PvP is significantly harder than PvE

You’re still confusing a lack of interest with inability. Many people won’t ever improve unless they have to. As long as they get carried they won’t care. Trust me I have had the misfortune of raiding with some people like that.

ofcourse there should be, I dont get why blizzard honestly beleive in these things being meshed together.

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I honestly feel they both suffer from having overlap. It’s fine to be interested in both but Blizzard shouldn’t be forcing people to do a game mode they dislike so they can stay competitive in the one they like. Pve should be sustained only by pve, and pvp should be sustained only by pvp. It’s simple but it would work.

the issue is the people who wanted to do both, were already doing both, while the people who devoted to one kept in their content… i dunno why blizzard Decided to wreck onen side of it to mesh things together… when no one was complaining.

blizzard seem to just enjoy creating problems.

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Yet another person who has done legit 0 raiding and thinks he knows what’s really difficult.

You haven’t done Xanesh mythic but you claim orbs are easy to position. Have you done Ra’den and do you know the positions for charged vita? I bet you are the type of player that claims to be experienced in PvP but dies to Maut’s Annihilation.

Imo, a lot of players pointed out the obvious already: PvE is difficult because it requires 20 people to be focused at all times, perform perfectly and make next to no mistakes. PvP requires you to focus for a couple of minutes at best.

Another example people gave is that, while you can make mistakes in an arena match and lose it, so can your opponent. Half the time people win arenas is because they either outsmarted their opponent or they took advantage of their mistake. Do you know who never makes mistakes? A raid boss. A raid boss will always cast his abilities, which 90% of the time you can’t interrupt, dodge or avoid, his abilities will always deal the same damage (unless you use defensive CDs), he will always enrage if you don’t deal enough DPS and he will never, ever, EVER miss, afk, make mistakes or take pity on you.

That is why raiders practice hundreds of hours before killing a mythic end tier boss, because the boss is perfect, and so must you be! Don’t go giving me that crap that mechanics are easy when you haven’t even done any challenging PvE content.

Lastly, here’s some food for thought: let’s say I want to reach 2200 rating. As the guy said, the highest I’ve ever gotten was around 1750 while I was farming the PvP mount. If I wanted to climb higher I would need to find 1-2 friends, play a few hundred arenas, get my hotkeys and binds muscle memorized and learn basic PvP notions (when to interrupt, disarm during enemy CD, leap away, using my own def, etc.). Right?
Now, if I wanted to kill Mythic Sire Denatrhius, I would first need to get invited into a high-end mythic raiding guild (which is nigh impossible without providing experience, logs and being tested by officers), I would then need to prove myself for a few weeks, because that’s how long it takes for me to do a few mythic guild runs, hopefully earn a permanent raiding spotz then make sure that I spend enough gold on pots, flasks, runes, item enchants, wep oils, have all my weak auras properly configurated, all 35 boss mechanics memorizes, have adequate gear and after all that personal preparation and work I also need to count on 19 other people to do the exact same thing.

Have any of you ever thought about what it takes to be a part of a core raiding team in a high-end PvE guild? I highly doubt you’re ready for the immense dedication it requires…

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Always good to see when these posts are coming from alts.

this is shortsighted.
first, with gear being more difficult to obtain in SL, it would be a substantial time investment to maintain both pvp and pve sets if you enjoy both
second, consider that we are 2 months into the season. For an alt, PVE as gotten easier because your mates have gear. pvp has gotten more difficult, because content requires less mates. and let’s say you want to do higher level pvp and that gear only comes from pvp. good luck getting rating with all the lads being 2 months ahead of you gear wise. as it stands now, ilvl is gated behind rating in pvp, so it would be almost impossible for an alt to get to the gear level of someone who is already 2400, because they have to defeat them first in lower gear.
but they do have the possibility now to go into pve, get some competitive gear, and challenge the pvp lads.

trinkets are the only real issue here. as the pve ones have been nerfed in pvp,one step further if need be is to further buff the pvp ones, specifically the set bonus.

