PvP is significantly harder than PvE

There is a difference between playing against a good Mage and a bad Mage, and they will make you learn about how you play.

A Mythic boss is always a Mythic boss, he does not change his attitude. Because he is not “he”, or she. It’s a computer.

The top PvPers master PvE content, these are guys from Russia/China/Sweden who have mastered the game and create boosting as a living.

A self-proclaimed “expert raider” will never boost you through PvP. Ever.

I think you just have a very flawed argument about what you think skills means.

A good strategy usually works on most people, when you know how to use your class you generally perform well, which is why good pve players are also generally good at pvp.

What you actually think that your tactics completely change based on the player you are fighting against? Some things do, but it’s not like you are completely overhauling the way you are playing, you guys though make it seem like this is the case.

There are usually certain moves and tactics that work, you simply apply them based on the class/player you are fighting against, but the core does not change.

So again, i think you just wanna stroke your ego and talk about how pvp players are so much better, while in reality most good players are good at both.

So why don’t you go ask some of these top tier players what they actually think?


“Rank 1” should be compared to “world first mythic raid” not to simply clearing.

Also I don’t get the argument of “Rank 1” PVP players are good, so all PVP players should get more rewards for that. If you are a “rank 1” pvp player, you get gladiator title and mount that no PVE player can get.

Also no hall of fame or raid specific title unless you are among top 100 alliance/horde guilds (which is far less than 0.5% of the pve guilds) that clear the mythic raid.
It is not like ALL PVE players are getting all the rewards from PVE. Even those who clear all mythic raids are not getting all the rewards unless they are among the top guilds.

But the thread is about the rewards. You don’t need to beat a 3K player to get most of the rewards from PVP (at least the gear).
Only 0.5% of PVP players get gladiator title/mount. But also only top first 100 guilds on alliance and horde get the title for the for being in the hall of fame (which is also roughly 0.5 % of raiders).

Have you ever got Gladiator or even Duelist? Unless you did both you can’t compare.

I didn’t raid mythic so I don’t judge if it’s hard or not. I did +15 in Legion and it was not as hard as getting the same reward in PvP. In BFA I quit when +10 gave highest reward so I didn’t push for +15.

PvP is so so here - not so good, this is PvE game and heavily PvE oriented gameplay, even classes designed only for PvE mostly. PvP is a minigame, thats actually broken most of the time and never will be fun in competive therms.

I’m not a person who care about competition or to “compete” against other players… so i woulden’t do competative content.

Mythic Kil’Jaeden says hello! Lmao.

Such a big loss, hall of fame title, lol.

How do you know that, we constantly match up with high cr players, there is not too much difference between a 2.4 k player and 3k, 3k ones just make less mistakes and play the overtuned-overpowered class of that patch.

WoW would die without PvP hence calling it a minigame not accurate. If I sticked to WoW for 15 years it is because of PvP, pet battles are what you should call minigame.

Pvp harder??
Yes the day you will have to manage 20+ players with each of them having to take on par 2-3 alts as the main, with a set week schedule.
Until that day pvp is a meme designed for dead monkeys

There is nothing wrong about it but then you can’t compare it in the same fashion I can’t.

The OP said amongst other odd things

So i basiclly just asked him if he had tried some of the harder bosses… to see if he was talking from experience or just from assumptions.

Because he sounded very delusional

Easy is whatever play style suits you best.

No, beating a mythic boss is not easy and neither is getting high rank in arena.

None of these types of content should reward you better gear than the other. They are cattered to very different types of players. They’re two completely different paths to obtain gear and should be equal in rewards.

As someone that did both at very high levels.

Both are very, very different kind of content, however.

Playing PVP makes you a much better PVE player, while the opposite is not as much so.

Playing PVP usually gives people better awareness to their surroundings and better reaction times to what is going on specifically, which is a huge boon in PVE content, it’s not going to teach you your rotation though, nor that you should soak X or Y.

If he doesn’t Raid mythic and play at Duelist+ bracket then he can’t judge anything to be honest.

Difficulty is always hard to gauge when you’re essentially comparing apples and oranges.

Yes pve is against a computer, however that computer is OP, it is kind of akin to playing against a bad player with 5 times your hp and damage if you really wanna compare it.
Also players have flaws, they make mistakes, bosses don’t.
PVE is about planning and optimizing just as much as it is about the execution and almost half the battle is outside of combat.
PVP is almost entirely focused on pure execution, but you don’t have to play optimally to win at all. Even watching games at 2500 rating, mistakes happen frequently, but you don’t lose because you mispositioned slightly. A really good example, i played N’zoth, i got a bit greedy and took 1 pool, costing me some sanity, very small mistake, but then 1 minute or so later i missed out the sanity cutoff by 10 sanity, and since my neck was later on, we wiped, those kinds of mistakes aren’t as costly in pvp.
Also single missed kicks in M+ can easily cost an entire key on higher levels.

