PvP is significantly harder than PvE


That doesnt mean anything.

WOW is pve at hearth, always have been the main thing of wow.

WHen I say PVP is complimintairly, It mean s it wasnt the main focus of development. It was even in news articles that warcraft has always been pve focused.

considering the lack of depth in WoW’s PvP mechanics…I wouldn’t brag too much if I were you

It always amazes me the amount of trash talk pvp players do to pve.

I enjoy both contents, Im in both an rbg group and a raid group.

The truth is that people play this game for fun and to have a good time and as you said, pvp is frustrating. No matter if you are 1k6, 2k or 3k, it is still frustrating at some point.

And about pve being “easy”. Yes, it is easy if you are a good player but let me tell you that most pvp players I know suck in pve just because they dont take it serious.
They keep eating areas, they dont kick and mainly they just want to faceroll the content.

They die again and again and what would you say to a person doing that? That hes bad.

3k+ players are of course good at pve as well, but 2k players? I doubt it.

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At the end of the day it depends on personal skill and time invested.

If you have good skills you can apply them equally to pvp and pve, peovided you invest time.

I doubt if a world first guild said tomorrow ‘we’re gonna focus on rbgs from now on, no more mythic race for us’ they would not reach the very top.

There are a lot of r1s with every boss killed in mythic by themselves.

Having a world first is different as it requires dedication to pve for a whole lot of hours. Im not saying they could do it if they wanted, probably not. But I could say “how many people of Echo are top 20 pvp players world?”

Theres a big gap between r1 and top20.

As someone who did both mythic raiding and got Hero in RBG I can easily say that PvE requires far less individual skill than PvP.

Half my PvE roster in BfA would click most of their abilities, backpedal and be pretty much clueless about any other class/specs other than their own (and even in their own specs, they would not know a lot). That’s the damn truth.

People showing world first kill videos miss the point, because at its core, PvE is not a competition, PvP is. People fighting for ranking in PvE are turning something that is not a competition into one, you don’t need to be as good as the players from Method to defeat a mythic boss, it will only take you more time. While you need to be as good as a 3k rating player to beat one.

On the other hand, as someone pointed out previously, PvE requires a lot more dedication. You can open your bnet and queue 3s in a few minutes, you can’t do that in PvE. You need 20 people to join and play together, struggle, fail, learn, repeat again and again together, which is very taxing. Many people leave during progress. it requires a ton of discipline to continue weeks after weeks to wipe ton the same boss, sometimes hundreds of times before finally defeating it.

The truth is, PvP requires more “micro-skill” while PvE requires more “macro-skill”.


And r1 isn’t?

Cause of not than what you are saying is that the very top of pve is more difficult than the very top of pvp.

The scaling of the content must be considered. Pve is far harder when the patch comes out that it is in the last few days of it. Gear matters. True skill can be seen when you go in undergeared.

In pvp, this is far less inportant, because whether the gear comes from pve or pvp, everyone is more or less the same. Time does not stand still for your competition and they gear themselves up as well.

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It was leveling focused. since from your level 1 the game suggest you quest because you don’t get enougth spell to make PvP interresting.

That why even today you still need level 10 to PvP : it’s just a question of spell.

For beginner we suggest quest because there’s many mechanics on PvP to consider first. So many stay on the way of doing quest and PvE to discover many mecanics like do not turn your back on the target etc.

But today if you know enought mecanics the leveling in PvP is designed too, like your spell rank and spell acquisition is based for PvP leveling experience, since spell order earning mean nothing in PvE.

But since PvP contains soo many mechanics, PvE player don’t dare to try PvP since when they step in , they feels like to be bad since PvE is based on 100% win and can’t loose, when in PvP it’s 50% win 50% loose and you have to beat that ratio.

Also PvP need a very good experience on the game to know how it worked. It’s hard for beginner and player who is still learning from WoW to PvP, that why we always redirect beginner to PvE and to main focus on it without hesitation ( maybe that why you got feeling that it main PvE and always been but it’s not)

I’ve maked one of my friend who love PvP game to give a shot to WoW , and like when he hitted 10 he directly asked me to PvP, but reallity quickly come to face him : he got rolled but couldn’t understand why and finished the battleground with 0 kills and 12 death.

