PvP is significantly harder than PvE

yeah I wanted to call him out on that but I wasnt sure:P something didnt add up there

Then you realize rbgs exist even if blizzard didnt

Yes, of course and Apples are better than Bananas.

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Yes PvP is more demanding on the player, PvP is fun and it would be nice if it wasnt a closed of secret club where no one new is allowed in.

They’re both easy lol. Can’t wait to buy my “gold-only” gladiator and mythic nzoth kill :innocent:

This is the most senseless thread i have ever seen, dificulty is personal, some people for example find it healing to be easy, just like how i find tanking to be easy, some people have an easy time learning pvp, other do not, thats how it goes, there is no way to measure which one is hard, if u told me being the best player or the top pvp player is hard then yes it would make sense, if you told me getting and keeping 2600 rating is hard then yea probably agree, but there are tons of players that have trouble clearing all of the mythic raids, plus u barely got people interested in pvp, the worldwide population doesnt even get near pvp, so which statistic you using to say pvp is harder, if most people refuse to try it, of c if u told me getting to pvp is hard because the community is not welcoming of new players then yea, pvp is hard because veterans would never welcome a new player, just like veteran raiders, some of them hate new players, it is what it is…

Ah yes, the good ol’ “everything is subjective” nonsense wall of text.

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WoW isnt that difficult , Majority of players are very capable of learning the game to a degree to reach 2200.

heres the thing. Majoirty of players Dont do Current content, or have no intention of improving, thats Just the way it is, however im pretty certai if u took a player who became willing to sit down do the time and learn the game they will be very capable of it.

people mistake this “top 1%” stuff for “99% of players couldnt be that good if they tried”… its Not true… the simply case is 99% of players arent interested in trying.

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Haha, no. Just no. They have no interest to do so at all. I tried playing with people in bfa. They just don’t want to learn the game on an intricate level enough.

Getting 2400 rating in PvP is just as hard as timing a +15 key
-Ion Hazzikostas

well thats the difference.

Just because ur Capable. doesnt mean ur going to. but proclaiming the playerbase Couldnt do it isnt exactly correct such as the OP is doinng.

Dude i read pvp forums all the time… half the time y’all are proclaiming certain Classes boost you into 2400s… Destro Warlocks from 8.3 for example. the problem is its a Really dumb comparison to make.

If Someone who Learns M+ and Spends their enntire time perfecting it… to try complete M+15s and more in Week one of their release didnt do any of that and put that time into PvP they would likely be able to get 2400.

but then the likelyhood is, they’d also be alot worse at M+ then they were if they Didnt stop doing all that also.

Any player striving to be Better can be better… at any content in the game. WoW does not require the Mechanical Skill in either Games to make that a Impossibility for Most players.

Games such as FPS’s and more these sorts of impossibilities can exist, mainly because they require far more twitch reactions and more they also are in a field where Slightly worse Eyesight and more ca majorly impact your ability in the game.

WoW is a tab target MMORPG, with a Vast amount of its Damage Poured into classes via passive effects introduced by borrowed power. Its largely knowledge based.

but yeah. comparisons betweenn PvE and PvP content is extremely unwise and its another stupid thing said xD.

anyone who wants to drop 20+ hours a week into the game… and Willig to practice and has any level of ability to be Self critical can effectively learn any content in WoW. Build a team of like minded players and you will always go far in WoW. it doesnt matter what content your doing.

The majority of people playing the game don’t even know their own class in the game at a basic level even outside of PvP.

Because they’re not interested in self improvement. the game doesnt mean enough to them to see a Point in changing that. someones attitude towards the game doest dictate if they have the capacity to learn the game.

Dude, the majority of people are those people you see in LFD. They stand in everything and die. They play a class that can dispel but don’t dispel, because they think that’s the healers job even though the healer is a class that can’t dispel that debuff. They don’t interrupt. They don’t stun. They can’t even do their rotation.

And you think those people could reach 2200?

Im not disagreeing with you here.

but to beleive people are that Dumb yet live functional lives?.. If they were of a actual IQ level which prevents them knowing to move out of fire, even with the game itself Tellig you to move on repeat, they wouldnt be able to talk and breathe at the same time.

Players Dont care to be better at the game, they have no interest in playing correctly, they just take the handout free catch up gear and Keep doing whatever they are doing in the game.

the issue is, you beleive people are that bad at this game Because they physically cannot learn the game… im saying its because people dont physically care about the game.

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Even when I just started playing I was never as bad as the people I’ve encountered in LFD and some of those have been playing for years. If they haven’t learnt by now, they never will. They are incapable.

I’m not an PvPer but I agree wholehearted to all of the statements in this post.
I really think that there should be PvP gear and PvE gear(like res on gear in PvP) since the two are as you said two very different arenas.


U reliese you can play the game terribly even if ur good right?.. u can optioally do that… you at any time u want can simply switch netflix on and Just Randomly Auto pilot the game right?

if someone dies 10000 times a mechanic, then dies to it again. its nothing to do with their incapability to do a mechanic. they simply are not interested in doing the mechanic.

you dont seem to Accept its a valid option that Players do intentionally not bother to play correctly…

Only time I do that is when I’m grinding on my own, like grinding leather with skinning. Not when I’m doing any group content.

well yes thats you. but there are Plenty of people out there which have no problem lettign a group carry them, regardless of what we thinnk of them they exist. and im afraid theres a TON of them in WoW.

There are Players with no interest in learning them… I’ve been in groups several times where 1 member has said “why arent u doig this” and immediately get told they’re the problem they’re doing everything wrong and Ragequit the group.

These players exist. These players are why addons like RIO are depended upon.

When this game started handing out huge reward for minimal effort, it attracted these players.

you have to remember. there are people who pay monthly to pay for this game… to then pay boosters to Gear them while they AFK at dungeon entrances.