PvP is significantly harder than PvE

Supposedly it is now 2100 for max ilvl although I’ll wait til I see it with my own eyes

Yeah but after that it shifts to the opposite.

Doing +15, say… 4 weeks in will be a piece of cake compared to reaching 1850.

Pve players can just as easily say the same sort of thing about the challenges of pve that you never encounter in pvp.

I don’t think either is harder or easier than the other. They have different challenges that require different approaches. That’s it.

There is no harder or easier mode. Only players who are more suited for one than the other.

not with the lowered gear drops from pve.
1 drop end of m+
3 drops per boss for a 20player group in raids. 10 bosses, so 30 pieces of loot, on averate 1.5 pieces/week from raids.

no, it will take some time until you see people full myth, even full hc.

and in pvp, the point is that if you are good, you will reach 2400 in the first week, and you will keep at 2400 subsequently.

people are overreacting. the pve players will not get all that gear all that fast to come to pvp and trash dedicated pvpers.
at best they will be 5 ilvls higher in the first few weeks, but they might be lower actually, depending on how the conquest works.

cause if you can get 3 pieces of conquest loot / week, and you climb the ratings and farm honor, you’ll pimp pvp gear pretty fast.

every rank 1 arena player can clear current mythic raid, about 5% of mythic raiders could achieve r1

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That not that totally true.

Warcraft 1 and 2 didn’t get a multiplayer systems due to the technology of internet that couldn’t support the game on internet and so couldn’t put much into the PvP systems.

Warcraft was clearly designed from the start on PvP, RTS Is designed for PvP and less for PvE.

Even the Glory of Warcraft 3 75% of it come thank to the glory of PvP back in the time and the developpement of E-Sport.

That is Thank to PvP Warcraft have become popular.

When Classic launched, WoW Was soo huge that it was still in “building the game” that they had to implant PvP systems due to it early launch.

After they analysed the feedback of PvP, they have started to devellop in TBC Arena.
And don’t get me wrong but TBC arena was kinda extremly popular.

So WoW never been a core PvE, but more due to the early launch they developped PvP later since PvP was late game content.

So that does not mean that because the leveling was PvE in the very start that Raid should give better items.

I’d really love to know your source for that.

Source: go and look at the achievements of every raid roster of top 10 world pve guilds, then look at r1 arena streamers how they had mythic nzoth on farm

A huge amount of mythic raiders have no interest in pvp which is why they don’t have those achievements. Not doing the content isn’t the same as the inability to do it.

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Yet, they somehow all have achievements up to 1750 :rofl:

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just the streamers tho?:smiley:

and top 10 world pve guilds is wayyy to small a sample size.
those lads only focus on PVE, they gotta get those world firsts. ain’t nobody got time for silly games

I am pretty sure WC2 had TCP IP.

And wow clearly was not made for PVP at the start. Even the devs state so.

They made PVP complimantairly.

I mean…Rank 1 is also very small in sample size.
It’s pretty much the same, really.

So? Does this mean I can say “oh well this amazing pvp player has no mythic raid achievements therefore this means they are bad at high-end pve”?

if you knew anything about this subject, you would know that every high rated arena player has current mythic on farm just to be viable in arena, since without the PvE gear you would be missing 50% character power, at least in BFA it was this way.

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Okey, but that only says that the best pve players focus on pve and the best pvp players focus on pvp.

A fairer comprison is to check how many r1 players have world firsts.
Cause if they got cutting edge in the last week of the patch just to get the achievement, that doesn’t mean anything

Do you feel stupid? Well you should.

Think about what you mean in your title, I won’t go further than that.

Do you feel embarrassed by it? Well if you don’t then you really are stupid.

Thats not really a like for like comparison. That would be more like server first mythic raiders vs rank 1, and truthfully, there isnt much overlap in either direction.

Blizzard was already for his PvP game. And it was his success and PvP always been in their mind in that time.

And in WoW start they already thought of PvP, it was on developement. The proof is there were already spell designed for PvP , like Hunter mark that is designed to counter stealth classes

It was on developpement, that why you got PvP vendor too and developpement of PvP systems / Warsong glutch / Arathi bassin / Alterac

I just find this disappointing to read. I don’t think pvp players should have to do any hard mode pve to sustain their pvp, and I don’t think the reverse should happen either. But that’s beside the point.

The point is you can’t look at someone’s achievements and make an assumption about their skill level. Not taking part in certain content is not the same as being terrible at it. Some people don’t want to or don’t have time to add more things to what they’re already doing.

Hell people could just look at my achievements and assume I’m just a filthy casual when the truth is I do raid the equivalent of mythic in a different game. I just don’t want to do it in two games.