PVP or Harassment

The PvP honor system was designed to kill all support for world-PvP ASAP. It doesn’t even resemble that explained in the physical WoW manual. It was introduced months after release, after raid-content like Onyxia and MC was rushed to be in the game before release, so that raiders would have a substantial gear-advantage once support for PvP progression rolled in.

Blizzard have been very selective about which parts of the original experience to recreate, but of course they went with this again.

Can you explain why you think PvE servers are ‘limited’?

Citine, I feel the same way. Why bother logging on when your just going to be a honor pinjata to level 60 raid geared players.
Why waste time on that.

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Same thing on my server, i died 18 times running from ogres in burning steps to the alliance camp and then couldn’t fly out due a horde 10 man murder squad. So i logged off.
I played vanilla from beta and it was never this bad, ever.
so I’m stuck corpse running to BRD to get any exp at all, which i can only do once a night. So lvl 60 is going to take me a few weeks of pure tedium to achieve, or i could let my subs run out and play fun games on PS4.
I hope P3 is out before christmas tbh, because i don’t see any incentive for horde to migrate off the server and its basically unplayable as is for alliance.

Why they didn’t just make at least grey level players class as a “dishonourable” kill is beyond me.

The flip side to this of course is that no raid group would leave town without a good few within their ranks to remove the threat of being aoe farmed :joy:

Honestly, it doesn’t even need to be that extreme - the core of WoW is the faction war and you shouldn’t punish players for simply playing the game.

Rather than dishonourable, just make any player below your level honourless. You can still stop and kill them if you want but you won’t be rewarded for it.

you can just unsubscribe, thats all Blizz care about. Its a company, only money talks for them. Maybe they all play on the big faction on their server. so they dont care about Imbalance or something like that.

So, just C A N C E L

Have you even researched to see how many players left from september untill now? Just asking.
If Blizz cares about their money then they might soon have a problem.
Do your research!

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Agree With the OP, that theres a difference between pvp and harassment. Theres also the middle ground which is a random gank, but corpsecamping People way lower than you is just harassment…

Example: i play on a pvp server, mostly i let the enemy faction (horde in my case) be, unless they attack me first, im more into organized pvp (raids) and bgs. I dont mind being killed randomly by some high Level horde that runs past me, but then runs on, ok he/she had their fun. BUT when they are ?? and corpsecamp that is another matter… a few days ago i was ganked and camped by 2 lvl 60 UD rogues in the middle of STV and they kept at it for nearly 30 minutes… hello im lvl 36, that sure wasnt mutch fun, and if i were on the other end i wouldnt have found it mutch fun either… different tastes i suppose.

All in all i dont have mutch problems With pvp/ganking, and i rather enjoy the aspect of it, but everything has a limit…

People are taking getting killed/camped so personally, it really is nothing personal for the honor farmers. They are just farming honor for gear/ranks, it’s like you wouldn’t take getting killed in a battleground personally as that’s just what happens in bgs. Well it’s the same in a wow classic server, most of azeroth is just one big bg.

Would you get annoyed if you signed of up a battleground then got killed? Ofcourse not as that’s what you signed up for. It’s also what you sign up for when you join a wow classic pvp server, you are signing up to one massive open battleground.

Most of these whiners are retailers that are to used to rolling on a pvp server with warmode off.

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I dont take being killed personally. Neither in a bg nor in other places. Its when it makes the game unplayable (cant kill mobs, cant get XP, cant quest because of being prayed on) I feel like giving up playing. I have played on PVP servers since 2005, and I have never experienced this before. I have always been able to play the game. The risk of being killed by a horde has added excitement. This sadly cant be called exciting anymore.

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I have very similar experience, I always played on pvp server in vanilla, tbc and wotlk. However this is the first time I just have to give up and quit playing. The faction balance is bad on our realm and hordes just out run alliance in every single zone. I have not encountered even one duel after honor system, but everytime the battles are 1v5 or worse.

Most alliance villages, such as Morgan’s Vigil in Burning Steppes has been completely conquered by the horde and makes flying there impossible, since you will be stunned and killed within seconds after landing. This same happens on most other places as well, which makes it impossible for alliance to get anywhere near instances in BRM. I tried yesterday to run from Thorium point to BRD, but after 50 minutes I had to give up, cause I had not make it even to the mountain yet. There are people who apparently has some addon, which tells them that there are literally over hundred hordes around there, doing nothing but corpse ganging those who would want to run instances.

I understand that it is nothing personal from the horde, but I am not sure if their goal is to make the game so bad for the alliance players that they would quit playing or stay inside the ironforge walls. It definitely seems so.

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So if i make a joke about a fat guy and he laughs then it is ok but if i make the same joke over and over again then you will see that he starts to not be ok and that is abuse.
It doesn’t take many neurons to understand that.

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I do believe a lot of people doesn’t actually understand how honor decay work and that killing anyone more than 4 times are just a waste of time, for both.

I do find it laughable when a faction camps outside a city and kills people over and over again, not realising they’re essentially just wasting time.

perfect prediction :smiley:

In a fair fight (both at 100% hp and out of combat), as a level 50 shadowpriest I still had a chance against a level 60 player, it really, really depends on how well you know your class and how well your opponent knows their class (I know, shadowpriest 1v1? yeah we all know the outcome of that one…). Of cause gear come into consideration, but most PvP in classic is about skill. (Git gud or git ded)
I love world-PvP, sometimes its awesome, some times its hella frustrating since some people are just standing in-front of dungeons or quest giver and camp those locations for “free honor”. But its both sides, both horde and alliance. Most of these problems will be fixed when WSG and AV is released the 10/12. But if you can’t handle the free world at the moment, take a break and wait or find a guild/group that would like to take vengeance upon the opposite faction in Hillsbrad or Winterspring when the PvP-raids are on. Or simply grind dungeons. Yes, you might die on your way there, but its good xp (if youre still leveling) and you’ll get gear.

Guess we get battlegrounds in 20 days :smiley:

Seems like Blizzard knows the pain we are facing.

PvE servers work for that as well, just so you know.

Aibury, please so many people use that comment, tho you form it in a way more respectful way :smile:

There are us (think there is allot of us) we like to be on a pvp realm, we know the risk. But getting ripped apart every 2-4 minutes in game is NOT pvp in our eyes.


If it wasn’t what Blizzard wanted they would do something about it, and moving the BGs forward doesn’t count.

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