PvP Petition - Premades vs Premades [5+] & PuGs vs Pugs

There have been a number of small incremental changes that Blizzard has made to remake a faithful recreation of Classic of which I commend them. The mineral / herb node spawn changes and the AV problems are good examples of this.

I think PvP requires this. Yes the PvP scene is a faithful adaptation I can attest to this as I played a great deal in Vanilla. But it is fundamentally flawed in the modern era for a number of reasons. It is a great failure in oversight that it has been allowed to persevere at least in its current form.

The current state of affairs is that with the help of Discord, Addons and easy coordination a Premade will utterly CRUSH 99% of PuG with no chance to fight back. Premades dodge each other and NEVER fight each other. One quick fight and it’s a coordinated surrender so they can get out and find another PuGs to slaughter.

I personally propose AV ruleset across all BGs of limited 5 man groups. Simple and effective change. I can only hope the Blizzard offices are staffed by people who have been trained to ignore all the pathetic toxic ranters that flood these forums with vitriol.


That won’t be solved by putting in any sort of arbitrary limitation to premade sizes. Have you already forgotten about premade exploits? Yeah, they’re still possible. Just harder to pull off. Impossible to predict without server data if it’d be possible in the “solo queue” for other BGs if your suggestion would become a thing.

The only real reference is refail, where it has been damn well possible for a very long time by smaller matchmaking pools, even in those smaller BGs.

What would actually solve the problem you yourself brought up, would be to disable all automatic matchmaking for teammates for all BGs. It’s just that simple.

That way the reward design integrity isn’t affected, bots won’t be able to farm honor & rep, AFKers won’t even be a thing anymore since premades can just get rid of them, and premades won’t dodge each other since there is no other way to get honor and rep.

There, problem solved. You’re welcome.

It’d elevate BGs to raid status, so it’d be like the PvE raids except it’s for PvP.

Another simple and elegant solution would be to only allow premades. That would solve all the problems with pugs and prevent all bots and afk leechers while bringing the realm community close together.

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They have, that’s why you pug whiners have been ignored for the past year.


Only took 24 hours for one of you disgusting toxic losers to show up. It’s kind of inevitable I guess.

Somewhat ironic that you use the words “toxic” and “disgusting losers” in the same sentence.

Are you really that much of a hypocrite, or are you just too stupid to realise what hypocrisy means?

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I think this is a good suggestion.

Premades Vs Pugs are not good for the health of the game it will simply cause the playerbase to dwindle but you probably won’t get much support here as most the guys on this forum play in premades and need the premade to fight against and crush pugs to make them think they are better at PvP and ofc they are the same players that bend the game Vs another premade in 2 mins when they find they have an equal chance to win.

I would go even Further and ban consumables as well as faps, lips and only allow PvP potions bought from vendor because these potions give you a huge edge Vs players who don’t use or can’t afford them its almost pay to win which i think is also against the spirit of the game especially on wsg

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I suppose you’d also add Pandaren and increase the level cap to 90 while you’re at it?

You think wrong.

Sounds good, but not in absolute sense, just that match making tries link people in groups against other people in groups when available. I think it’s definitely one of those things that should be fixed because we have x-realm system that wasn’t present in classic, it’s too easy for premades to keep farming an endless supply of randoms from other realms.

Thnx for your contribution, better luck next time.

you obviously would appreciate that Mister demon hunter leave the classic talk to the classic players

Your idea is also not dealing with the problem of premade exploits. However this does:

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That’s cute, I’ve been a part of the classic discussion for longer than you’ve known of this board’s existance.

And no, you’re not discussing Classic. You’re discussing ruining classic, because you don’t want to put any effort into making friends and playing as a team.

If you want to play solo, go play retail. At least there you’ll have a massive advantage in AV as Alliance; way bigger than what Horde have in Classic.

Edit: oh, looks like you haven’t set foot into AQ yet; and you haven’t done any MC or BWL runs since P5 started. What’s wrong Mr Classic player, not playing Classic?

thats cute u check my logs on my alt when i swapped main paladin in raids p2 but okay and nice of you to actually check me up while u always post on retail characters to hide your main maybe you should go back to retail instead of looking up players to criticize while hiding your own maybe you haven’t even competed mc who knows

not taking any sides here, but what happened with your “this is my posting avatar” philosophy?
that used to be what you said when people called you out for posting on a retail character and possibly not even playing classic at all aka calling you out for trolling.
so you changed from a 110 warrior to a 110 Demon hunter… why?

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Blizzard’s forums dun goofed and I haven’t been able to select Miylee-Darksorrow for what feels like a month. I’m sure you know how quick Blizzard are to fix technical issues.

They both have the same name. I wouldn’t have switched at all if Blizzard’s forums weren’t broken.

So let me get this straight, you say “lol post on Classic toon” then follow it up with “lol this isnt the toon I play”


My main is named Stevenorcin on the realm Bloodfang.

By the way:

That makes you look like a hypocrite.

The way you talk to another human being is disgusting

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It was my main for a long time in classic and my first 60 which I’ve been using to post the entire classic expansion on the forum so why switch now. I have said on other posts that i main a paladin. don’t you think its quite scummy to look someone up on logs to criticize their progress while the topic has nothing to do with it when you have the audacity to hide your own while doing it scummy indeed.

you have never even once posted on classic forums on a classic character.do you even play classic? I guess you don’t or are so bad you need to hide

Yo man these are video game characters and posting with level 20 or 60 does not make a difference. You can be level 60 troll or level 20 troll.

“Hide your main” is just stupid thing to say as some of us might be using our main name in more things than just in wow forums and do not want to our personal information to be dug from the name of the character as most we are talking with are pretty ruthless calling us names, striking our mental health or even threatening us because of our opinions

know what else is stupid combing through someone’s parses on raid logs on a forum post to attempt belittle someone who disagrees with you when the post itself is about premade vs premade in battlegrounds.