PvP on PvP Realms - Whats the world coming to

Its not pvp, its simply being farmed. Yuo could argue “just get a big group and wipe them”, but more arrive and they simply farm us more. And it is never ever ending, there are so many of them that there is a never ending stream people wanting in on the action and suqeezing the 10 - 20 honor out of the few alliance that are left after having been wiped out 7 - 10 times.

And then you get away from that big brawl, ride on your horse for about 20 seconds, and run in to another group and the cycle repeats itself. This happens every hour of every day and has been going on since honor came out.

This is not pvp.

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No, thats not what they did. The populations are many times the size they were on any vanilla server back in the day. And that leads to this: https://youtu.be/ctn-tKXx4Sw

my dude this could’ve easilly solved if they had released battlegrounds earlier…but hey…’‘keep it blizzlike’’ remember?

Battlegrounds wont change it, horde will be stuck in queue and will gank in open world while all the good alliance players will have litteraly no reason to go open world

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god! MAN in skullflame EU the entire horde levelling is frozen. Alliance make groups of 10 on every 50+ area. 50+ NOT 40 not 30…guess why…

It is tho. PvP = Player versus Player… that’s what you get.

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Ok, if you wanna be anal and pedantic about it, sure its PVP in its purest and most intended form.

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Without fail, it is always horde making these kinds of threads lol.

If people are still regurgitating the “PvP on a PvP” server stuff then you have completely missed the bigger picture and larger issue.

Basically this… Right now you have some of the “hardcore crowd” just running around in gank squads trying to squeeze out as much honor as they can. In the future it’ll probably calm down, with the majority of those people flocking to their BGs and premades.

Yesterday was the first time I was legitimately frustrated with P2… I’d run a friend through Ulda, then realised it was an hour till raid time and thought “ooh, better go get some shards!”

Hearth to Grom’Gol (aiming to get a zep to Org and then fly off to felwood and shard up some of the green blobby bois near the FP) - nope, 5+ Allys on the zep. “Screw this” I thought, “I’ll wait for the UC zep”… smack rogue jumps me at half health, CB>Evisc and vanishes into the ether.

Rinse/repeat for 20mins.

Turned up to MC with 3 shards /flex


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