PvP is significantly harder than PvE

This idea that pve doesn’t require fast reactions is false. Unexpected things can happen in pve as well. Especially in an environment like mythic in which the smallest mistake can have a seriously huge domino effect. I’ve seen a lot of pulls saved because players made snap decisions to use their class abilities in an unusual way.

There are more ways to game than fight other people. That’s it. Very simple.

And no team pve isn’t like a single player experience. Not even remotely. You can’t discuss anything with npcs, npcs do not vary in performance the way people do, and I have yet to come across a game in which the ai is an adequate replacement for a real person.

For me pve in wow is like killing mobs in league of legends you kill mobs get good gear and kill other players

Uh the mobs in LoL have a laughably low amount of mechanics and hp compared to high-end pve mobs in a game like WoW. You may as well start comparing pve in WoW to skeevers in Skyrim while you’re at it.

The amount of players getting cutting edge is 1000x the amount of people getting gladiator no way you are telling me that pve is harder right ?

You’re forgetting that pvp is secondary at best to Blizzard. Everyone knows this. They pump the majority of their money into pve, so of course the sort of content that gets completed the most is pve. More dev time, money and marketing is put into pve far above all else.

If you have a restaurant that serves mostly pasta, then you should expect most customers to eat pasta. This doesn’t mean the other dishes are harder to eat or are bad. It just means that a restaurant that chiefly focuses on pasta is going to attract customers who want to eat pasta.

You think that? meanwhile im riding on my gladiator mount and elite set but you riding around on a mount and gear transmog that can be farmed untill the game shuts down.

What I gave you were facts, not an opinion. Pvp in WoW is very much overlooked when compared to the focus Blizzard give to pve. Apparently everyone but you has seen this.

Why do you think I care about your gladiator mount? What you show off has zero bearing on my fun in the game. I couldn’t care less about what mount you use and how you got it, lol. Envying others has never been a reason for me to do anything. I do what I like and if it happens to be easy stuff sometimes I really do not care. I pay my sub to have fun, not to show off.

Fact of the matter is prestigious rewards are locked behind pvp, blizzard knows what type of content is competitive enough to deserve seasonal rewards.

Keep slaying dragons i believe in you

Honestly the cynical part of me thinks Blizzard make many pvp rewards seasonal because they need to find a way to get players to repeatedly do that content without spending a significantly higher amount of money in pvp development. Mounts, titles and gear are just skins. Whereas in pve a huge amount of brand new playable content is added several times in each expansion. Pvp does not experience this luxury at all.

Even though I left pvp behind a very long time ago I always disliked that pvp in WoW is treated as little more than an afterthought, and I really dislike that as time passed pvp players have had to do more and more pve to stay competitive. It has actually turned me off trying pvp again, among other things like balance issues.

Ur wrong we got 3 new arena maps in bfa 2 remastered arena 1 new battleground
2 remastered battlegrounds 2 remastered epic battlegrounds and we get brawls on a weekly basis.

Well stuff certainly changed since I came back. I quit years ago and for a long time up to then it was pretty rare for pvp to get actual new playable content aside from the token “it’s a new expansion, here is one or two new things”. I’m actually happy to read that pvp has more dev focus now.

Now Blizzard just need to address the glaring balance issues.

Anyway that was a tangent. My point is comparing pve and pvp is like comparing apples and oranges. Yes they’re both fruit but they taste very different and serve different functions in the culinary arts. I don’t think either pve or pvp is universally harder than the other. They have different requirements and challenges. I personally respect both equally. I don’t think a high-end pve player is automatically less or more skilled than a high-end pvp player. I just think they’re both great players.

And honestly I think this whole “X is harder than Y!” argument is very silly. May as well start arguing about how being a classically trained pianist is harder than being a jazz pianist. Neither are easy but the paths to success for them aren’t the same. Just like pve and pvp.

Tune in into some AWC once season starts they have been promoting arenas a lot and stream each season on youtube you will see all the changes.

I’ve never been one to watch streams much but I admit I’m curious now so I may do that.

It’s gonna be better than world first race now that some guild im not gonna name got banned xd

Honestly while I do prefer -playing- pve, I do prefer watching pvp to watching pve. I think pvp puts on a better show for a spectator than pve does.

I know a lot of people who like to watch stuff they are not good at even out of curiosity just to see how other side of the fence looks

Well that’s the great thing about being a spectator isn’t it? You don’t have to be good at the thing to enjoy watching it. Having a basic understanding is enough to enjoy it. I have watched a lot of fighting game matches in Evo from games I haven’t even played, but because I have a basic understanding of how these games work it’s still great to watch.

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Makes sense. I always forget that ranking is a seasonal thing.

This will help you understand why.

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Exactly no way someone like me feels superior to another player playing pve