You’re incorrect.
PvP title percentage is a percentage based on ladder participation, not on the total WoW playerbase.
Gladiator is top 0.5% of all players who have participated in arena this season.

I’m Rompuche. I’m pretty well known on these forums.
Most people know I post with lots of alts, and most people know who those alts are.
I’m not hiding in any way, shape or form.

Lmao you are delusional at best. People got to 1800 last season just with face palming with gear without even versatility, which means you have no understanding of pvp. Pretend that you know but you dont few hundred games wont be enough to you.

Playing ball in Xanesh is literally sitting still and looking at direction you want the ball to go. You pretend to know everything about pvp and be a pve demi-god yet you failed to even kill 3 bosses in Nyalotha, while the good players cleared the whole raid in a week after release. Maybe step down from your high horse.
Ive even killed heroic Nzoth more times than you without being in a raid guilds for LuLs, and it is a boring and easy tanking experience.

If you were so focused you would have cleared nyalotha 10months ago, so I guess you are not :slight_smile:

Chex/rompuche stop bating, please.

It’s not bait when it’s a well constructed thread with logical arguments and when the community is behind me on this one.

You must be the embodiment of bait

If you had bothered to check my account, you would have know that I’m 9/12 on Mythic Ny’alotha. I cleared all the way up until Il’gynoth with my guild last expansion. We also did a bit of mythic raiding in the EP, progressing up until Orgozoa. I know I’m not Limit but if mythic raiding is concerned I’m pretty confident in my knowledge and I think I backed up all my claims.

Unlike you, who provides no experience of your own, just baseless accusations and verbal harassment. At this point I don’t find it worth my time further indulging your troll tendencies. Idk why you picked exactly my post to reply to in the first place but it was a waste of time for me. You are neither an experienced pve player, nor a high ranking ladder pvp player. At this point in time, the only question that remains is why do you even bother opening your mouth on topics you are absolutely clueless about.

If WoW is like 7/10 at PvE, it is 2/10 at PvP. Hard, easy, doesn’t really matter. This game is definitely not for PvP. You can enjoy it occasionally, that’s none of my concern. I am turning my WM off just because of extremely long cc chains and as of recently, oneshottings.

Well I didn’t say lets make pvp and pve separate while keeping everything else identical. I am well aware that doing this wouldn’t be a simple or short process for the devs. I am just expressing my disappointment of how things currently work.

Again I didn’t say lets have this change now. Even if Blizzard changed their tune and agreed with me I would be shocked if we saw the changes anytime soon. All the systems are connected in some way, and changing those connections to facilitate a new gearing process may not be possible to do until a new expansion. I don’t like how things are now but I understand that changing it wouldn’t be a simple flip of the switch. When I said something would be simple I meant in concept, not in execution when it’s already too late to do it. At the soonest we would see a change come in the next tier or season.

From a player time investment perspective it would be impossible to balance.
If pvp and pve sets are different and one is unusable in either pvp or pve, then at best it is 2x the time investment to get both.
If you cut the time invested by half in each activity, then a player who only does pvp or pve ends the gearing process twice as fast and starts asking for content.

Trinkets are a good compromise in my opinion

It is the equivalent of gladiator title. Item levelwise mythic raids and top rated PVPers gets same rewards.

Why do you reduce everything to that?

You know that “i could be” doesnt matter at all right?
People could be sooo many things but it happens that the majority decides not to do anything.

Putting investment is also a skill, not quiting is a skill, controlling your emotions is too and so on.
Do you think most people could do all those things? I dont think so.

By the same logic we could say that all the dumb pvp’ers here could beat every boss in mythic in 1 month, they just dont put the investment right?

2k4 and 3k are the same XDDD

You are delusional, you should actually watch yourself playing and then a 3k player. If you cant see the difference there you have something to work on.

"I dont play pvp but trust me it’s bad because i say so,