Pvp gearing killed again

Because killing AI has nothing to do with PvP. PvP was the most successful and the most praised when two things were 100% separate and that should be the goal of dev team.

Effort in PvP should matter - you play more arenas - get better - win more. PvP is not PvE you shouldn’t be able to overgear content if you suck.

Yes pve is different than pvp, but bashing that AI still makes me play my character and obtaining rewards even with rng. Also keeping your dmg rotation spinning is a skill itself even in pvp now to mention. In my experience that gear difference ain’t that alarming, tho I play ww monk on a low rating so it might have something to do with that.

Also that effort in pvp is not wasted if you keep improving your game.

you know what I find obsurd about gearing atm, top pvpers are going for top PvE gear with vers in and mastery mainly, and again pvp gearing is sh**e compaired to that

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I can’t imagine any serious pvp player is at 188 ilvl. Right now pvp gearing is more consistent and rewarding than pve. I can do m+ all day without a single upgrade while I can do a few rated arena and bg and get 2 high ilvl items each week with the ability to choose.

Pretty sure pvp gearing is much much better in the long run
at the start it is not

u need to actually use ur brain to realize that i know


Except - there is no damage/healing rotation in PvP. There is no positioning for healers in the same fashion as it is in PvP in PvE. There is no CC avoiding in M+ or raiding. There is no juking or fakecasting. In PvP every player has to combine Tank/DPS/Healer role at once.

Killing the same AI with the same tactics every week shouldn’t reward you in PvP. Playing more arenas - getting better this way should. You don’t improve PvP gameplay killing AI because it’s completely different. Also 9/10 situations you use different talents and stats in both. End of story.

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Simply because when you have pvp gear with pvp stats with fixed ilvl that only matters to that aspect of the game, pve gear wont and shouldnt matter there, and the people who just want to focus on the pvp side of the game can do so without drwabacks, as it should be.

Not realy no
You got mobs that use stuns silence and other CC efects in PvE and you have to use you skills or pilars( when putet in encounter zone ) to avoid it

You got afixes in m+ that prevent you from free castin all the time and one that force you to move

In PvE tank DPS matter same go for heler DPS , in nerotic weeks you have to help you tank and use taunt to healp clear stacksor if you are hybrid dps use some off healing

If you never did and higher level of PvE content or only time you did was when you were caried by others overgeared players you might not know that

It’s still not a PvP experience because this mob doesn’t suddenly pop Divine Steed and charge you for HoJ or Shimmer for Poly. That’s some PvE crap theory.

PvE skill = learn fights - know when to pop cooldowns and how much you can pull on certain +level and on what affixes. PvP skill - positioning, mind games with enemy and rection to cooldowns.

And somebody gets the weapon from vault ,thats 1800conqest 4 week spare wtf system is this?

They never have gated pvp gear behind renown. Then we wouldn’t be the far behind.

I really dont think its that bad. If you played from the start of the season you should be almost 210 ilvl from only pvp items after this weeks upgrade. If you do some easy mythic+ lvls to fill the gaps even better.
The drops from raid rarely have the best itemization for pvp. Personally i really dislike splitting the itemization in two different systems where pvp items are useless in pve and vica versa. If that means that some mythic raiders have a little advantage over me so be it.

this is a myth holy paladins never die.

That seems quite reasonable.

I’m item level 200 with a mere 1400 rating, so any semi-decent PvPer should be able to get higher and upgrade their items some more.

Outside of PvP I’ve only got a few items from reputation and the Timewalking event - that’s it. I’ve done zero Mythic Dungeons. Zero raiding. Nothing.

So the notion that you’re helplessly behind if you only do PvP seems wrong. If a casual scrub-nub like me can get item level 200 by goofing around and not doing anything that’s remotely serious, then any self-proclaimed PvPer should easily be able to get a similar or higher item level.
You’re not stuck with an item level that’s below 200 at this point in time, even as a PvPer.

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Can confirm, I’m ilvl 212 (before this weeks Conq-Cap, so most likely 214 after) with only 3 PvE items. 1x 200 from M+ (3 runs total), 1x 213 from the 4 M0 quest a while back and 1x 200 from Ulduar TW. Equals about 5-6h in total since release, rest is PvP gear.

If someone missed out on some vaults (or got shafted really hard by them) though, I can imagine that they could be quite a bit behind right now. But it’s still not as bad as some people in here are trying to make it look like. No one is stuck at <1600 just because they don’t have any PvE gear.

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wrong. My priest is 195, i managed 1640 once (and that gave me one item 213) and then back to 1530, not being able to be above 1600 again, so i m 15 levels below what u have said.
The problem is already mentioned in youtube channels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UQvBXuiSVY&feature=youtu.be

*With gear advantage

By the time PvPers actually get their deterministic BiS PvP gear (i.e. around w15-20), PvErs will already have gotten so much loot through the vault and Mythic raiding that they’ll be on par - that’s not an argument. There’s no way in hell Blizzard didn’t math it out so that PvE gear is roughly equivalent in the long run.

Once again, as everyone already said: As long as this system remains, the first 50-70% of every season will be PvE to win, and then there are the broken PvE trinkets and effect items on top of that.

If someone’s not a sh**ter they get ilvl equal to mythic stone legion and Denathrius. Which is amazing. There is literally no difference between high-end pvers and PvPers thanks to this.

Wtf do you mean w15-20 lmfao
Example: if you are good at PvP youd get mythic Denathrius ilvl weapon at week 3 TOPS. If you got lucky, as many did, you got it much quicker thru the vault. If someone is not bad at the game then their gear comes in quick and on high ilvl. People complaining about it are the ones who just leeched off of free mythic ilvl chests for doing +10/5 in BFA.