portion of you want to quit, and makes another portion of you want to join premades.

Then don’t PuG.

What is “bad”, unfair, unfun and unbalanced is irrelevant.

The only question that matters is if the queue system is authentic.

And it is.

But now it is hurting more than it did before since premades is 10 times as many as before.

Lots of emotions there ? you cant handle the truth right ?
some of Classic core mechanics already been altered, to make the game better.
so your opinion that ‘Core machanics’ shouldnt be touched is completely worthless, just so you know.

sure, but it could be fixed to so pug’s dont have it worse than back in vanilla, i see no reason not to fix that.

That just means more do quit.

Or ask blizzard to fix the problem.

AV’s queue system is not authentic after they changed it, they tried to make it better, good job imo.

So no it isnt.

It isn’t hurting anyone. Premades aren’t hurting you.

No opinions, plain old fact. Your opinion isn’t important. The sooner everybody accepts that their opinion isn’t worth a great deal, the better for everyone.

And they arguably made the game worse. All the more reason to NOT add any more changes.

That’s a conclusion and not an opinion.

I already offered you a fix, it was a “0 rewards” queue.

As they should, then. If Classic isn’t for you, then it simply isn’t for you. Do you go to a Amon Amarth concert and demand that they play Taylor Swift’s “shake it off”?

There isn’t a problem to fix, so not PuGing is the better option.