PVP or Harassment

How does moving the BG’s forward not count? In my eyes it could help with the pvp problem greatly.

It does not count because he believes it diminishes the power of his statement and he does not like that.

Just because it happends to me it will always be harassment!!! I was bullied enough in school and now they bully me with pvp on a pvp server reeeee

Ey. Im yet another Alliance Cassual player quitting the game untill battlegrounds release.

I am on Shazzrath and there is no place to level, except inside instances. Hordes kill you in their lvl 60 death squads despite your lvl, and camp you till you quit the game. This is my classic experience the last week, and today i finally got enough.

On my second day of corpse-running towards Dire maul to Level up my final 2 lvls to 60, i got camped by a couple of hordes all the way, untill i tried to flee in the water. they sat in the water waiting for me, and i ress-sicknessed on an island, and there i got camped by a full epic Ambush rogue, just farming me from the gy to the boat for an hour or so.

It has turned out to be more of an harassment playing wow since pvp release, especially when the odds are 10 horde to 1 alliance. I used to love world pvp, but this is not any way close to fair odds. You cant call for any alliance help, cause you will allays be outnumbered anyway. And all alliance are just forced to stand inside their main cities. Im sure its fun being on the other side of all of this. Just being able to free-farm people. But im out. GOood Luck Wit dAh! Piece!

Good luck horde.


Servers much larger than the game was designed for is a change.

You and your attitude is part of the problem. Clearly you are on the ganking side and not the gankee side.

It really doesn’t since Vanilla wow’s classes were not balanced. Doesn’t matter how well someone knows how to play a ret paladin they aren’t killing a hunter or frost mage in the open world.

PvP or harassment?
Why not both

Probably harassment due to frustration but the only real solution is to roll the dominant faction on a pvp realm as blizzard has made it impossible for the other one to do anything by creating megaservers.

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You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, there’s a clear difference between the occasional ganking and literally getting killed everywhere all the time. 36 minutes from the flight point to a quest giver 300 yards away is not engaging PVP. Being unable to quest or farm or level is not engaging game play.

Again you have no idea what you are talking about. The issue isn’t getting killed on a PVP server, to use your BG analogy. It would be like getting into a BG and never getting a single honor point because you’re always dead. There’s no win some lose some situation it’s always on the losing side. No one signed up for overpopulated servers where people are rewarded for killing players and one side has a clear numbers advantage. Get a clue.

i usually kill ppl once, maybe twice.
depending on situation ofcourse, he might deserve it.

on my druid i do the occasionally gank fast you described.
BUT i run circles on the map, i dont wait for this dude to respawn to gank him again straight away !

give him some time, go back in 10-15 mins and kill him again if hes still there (might not even be there anymore)

if i ganked players for like 3 x i just start to avoid them and ignore them, just move on to the next target (unless he attacks you , you defend)

there is no fun in griefing/corpse camping anyways.

It’s pretty much the same for low populated PvP servers, only worse. The server I play on is PvP heavy on alliance side and they abuse all aspects of it, if we gather 10 hordes to PvP they bring 20, if we bring 10 more - they leave before our other 10 guys join the PvP because they use horde accounts and spam /who on the said area/zone and leave as soon as they detect more entering the zone. But that is not all, if you get on their radar they just /who you or add you to their friends list on horde accounts and they just hunt you down in any zone you may go. To make things even worse they most likely do /who for zones like un’goro late at night and if they see 2-3 low levels they just go to that zone to farm them, doing that for all zones most likely. Try competing with those when they get rank 14 and hordes will have few rank 2s. I doubt anyone really cares, but the PvP system in those situations is just broken.

An undead rogue wondering why 60’s are killing him… Newsflash: your race/class combo is the biggest target in the entirity of WoW Classic. I would switch from a lvl60 warrior at 10% hp to the lvl 30 ud rogue walking by trying to quest in a heartbeat. Any second I can delay your journey to 60 is worth it in my book. You deserve to get corpsecamped 24/7.

The biggest issue is the fact 48 and above are worth something to 60s…

Hinterlands for example, decked our priest with Anathema, running around for over 5 hours each day killing people in hinterlands.

All they need to do is changed is that anyone 5 levels or lower is worth 0 honour.

Shazzrah is unplayable as Alliance, took me 1 hour 30 min to get to BRM and Un’goro/western plague/eastern plague /tanaris/winterspring is not even an option

Even stormwind/ironforge isn’t safe from being ganked

So its no fun for you to play, because you have 0 chance of defending yourself. Should others be rewarded with honor points for that?

I dont think so, if you ask me!

PvP is not harassment. This is just natural selection in progress.

No that is NOT pvp, that is exploration of the pvp system. If low level players did not give any honor, no level 60 would get out of there way to hunt us down and gank us. OVER AND OVER AND OVER until we log off.

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But they do, and you chose PvP.

Yes I chose PVP, right now that feels more like Player (level 60) vs Free Honor (us) so yes I chose PVP not PVFH