Fixate abilities exists, and they hit much harder than a player ever will

Usually not instant interrupting true, but interrupts do exist in pve.

True, but pvp healers barely have to dodge any ground effects by comparison

don’t know how to? no. Don’t have to? yes.

That does happen if you make mistakes, you can get school locked by abilities in pve.

Absolutely untrue, mythic plus players are used to interrupting key abilities and ignoring useless ones, it’s half the gameplay in higher keys.

Absolutely untrue, went on my mage with another mage (garbage comp) and got 1400 with like 2 losses (1400 is low rating, but you said they get demolished at low rating soooo)

But you’re forgetting the fact that raid content is tuned around having 20 players. Playing a dps check boss with a bad dps can make it unkillable, and back when i was doing aszhara progress, we had to wipe every single time 1 player died because else the strategy didn’t work.

For mythic plus you keep going higher and higher, so yes having a bad player won’t stop you from doing a +15, but it will stop you from hitting higher levels.

Absolutely untrue, there is not a single ability in my fire mage kit that i don’t know how to use or haven’t used in a pve situation.
If anything pvp players are the ones that don’t know how to use their kit since they seem absolutely incapable of optimizing it for output, but more on that later.

Sure i don’t doubt that at all, however those are not really comparable.
2200 is considered decent in pvp, even good in some eyes, but completing all +15 in M+ is considered the minimum you need to do to even be considered an M+ player, so you’re bottom of the barrel, more akin to 1200 or 1400, where everything before that was just a trial getting used to the content.

Get 5 actual 1400 players and see if they can complete all +15 dungeons, that will be more fair.

Again not a really fair comparison, the way 2200 is viewed by pvp players, is closer to +20 players i would say, and give 5 +20 players a month, and i think they have just as much a shot as 1400 getting all +15.

When essences came out in BFA a bunch of PVE players literally just rushed 2100 within the first week for the C&S reward, so it has definitely been done, just by players a little higher than just doing +15.

Now onto the thing with optimizing dps. I have watched streamers like ziqo and pikaboo play M+ do their weekly keys on stream, and oh boy it’s weird to watch. They are some of the best players in their field, but swap them over to another and they will perform worse than what i consider a bad player, like if you got a pve player to look at their gameplay blind of who they are, they would say the player is almost a complete noob. They have a grasp of the very fundamentals of their spec, but they have no idea how to utilize it for throughput, or how to chain abilities together correctly, when is it worth stopping casts in favor of throughput, what can be stopped and so on.
They still get through easy, cause +15s are a joke, and i agree rewards should maybe be rescaled, but they would get eaten alive in high keys, and any group that didn’t know who they are would kick them for low performance.

This again lends to the idea that the content is just different, it’s apples and oranges, and different skill sets are required for each, it might be because gamers on average tends to be more logical meaning skills like optimization and solving a puzzle comes more natural than creative adaptation, but that is just speculation.

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Well it sounds nice,but this isnt a pvp game,so we are not getting anything

But it isn’t 100% PvE game either. It has “War” in it’s name and two factions.

“Slightly” is a massive understatement.
Been proven time and again that PvE content, being scripted, hence predictable makes players dull and with low reaction time.

Thr amount of stuff (in PvP) you have to keep track, let alone know, compared to PvE is insane.

If you want to improve yourself as a WoW player, to truly grown and become better, then PvP is the gateway.

Well,the wow today has nothing to do with what wow used to be before. They still keep ppl under impression that pvp exists just to get preorder money,but if you look at ehat they do for pvp,how much resources they invest into it? 5% max? Id personally doubt there are even ppl assigned for pvp as their main job. Even the entire bfa propaganda was made to give ppl impression that its going to be a pvp expansion and pvp will rise again. I cant count,how many times i saw ppl saying this time its going to be different. All my old school pvp friends returned. Well,everybody quit within two weeks,because its a faction vs sh*tty easy npc. Lookint at the state of pvp,they didnt even start any work on it,at all. So i dont have any hopes left.

I never really understood or rather accepted that why some people wanna play an online game and not fight other players ? if they enjoy it then it’s fine i will just never get it maybe some people just don’t have the reaction times for pvp i will probably play pve too once i get old and slow.

Prolly some darksouls 10