World pvp is fun, its great! Its specially fun when its not just a one-sided grind feast. Jumping someone as a rogue in world pvp is just what rogues do. But when does the fun end for the guy you jump, regardless of your class.
The fun ends when he is a low level, he is at low health and just struggling to get to 60. When a level 60 with good gear starts to run around and gang low level players that have 0.7% chance of winning. It gets even worse when groups do this.
“why did you roll a pvp server then”
Because I like world pvp, not “world ganking”. Thats why.
Fx right now on Mograine, Un’goro is straight up unplayable. Most other level 50-55 zones is like this. Its NOT pvp, its just ganking. And right now its getting hard just to find a place to level, without getting killed 10-30 times an hour.
It might be fun for you to repeatedly gang someone, just remember the price can be he stops playing on the server. Is that good for you? You dont really care I guess, but I hope you will think at some point “hey maybe I should find a place with level 60 players that will give me a fight”
But who am I kidding, you want that honor, so have fun killing the players that in the end is not going to be there…
Me? I just reached a point where it aint fun no more, when battlegrounds come this will hopefully change.
World pvp is great, lets make it even greater! by not harassing players and growing a pair of balls and fight players of equal level.
They should just remove honor gain for killing any players below your level.
The majority of players are taking part in this rush because they’re either disillusioned in thinking they’re competitors for r14 or are after their trinkets - not because they have a deep love of PvP. If that was the case we would have seen more of it happening prior to the honor launch - those that enjoy PvP for PvP would have done it with or without HK’s.
This will die down soon once with aforementioned players get said trinkets or quickly realise that they their chances of getting r14 are little-to-none.
Stick it out if you can. Play some of the other great game releases at the moment, stick to dungeons or roll an alt, whichever pleases you.
I think thats a good ieader, no honor for low level players. That would fix it.
Its because it’s an MMO. Level 50 player is still as much of a player as anyone else. Why should they be unable to receive honor just because some 60s will gank them?
Since a level 1 can rank up etc, that means every level must receive honor from a level range. If 60 could only receive HKs from 60s then logically 59s should only receive honor from other lvl 59s etc
You play on Mograine?
Try one of the other servers.
Much less ganking there.
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You are right, there wont be any rank 14 till late phase 3 or even 4.
i think you should have strikes. You kill 3 people that are way lower level and not in raids ( those fun consensual raids that i have seen of 60 people lvl 1 against one of level 60… creative, streamed and with the level 60 having fun and not getting frustrated) and you get kicked or banned for a certain time or loose honor points. This way, it would be more fair to everyone.
i do feel bad for people leveling 48-60, all i see is people complaining in gerenal /1, /2 trade, guild chat, wow forums etc etc… clearly alot of people arent happy… personally i dont mind the pvp mayhem atm… just sick of the complaints everywhere, they should release BGs soon, and im guessing it’ll come a week or 2 before xmas…
I dont think people should be getting kicked for ganking players.
But mabye put a honor mark on a player thats below 60 if he gets killed by a level 58-60 he is worth no honor for 1 hour. Fx.
the level 60 gets his honor, and now for the next hour I can level without getting ripped apart.
I agree with that also!
The only thing is i think that there needs to be harsher punishments. Even if that player is being kept from honors, he can still do other stuff like farm and quest so your punishment seems easy, from my point of view 
Now, it’s more likely that they would not gank up on a lower level if they knew they would loose honor points or wouldn’t be able to enter the server for a certain time and they would loose important raids and that is why i said kicked or banned for a certain time so they could actually feel that this is a punishment.
I NEVER think playing the game should ban you from playing the game, but ganking a low level player could be fixed by removing honor from a player. I think it would require some tuning so as not to be exploited.
There should be Honor caps per zone. After a set amount honor is gained by a faction they should get 0 honor. This will allow battles to stop on certain zones and move to other zones. It will also allow players to quest while the fighting stops.
I kind of play a lot of games and from what i have seen, the harsher the punishment, the more it gets respected.
If you break a rule of the game and the game doesn’t act upon it accordingly, then people will continue to do so if they have nothing to loose. I’m not talking perma ban, just one hour-two ban.
Just because i pay for this game doesn’t mean i can act however i want. Also, look at streamers who act bad and continue to do so until they get burned by the game itself…it’s more effective.
Chauntea, what about the players who impair others from leveling up just for the fun of it all? Because those guys don’t care as much if they get 0 honor points when they randomly kill you on the road.
There’s nothing to change. Pvp servers (and currently Warmode in Retail) have always been thus.
If you don’t like it you rolled on the wrong server type. It’s really that simple.
From what i read on the forums…this is pvp combined with overpopulated servers.
I don’t know if it has been this way because the stories i heard are different as in the chaos was not like this before.
I like pvp…as long as it is fair and as long as i’m not not ruining the game experience for others.
I think there is a difference between pvp and harassment and because of bad players, the harassment is more found on the servers than the actual pvp.
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Except it isn’t as is indicative of the amount of conversation this particular subject is generating. Don’t act like a dictator.
Kork will have it next week.
Wow, life is really unfair isnt it? Only had a few months to reach 60 but couldnt cut it? Harsh well so be it.
If life is to hard riggt now i suggest you roll pve or go back to retail for a few months til next phase comes around. Classic is not for everyone, i know its hard to wrap your head around but original wow was not made for the entitled masses of today it was made for GAMERS 15 years ago.
You have alternatives like rolling a pvp server with a better horde / alliance ratio that suits you better but you prefeer to come here and cry your bleeding heart out hoping for systemic change or sympathy but guess what, you only get that from your similarly weak spirited peers who clearly are not cut out for the classic experience.
Wow classic is brutal, it is unfair, it is not casual friendly and THAT is how we like it.
Stop kidding yourself - and lying, for that matter.
Anybody who enjoys playing games is a gamer. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not, that’s how it is. You are not more important in any way to someone else who may only play 1hr a week.
WoW offered a more casual, less harsh approach to the MMO genre compared to its peers at the time. WoW has always been considered a casual game.
Players can discuss whatever they like here relating to the game. If changes happen it means Blizzard agreed with them. If nothing happens, it means they didn’t.