That why when you begin WoW don’t tell you there’s a PvP systems and so you will main focus upon PvE

SO your feeling that WoW is main PvE

Personally, I always found PvP to be easier than PvE, but each to their own.

What I find really annoying and hypocritical, is when PvPers complain that PvE drops better gear, and then want PvP to drop better gear than PvE? Why would it have to be one or the other? Just make it balanced ffs.

Or maybe that’s just bait and I ate it, I dunno…

Pvp requires individual skills and pve progression social skills.
I have no clue why soft skills are rewarded higher, but i play both anyway

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By the questions you ask right now, and the statements you have it sure looks like that you have NEVER experienced PvP in WoW ever.

I will just say one thing, DREST. The PvE trinket that is still viable in SL. 4-6k crit right now. Ilvl 130.

There will be more pve trinkets for you mouse clicking pve clikers to make it easy ride through any content.

We had resilience in past, which separated pve clickers and pvp dedicated players. Now since you REALLY dont get it, I dont have problem deleting a player that doest know how to pvp, but since gear plays bigger role in this game than skill in most cases, we should have gear that suits each content.

I dont mind being trash dps/tank in dungeon where people compete who killed bigger dragon meanwhile DBM is telling you what to do, I really dont. But then again I dont want Blizzard making it easy on you bois getting much better gear which will breeze you through pvp content no matter of you skill, but the gear.

R1 is not top 20 world my friend.

The very very top of pvp is the awc/blizzcon winners etc, not r1.

Like i’ve said before, but perhaps you’ve misread, pve trinkets for sl at least have been nerfed in pvp.
If drest still works and will be meta in the new season, rest assured it will ne nuked by blizz

I’d be more concered if i were you about getting oneshottes by thinks like doubletap aimed shot than by a trinket

Maybe i have not pvped as much as you, but at least i am not shortsighted.

Pvp people want a pvp stat. Great for them.
How about people who want to do both pve and pvp? Do they get 2 sets of gear, 2 different grinds? Not everyone has that time.

No, gear is gear. Sources should not matter that much. Trinkets are a great way to differentiate between your intent.

There was also a time, i think back in wotlk when we had resilience. Pve players came in with 0 resilience and so much damage and healing that they absolutely obliterated pvp players

Or maybe you simply don’t care about stat budgets, and want gear with the same amounts of primary and secondary stats for the ilvl regardless if they come from pvp or pve, and that the pvp gear have an extra stat, resilience.

Go with the Legion system then.
Only people who suck at PvP and want to win by outgearing their opponents dislike Legion templates.

XD that was funny.

Let me explain to you why this happens.

You start playing against bad players and reach 3k with 90% win rate.
Then you play with people that have the same skill as you, making you have a 50% win rate SINCE that moment.

Even if in 3k you have 50% win rate, you had 90% from before so after thousands of games it gets to the 55% average.

In the case of 3k6 players, they have 55%wr+ because there re not enough people at the top, so the system makes them play with lower skill level people than them, making them win much more but also decreasing their gains.

This is why there is no one at 4k rating, because at some point you only get +1/+0 for winning.

The stats priorities for pvp and pve are different.

I have one gear for pvp and another one for pve, in shadowlands.

The gear of pve is obtained by playing pve and the gear of pvp is obtained by playing pvp. You dont need to be 100% optimal to play it and with time you ll get it, just slower than the others.

Are you seriously challenging him on pvp when you havent even crossed 1750 rating on any char.

Also your Xanesh example was quite bad. The orb ”aiming” is very simple and does not require special skills.

And yes you can die in pvp due to a missplaced interrupt, mistimed trinket etc.

There is a lot more to pvp that he didnteven write about, like spells stealing as mage and cancelling the auras so they cant be stolen back and so on, and i dont even do pvp much (after vanilla) anymore.

Not for all classes / specs though.

Dude, I think you replied to the wrong person, this reply makes no point against what was stated.

problem with this statement is that you can just as well say that most mythic raids get their first 2-3 bosses pugged a month in by average players without voice and they STILL drop higher and better loot (usually trinkets and weapons) than PvP and mythic+ at the highest level.

anyway my point here really is, you can’t really use the difficulty should always award higher gear argument because it simply wouldnt work with such a big difference between all the bosses, dungeons, and pvp at the highest level, which is why there is a cap after which it doesn’t increase anymore.