PvP is significantly harder than PvE

OP, is it so difficult to make a post without sounding like a condescending sod?

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I’m so tired of these endless ‘hurrdurr pvX is harder than pvY’ debates.
Different types of content require different types of skillsets. Nothing is superior. Just play the content you like, take your rewards and be quiet.
Although I believe that gear should always be superior in the content it was acquired in. PvP players were forced to play pve for for way too long than is healthy for the game.


this is just hurr durr bs equality speech.

Raiding requires probably the least skill compared to very high level m+ and pvp, yet it awards the best thanks to ”lore”.

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Did you read my entire statement? Because I said pve gear shouldn’t be better than pvp gear in PvP situations. I don’t think pve or pvp are ‘equal’ at all. I literally just said that they should be kept separate and treated independently.

PVP has never been easier. It’s one shot or get one shot. Nothing difficult about it.

pffff hard…
half of the people that queue for a BG or an arena wins…

Play a healer in this META and tell me how easy it is then.

Why would you play a healer in a 1-shot meta? That sounds like a mistake.

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Because the only friends I do have are all brain damaged “me hit, me SMASH” pure DPS players and I have no choice but to be the healer.

I think people who need to feel superior because they do one thing or the other, are probably not as good as they think they are.

Have you done raiding at the peak? Probably not. The best players in the game spend weeks of trial and error before they down the bosses.

The difficulty of pvp is completely relegated to how good the other player is, so it could be super easy or very difficult.


Which is why rating exists.
Once you reach a high rating, it’s never “super easy” since the players you’re facing are all good enough to have reached that rating as well.
Your statement is only true for random BGs.

You made a completely redundant point.

Anyway, pvp is not more difficult than pve. Both have a gradient, mythic raiding is not easier than high lvl pvp.

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It kind of is though.

Lol, ok. Whatever you think.

As a pvper myself i have to disagree. The effort to do mythic raids is far greater than signing up for arenas with 2 others. Also pvp is full of wintraders and cheaters, Why should we increase the rewards when the entire scene is a joke?

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What kind of ‘‘better’’ rewards are we talking here?
Gear with a tertiary/pvp stat? Sure. Mythic raids - Peak PvE, should always just drop the best PvE gear.

I don’t think anybody can deny that PvP is more difficult than PvE.

As the old saying goes, “if you give a room of monkeys a Gameboy and infinite time, eventually they will complete Mario”.

…actually I think it was a typewriter and Shakespearean prose.

Point is, PvE is trial and error. PvP is against other humans.

There may be imbalances but it’s harder to predict what a human with a pulse and heartbeat will do to you, vs. an AI scripted to perform the same thing. Week after week after week.


you dont even have over 1550 rating

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And pvp isn’t trial and error?

You learn how to use your class correctly, and you apply it, then people react, and you react accordingly. That is it.

Sure pve, is more standardized, but not easier.

I think people here just wanna stroke their ego a bit too much, by thinking they are inherently superior for being good at pvp, spoiler alert, most of the good pvers are also good at pvp.

You probably are not as good as you think you are, if you actually think about this stuff.

You are missing a couple of crucial points bro.

For the vast majority, there is no such thing as “pvp players” and “pve players” - Most people who do rated pvp do raid and/or m+ aswell.

“Pvp is harder than pve” - Its not that black and white. Most people who do rated pvp dont make it to gladiator and are stuck in certain brackets. Reaching 2k rating isnt to hard to do.

Meanwhile every player in the world will reach a certain point in m+ where they cant push higher.

Top m+ players in the world are pushing +30 (Or so) in bfa, do you think top pvp players are automaticly able to do that?

And do you think every top pvp player would get a spot in a world first mythic raid race?


And i can guarantee you that most of the people who do rated pvp havent completed all current raid tiers on mythic difficulty, and are not in the top in m+.

Both pvp and pve are hard on top levels, but its two completely different things.

While we are at it, what are your pvp and pve achievments?