PvP Petition - Premades vs Premades [5+] & PuGs vs Pugs

The way you talk to another human being is disgusting

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It was my main for a long time in classic and my first 60 which I’ve been using to post the entire classic expansion on the forum so why switch now. I have said on other posts that i main a paladin. don’t you think its quite scummy to look someone up on logs to criticize their progress while the topic has nothing to do with it when you have the audacity to hide your own while doing it scummy indeed.

you have never even once posted on classic forums on a classic character.do you even play classic? I guess you don’t or are so bad you need to hide

Yo man these are video game characters and posting with level 20 or 60 does not make a difference. You can be level 60 troll or level 20 troll.

“Hide your main” is just stupid thing to say as some of us might be using our main name in more things than just in wow forums and do not want to our personal information to be dug from the name of the character as most we are talking with are pretty ruthless calling us names, striking our mental health or even threatening us because of our opinions

know what else is stupid combing through someone’s parses on raid logs on a forum post to attempt belittle someone who disagrees with you when the post itself is about premade vs premade in battlegrounds.

Yea thats true, like those really matters if you come here with a solid opinion and it goin to be tried to crush just because of your character you choose to post from… lmao heck who knows who you really are you might even be the Kungen, Imo only thing here matters is what do you post and does it make sense, and btw i do not support you opinion of premade vs premade / pug vs pug, and my reason is for that is that i like the game this way, only thing i do not like is that people just gives up the fight and stops spawning after first death of noticing it is premade against… i would love to fight, by eliminating PuG Vs Premade you are ruining a lot of my fun of games as i love to see things in chat like: “Damn we really did good against a premade.”

this request can happen at tbc release with the new honor sistem,

introducing rated bg instead of arenas.

No. End of story.

All good but you are beating a dead horse , we will have to wait until tbc to get some integrity

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How do bgs work in TBC? I forgot. Is it not premades vs pugs then?

I think the whole premades stomping pugs has killed pvp at 60, a lot less people are doing bgs than in vanilla.

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yes end of story

I was thinkinig about arena , you will have premades but there is no real reward from bgs when you compare to arena so all or most competitive players will go to arena , problem in classic is that you mix competitive and casual players across the board so you have no integrity

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And “Miylee” is the forum name that I’ve used for 10 years, why switch now? As seen by my above post, my classic character isn’t named Miylee.

Yes, and in my response to that post I said you were a hypocrite for saying “post on your main” and following that up with “this isn’t my main”.

Don’t you think it’s a bit scummy to say “lol u dont even play Classic” just because a known forum user isn’t using a classic character as their avatar?

Because my posting history was already well established years before Classic’s creations. Miylee is a name known around several boards on this forum.

I guess you really can’t read, or you’re just so stubborn and arrogant that you think you don’t need to read an entire post:

You can type any name in a post, so what you said means nothing, it is proof of nothing.

Me saying you don’t play classic is a valid point as you only post here on retail characters to flame other posts with no constructive criticism and your the one that is bringing up pandas and lvl 90s on classic boards my point still stands retail boards is that way <------

The forum rank is tied to a character and not to an account. So if you ever want to reach the rank where you can post images etc you better stick to one character. I don’t think you knew that, but now you do.

Well I didn’t know that to be honest that is a bit stupid on blizzard though as it’s tied to your active account anyway

That’s great, because I don’t need to prove anything. You either believe that that is my character, or you don’t. Your opinion in the matter is utterly worthless to me.

Wrong. First and foremost, I flame people that deserve it. In this case, both you and the original poster. Remember the last conversation we had where I asked you to actually read what people are telling you? I’m going to give you the exact same request.

Otherwise I’m going in circles repeating myself.

Yes, because you’re the one asking for retail features in the Classic game.

Separate queues = retail.

Hallo me post on da classic character, do me play classic now; mr big brain priest?

You should post on him from now on then if your going on boards to attack someone by looking though their logs to attempt to insult someone while hiding on a retail character.

i didn’t know the guy asking to make PvP fair by limiting premades is retail but okay I guess everyone who has a different opinion from you is retail. since I don’t know what retail is I stopped playing since cata

I guess your against all quality of life or balance in any game but I bet you welcomed the change to stop Allience premading in AV it’s only not retail when it benefits you.

And here is my main I’ve got nothing to hide I’m a casual raider so I could care less about anybody’s logs as it’s nothing to do with this discussion

If that ever happened, then bye bye classic for me. I’m sure there are many more like me in this case as well :slight_smile: